Friday, May 23, 2008

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Appeals for the Roma people

The Gypsy and the illegal immigrant can not become scapegoats.
Appeal: "The sleep of reason produces monsters."

Recent news events, and their increased representation media, have led to a dramatic rise in a widespread attitude of suspicion, if not genuine expressions of racism towards Gypsies, Italians and immigrants.

The verbal denigration, generally live in these communities as well as the overt violence and racism against them, can not be tolerated in any way. Often these behaviors are justified as a response to the alleged high rate of deviance of the people, forgetting that the crimes themselves are always made by individuals and criminal liability is, by law, individual.

An intelligent policy for the benefit of the security of individuals and the community, would be to analyze the causes that lead to greater delinquency among these people (social and cultural marginalization, lack of integration policies, etc..) Providing measures really to govern immigration and security policies combine with those of acceptance and integration. He prefers instead to beat the key on people's fear and the need for tougher laws and penalties.

E 'is also strange that the hype on security and fear of the Italians, occurs exactly when the Ministry of Justice demonstrates, statistics in hand, that the offenses have declined in Italy and in Europe - our country is one of the safest in terms of the order public.

The suspicion that there is a clear direction behind these mass media campaigns is inevitably strong, a director intended to make the law more acceptable to intolerable measures against the rights of the person. A direction that shifts the focus of the Italians from the heavy economic and social decline in which we live, to an external enemy and a target: the gypsy, the immigrant, the other.
As often happens in history, on this side as the Italian people have short memories and it seems reasonable to accept verbal attacks and measures against Gypsies that we consider unacceptable when directed at other ethnic groups or peoples. It 's a dangerous attitude and, in the words of Goya, "the sleep of reason produces monsters."

It is never our fault if things go wrong, it's always the fault of someone else and so, as we beiamo the supposed invincibility of Italian creativity, we are not aware that the crisis our country faced the challenges of globalization is also crisis capacity of interacting with the outside world, the cultures of others, the peaceful management of the phenomena of our century, as European unity and migration.

In any case, it is certain that only a policy of outright repression of crimes that stem from social problems will be a web of Penelope, and if there also will be directed towards removing the causes of the condition of the Roma, will not help much: unless certainly not raise the escalation to the collective deportation, indiscriminate arrest, or worse, what fortunately prohibited by international regulations. Latter observation does not seem rhetorical: Roma and Sinti were victims in the camps, and the tragedy that is remembered as Porajmos Gypsy language, and is equivalent to the Holocaust of the Jewish people, poses a duty of memory and a responsibility of all for the present and the future.

the undersigned Promoters of this appeal, working in the field of immigration and social problems, with disparate experiences and inspirations from different political, cultural and religious, offer these points to the government national, regional and local media, and social workers as well as those of police

Fighting media campaign aimed at creating racist and xenophobic attitudes towards gypsies, but also immigration in general.
adopt effective security policies and close the camps, ghettos and as a source of marginalization and lawlessness, encouraging measures of true acceptance and integration of these communities, the "camps" are expensive, perpetuate discrimination, hampering effective integration. I am also a "gray area" of lawlessness, which must be made light, primarily to protect the weakest among those who live there.
proceed to a true and complete census of individuals and families of gypsies in Italy, as a first step towards integration measures varied and effective;
For children and young, born and bred in the slums, provision should be made with courage and creativity opportunities integration and even citizenship, capable of breaking the circuit is really hellish future abduction;
reduce cases of deportation only for people who are not entitled or who have committed crimes legally substantiated, those who have this title, must also be treated with respect and dignity. Prevent the conditions of marginalization, poverty and crime will always be more rational and less expensive than repress the results. It
integration between the European, national, regional and local: it is necessary to avoid the syndrome of "not in my backyard: the Roma are not garbage.
keep the collective memory of Porajmos, even encouraging historical research about the concentration camps set up by the Italian government in the fascist period, an event guiltily removed and forgotten.
Encourage the voice of the Italian Roma and Sinti, which today are the only minority language history of our country to not enjoy any protection: hope for the emergence of a representative group of Italian gypsy community.

