Thursday, May 22, 2008

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Falcone e Borsellino: the lies of Corriere

title yesterday on the front page of Corriere della Sera: "Falcone e Borsellino: Photos and disputes between family members" The title is saddled with an article by Felice Cavallaro, after a brief introduction on the first page, continued on page 20, on six columns, and already the title changes to "Posters with Falcone and Borsellino, relatives divided on the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism." followed by a subtitle that further confuses instead of clarifying the ideas "No pictures of anyone deemed a hero Mangano." "Controversy out of place." It is not clear who in fact, as is literally the phrase in quotation marks fraudulently reported as if it were a summons, should not be taking photographs, if Berlusconi, Dell'Utri to Schifani or all three in gruppo.Tutto originates from my statement Ansa after a phone call from Lirio Abate.La my statement, that is not absolutely indicated in origin because unmask the hoax set up by Coriiere, is as follows: "Before going to commemorate Falcone and Borsellino politicians like Berlusconi or Schifani declare who should be considered a hero. And if they continue to argue that people like Vittorio Mangano are heroes, then refrain from going to soil the memory of the victims of the Mafia. "Together with this there is a statement by the son of the deputy prosecutor Paolo Borsellino, Manfredi and Alfredo Morvillo, brother-in-law of John and Frances Falcone, also, for the same reason, completely ignored by the Courier, who, referring to the posters with the photo of John Paul and has been upholstered in Palermo, said: "This can not be the answer to the words of the city of Palermo of those who had publicly and repeatedly stated to the country as a hero of a well-known mafia. " "Those words constitute a serious insult to the memory of all Quesi Public servants who lost their lives because of their efforts against the Mafia." The reference is clearly to the unfortunate words of those who have soiled the 'institution has been called to occupy by stating, in full agreement with an accused is convicted mafia as Dell'Utri, who groom Arcore, Vittorio Mangano, who died in prison while serving his numerous convictions for criminal association and other serious crimes of this type, should be considered a real eroe.Questa is disinformation: it takes a story and instead of commenting on the it is and what he says, it buckles under a greenhouse and try to play up alleged disagreements between the relatives of the victims of the Mafia but for this you have to distort the news or invented from scratch. Then double quotes phrases hinting that have been uttered verbatim by someone other hand, in those terms, he never fatto.Il 17 July 2007, when, after years of silence, I started to speak, because anger that was growing inside me every day to see how the indignation of the people that followed the 1992 massacres sel had been weakened if not completely off, I wrote an open letter entitled "July 19, 1992: A massacre of the state." Since then I have wrote many letters I have sent so many open and ANSA reported, all have spread like a virus on the net but none or nearly was published in the national press if not, in some cases, through a few lines out of context and then enucleated quai incomprehensible. In some cases, as in the dispute with the minister about the Mancino's chronic forgetfulness of the meeting he had on 1 July 1992 with Paolo Borsellino and where the cause can be sought trigger of the attack that cost him his life, were not even published my replies to the false claims of Mancino although required under the Act stampa.In reward for my explanation of a behavior of Ansa sull'ignominioso , at the top of the Institutions, first proclaimed as a criminal hero Vittorio Mangano and other claims to appear in Palermo and pretend to honor two of which judges should refrain from uttering, not dirty, just the name, fits and it highlights a sense that the news is misrepresenting the words of my dichiarazione.Ho a deep respect for the institutions and that is why I wish that were not contaminated by those who, in a manner unworthy, the deals.

Salvatore Borsellino


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