De Magistris: Saturday, May 10 18 HOUR MARKET Austro-Hungarian Empire Piazza Trento e Trieste
"Recycled, defendants convicted of idlers in the new Parliament." So reads the subtitle of this new book by Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez, a well-documented and full-bodied (more than 500 pages) Who's Who of Italian politics that Labor will present in cream, room Alessandrini Wednesday, May 7 at 21. A reading is specifically dedicated by the authors, as stated in the opening pages, "who dreams of clean politics. That is a policy. " The characters and protagonists of the scene are our MPs, from all sides: right, center and left, without exception. Each of them draw Gomez and Labor, with the care and attention that has always characterized them, a very detailed with lots of identikit criminal record, absence and famous phrases. The book is divided into three parts. The first shows the "our list": the "good", ie the list of MPs who, during the last legislature, according to the authors, "have earned re-election to have worked well or have rejected the amnesty laws as a rogue and extra-large tubs to gag journalists' and the list of "bad" (variously articulated in Donkey List, List Free Press, Monnezza list, list our house), that is "Those who would have been better not to see more in Parliament." In the second part appear instead "their lists, or lists of political candidates, party by party. A directory that tells the illuminating light and shadow, deeds and misdeeds, vices and virtues of more than 150 politicians who will participate in the upcoming elections. Among these, the two journalists have identified and reported not only the names which hang on criminal convictions, but also "the loafers, the turncoat, the cambiacasacca, the ignorant, the enemies of law and freedom of information, the co-responsible for the scandal of rubbish in the Campania region, friends of thieves and gangsters who have never crossed the boundaries of the Criminal Code, those who fund house in Rome with the last name below leading either to the office holding "and much more. Finally, the third and final part is a comparison between the work space of the last two governments and majorities, with an account of their "laws of shame", and a summary of the programs of the two major parties: the Democratic Party and the People of the Freedom. The result of a long and painstaking recovery information, archival research, checking the sources, this rich dossier of Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez will be a guide, without secrets and without hesitation, for those who want to learn more about the politicians who present themselves as representatives of Italians between the banks Deputies and Senate
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