Who will support this appeal can send your membership to: Giuseppe Casucci

: g.casucci @
Luca Cefis: luca.cefisi @
Piero Soldini: pennies @ home.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

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Falcone e Borsellino: the lies of Corriere

title yesterday on the front page of Corriere della Sera: "Falcone e Borsellino: Photos and disputes between family members" The title is saddled with an article by Felice Cavallaro, after a brief introduction on the first page, continued on page 20, on six columns, and already the title changes to "Posters with Falcone and Borsellino, relatives divided on the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism." followed by a subtitle that further confuses instead of clarifying the ideas "No pictures of anyone deemed a hero Mangano." "Controversy out of place." It is not clear who in fact, as is literally the phrase in quotation marks fraudulently reported as if it were a summons, should not be taking photographs, if Berlusconi, Dell'Utri to Schifani or all three in gruppo.Tutto originates from my statement Ansa after a phone call from Lirio Abate.La my statement, that is not absolutely indicated in origin because unmask the hoax set up by Coriiere, is as follows: "Before going to commemorate Falcone and Borsellino politicians like Berlusconi or Schifani declare who should be considered a hero. And if they continue to argue that people like Vittorio Mangano are heroes, then refrain from going to soil the memory of the victims of the Mafia. "Together with this there is a statement by the son of the deputy prosecutor Paolo Borsellino, Manfredi and Alfredo Morvillo, brother-in-law of John and Frances Falcone, also, for the same reason, completely ignored by the Courier, who, referring to the posters with the photo of John Paul and has been upholstered in Palermo, said: "This can not be the answer to the words of the city of Palermo of those who had publicly and repeatedly stated to the country as a hero of a well-known mafia. " "Those words constitute a serious insult to the memory of all Quesi Public servants who lost their lives because of their efforts against the Mafia." The reference is clearly to the unfortunate words of those who have soiled the 'institution has been called to occupy by stating, in full agreement with an accused is convicted mafia as Dell'Utri, who groom Arcore, Vittorio Mangano, who died in prison while serving his numerous convictions for criminal association and other serious crimes of this type, should be considered a real eroe.Questa is disinformation: it takes a story and instead of commenting on the it is and what he says, it buckles under a greenhouse and try to play up alleged disagreements between the relatives of the victims of the Mafia but for this you have to distort the news or invented from scratch. Then double quotes phrases hinting that have been uttered verbatim by someone other hand, in those terms, he never fatto.Il 17 July 2007, when, after years of silence, I started to speak, because anger that was growing inside me every day to see how the indignation of the people that followed the 1992 massacres sel had been weakened if not completely off, I wrote an open letter entitled "July 19, 1992: A massacre of the state." Since then I have wrote many letters I have sent so many open and ANSA reported, all have spread like a virus on the net but none or nearly was published in the national press if not, in some cases, through a few lines out of context and then enucleated quai incomprehensible. In some cases, as in the dispute with the minister about the Mancino's chronic forgetfulness of the meeting he had on 1 July 1992 with Paolo Borsellino and where the cause can be sought trigger of the attack that cost him his life, were not even published my replies to the false claims of Mancino although required under the Act stampa.In reward for my explanation of a behavior of Ansa sull'ignominioso , at the top of the Institutions, first proclaimed as a criminal hero Vittorio Mangano and other claims to appear in Palermo and pretend to honor two of which judges should refrain from uttering, not dirty, just the name, fits and it highlights a sense that the news is misrepresenting the words of my dichiarazione.Ho a deep respect for the institutions and that is why I wish that were not contaminated by those who, in a manner unworthy, the deals.

Salvatore Borsellino

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May 23, 1992 - May 23, 2008: What to not forget homeless in Piazza Duomo

"It usually dies because one is alone or why he entered a game too big. They die because they often do not have the necessary alliances, because it is devoid of support. In Sicily, the Mafia struck the servants of the State that the State failed to protect. " (Giovanni Falcone). It's been exactly 16 years since that May 23, 1992. That day, Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and the boys of the escort were killed by a bomb placed in Capaci under the highway through a toy. Italy responded. Took to the streets in miles. They protested against the Mafia. A human chain gathered around a courthouse, around Paolo Borsellino. Sixteen years later, where are all ones that were in place in those days? Where are the thirty-somethings that they shook hands? What happened to the young people who made signs and raised their voices? In Italy, the story has not changed. The Mafia has not yet been defeated. The relationship between the Mafia and politics were strengthened. Several governments have passed since then. Justice is done in the hands of Mastella, of Alfano. Tangentopoli was born and over. On the highway at Capaci has remained a pillar. The guard rail is not even painted red. A few weeks ago a bus driver Palermo said, "Those two, Falcone and Borsellino, leave them in peace. "And we remember that May 23 or maybe we too are complicit in quell'autista want to leave them in peace? Or even worse, but let them remember that their teaching remains ink on the books ?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

