had made a commitment to come and cream and keep it. Luigi De Magistris, the prosecutor of Catanzaro, at the forefront in recent months for its investigation of Mafia and politics will be in town Saturday, May 10 to 18 Austro-Hungarian market. To organize the exceptional appointment two groups: the blog "Out The Game" made by some journalists Grilli di Cremona and Crema. A meeting that follows the one already performed by Salvatore Borsellino. The goal is to give the floor to two men who in recent months have had the courage to stay back straight. To give voice to those who - like John Falcone and Paolo Borsellino - was isolated and hampered by politics and the judiciary itself. Luigi De Magistris, the public prosecutor of Catanzaro had the courage to investigate the Justice Minister Clemente Mastella. De Magistris was investigating and trying to do it again on the occult and the committees of business today involving businessmen, politicians, people familiar with the judiciary and the police. Funding "public" handled by a system of interest and patronage. But that same "system" is doing everything to stop it. When those cards came out the name of Prodi and Mastella is all hell broke loose. . The work of De Magistris has clashed repeatedly with the world Political and the press has pointed out that by the organs of power, there have been attempts to stop his investigations. On the subject of much controversial parliamentary questions were presented to him both in a contrary submitted by Senator Bucciero and Centaro and others. Falomi Answered by Deputy Secretary of Li Gotti that in support of Luigi De Magistris.Il September 21, 2007 the former Minister of Justice asked the CSM Mastellaha transfer supervision of the Chief Prosecutor De Magistris and Lombardi. De Magistris, simultaneously, was acquitted of failing to take the necessary measures to prevent the "leak" Why Not on the investigation and that he had had "Casual relationship" with the press. The measure is not immediately operative, and will be subject to final decision by the United Civil Sections of the Supreme Court, before which the prosecutor may appeal against the verdict of the CSM.
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