"I trust in institutions, because until you speaking and travel ideas are created antibodies to fight this vicious system. "Was it really need a message of hope and Luigi De Magistris has brought him. In front of two hundred people, came under the arcades of the Austro-Hungarian market, the Neapolitan pm did not let the easy win rhetoric that invites you to rail against "the system". Rather, with great dignity, walked his way undaunted, one that departs from and leads to a single point: the unconditional love for truth and justice. Words and concepts like "democracy," "truth," "freedom", words of absolute normality, which should not surprise because the pillars of our civilization, but that time is not felt to pronounce with such confidence and serenity. De Magistris has illustrated the difficult life of the prosecution, the relationship with controversial political figures, the isolation in which the courts are often frozen. He recalled with emotion the day of his examination by the magistrate, just a day before the massacre of capacity that killed Giovanni Falcone, his wife and his five bodyguards. Two intense hours, a lesson of peace and democratic culture increasingly rare these days. Like when he cited the famous description Falcone gave the Mafia: "It 's a fact of history and like all historical events have a beginning and will also have an end."
"What should we do to change that Italy?" the asks a lady. Unperturbed, De Magistris, unlike destructive mode in vogue these days, launching a huge message of hope: "It 's a problem of culture: everyone in his small, in his work, to behave with honesty, fairness and dignity ". Thanks Luigi.
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