Open letter to the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, the sheriff.
Dear Mayor Tosi, what happened in your city is much more serious than an attack by five thugs, as she was quick to label. What happened is the rotten fruit of a widespread feeling of intolerance that has crystallized over the years, more and more difficult to control because now almost entirely cleared by a certain kind of rhetoric and a certain way of doing politics. E 'unhealthy detritus that goes where the power has been channeled a way of thinking, and follow it to the contrary, it picks the worst case. It's not about political affiliation, but models of companies that want to build.
Dear Mayor Tosi, Verona is black and always has been. A dark black and heavy; an explosive mix of upper middle class, the desperation of the street and organized cheering (remember the Brigades Gialloblu? But I do believe that there are no more?).
Dear Mayor, his fellow Cacciari argues that the resurgence of certain responsibilities (if not the blame, at least the responsibility) is to those who did not want to see that Italy has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. He says that once, in the Veneto region of the White Whale, was the Democrats to pick up the dross of extreme degradation, softening and metabolism. I find this a very interesting sociological reading. Today, that remains the political territory that extends outside of DC right up to the myriad of small groups ranging from far-right Forza Nuova Fiamma Tricolore, is functional in a sense a way of understanding and interpreting company, which She also represents. Dear Mayor, You can not pretend not to know that the leader of the Civic Party in His city council is that this Miglioranzi, former lead singer of "Gesta war," very black punk-Oi! linked to pro-Nazi circles.
Dear Mayor, a few weeks ago, Gad Lerner a host of the infidel, she boasted of being the first city in the people, because it goes to clear the camps in the suburbs at 4 am with the police. But then he discovers that the whole of Italy is at eleven o'clock in the heart that we must be careful to walk.
Dear Mayor, speaking yesterday in "Chi l'ha visto?" You have rightly from his point of view, isolated the incident, but then leaned against the Prodi government to blame for the freedom we still enjoyed those five young people already known and reported to the police. If a Rumanian rapes a woman on the outskirts of Rome Walter Veltroni is the fault of the administration, and if five of Verona and slaughter their fellow countryman in the heart of the government's fault? Forgive me, but I do not think the reading and analysis of a responsible mayor who cares about the problems of your town. There is an ethical responsibility for what you say and can say that it is still higher than what you do. Certain tones, certain messages, some languages \u200b\u200bthat his party for twenty years obsessively repeats end up legitimizing certain attitudes on the part of those who, blinded by silly exaltation, does not have the cultural tools needed to manage, select, contextualize those shades and those posts. A bill, dear Tosi, you rack up some votes in the election campaign, another is to contribute, pretending not to know, to let you sedimentino fears, obsessions, intolerance. I am not among those who wish to political or ideological reading of what happened, and I think even the organized return of a certain kind of neo-fascist violence, but rather in the ultimate gesture of five cowards I see the tragic climax of a message of hate and rejection of the diversity that his party has undoubtedly contributed to feed.
Dear Mayor, the Veneto Skinhead Front, everybody knows, is a reality, not a folk group nor a construction journalist. For some, the VFS is even a real political laboratory, which collects in the deep Northeast orbits far right from across Italy. Now, given that the attack did not result from taking action in motion, one can not deny the existence of this important cell. And the linguistic closeness of his party with that reality is or has been, however subtle, pretty obvious. It is not enough to distance themselves from violence, must decide whether to continue to live with and legitimize with their screams and their proposals or not, forever severing any contiguity easily exploitable. If the right is that you are considered democratic and aspires to govern this country, it's time to learn to soothe the drives, moderate tone and change the language, far more dangerous, sometimes, of the shares.
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