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I wonder if the good God at least he will have realized Monday night that under the portico of the City, a stick of middle-aged, Italian , was preparing his bed of newspapers for the night. Surely you have not noticed the middle class, have not noticed passers distracted and did not notice even the prelates that those house parties and church. Yet in the center, under the gaze of the statues which are placed in the Town Hall Gallery, a man Monday evening while a terrible storm hit the town, which is arranged in some way. It was not a rom. It was not the usual Romanian. And even the Moroccan rapist. It was an Italian man. One likely that night did not find a door where knocking. A person without a home. Without money. Not affected. Yes, cream not only in the conferences on cosmetics. Maybe someone has other problems before the cosmetic industry. And maybe we should worry a bit 'all of these poverty. Before it's too late ...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Easyworship Transition

Rita Borsellino Cream Sunday, May 25

Cream Sunday, May 25 will have the opportunity to meet again with Rita Borsellino, sister of murdered by the Mafia judge Paolo July 19, 1992. It was in 2002 that Rita was no longer in Crema. An aside long. What has happened since then? Where were we? The last time Rita came to Cream was to dedicate to the late Nino Caponnetto the square in front of the cinema. Since that year many things have changed. Rita in 2004 decided to run for president of Sicily against Totò Cuffaro. A courageous choice. A choice that gave him trouble. For those who have the defect of memory: do you remember them as the Daisy and Ds who proposed Pippo Baudo instead of Rita? Were the primary desired by the people of Sicily, and Rita, to dictate the verdict. Rutelli row against her Ferdinando Latteri today in the ranks of the People of Freedom. Rita won the primary in a landslide. He ran against Toto vasa vasa. Toto won. Do not we have made it to 300 000 votes despite a campaign in which participated for the first time, the program was written together, parties and civil society organizations in those sites Borsellino has called for the program and still living on territory to develop policy proposals and support the efforts of Rita Borsellino. Totò Cuffaro in 2008, after the conviction, is forced to resign. You return to the elections. And Rita? Who looks at things from the outside would say ricandidiamola. But no. Walter Veltroni launches candidacy Anna Finocchiaro. No recognition to Rita. Here is the project were not managed with the primary we have managed to take him out now. Rita do not give up. Search the unity of the left. He ran in tandem with Anna Finocchiaro not to create divisions. It happens that not even being invited to the initiatives unit. Perhaps we should make a campaign all by herself. Without any support. Anna Finocchiaro loses. It takes fewer votes to Rita, a candidate for president. Finocchiaro has higher ambitions than to stay to do in Sicily after the parliamentary deceived voters in Sicily goes to the Senate. And in Sicily? Who's left? Rita Borsellino? No! In parliament enters Sonia Alfano, a candidate for presidenre Grilli. He got fewer votes than Borsellino but has the right to stay in parliament who was nominated for president. And Rita? Rita again. Start over from the people. Starting once again with us. Also from Crema.

Program of the day
At 10.30 there is a law
bicycle through the streets of the city with a stop at 11:15 wide Falcone Borsellino Crema where cyclists will make a public commemoration and Rita Borsellino take the word to remember. A "stop" in a symbolic place as the square was inaugurated in 1999 by its Caponnetto with Nino Borsellino, Gian Carlo Caselli and Gherardo Colombo. From there we will start the time bar of the Park where a lunch was organized in support of the project "Another story" Rita Borsellino . There will be political intervention and the comparison with Crema expected by many people.
Everyone can participate in the dinner: just register by May 22 by calling Franco (333 4564412), Alex (339 5835339) or Alvaro (339 4165588) or send an email to sinistrarcobaleno.crema @

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

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Consultant for Cream safe? A message of hope

These days, in the wake of the appointment "pizzettiana" Sorrentino's in Cremona and in accordance with the Safety Alert fomented by the media and center-right, someone Cream began talking about a super appointment for Benito Melchionna Prosecutor almost retired. Cream does not need any super prosecutor, no security consultant. Blocchiamola this proposal in the bud. And Melchionna, I am sure, that does not need the advice of the City of Crema. Thwart this proposal because there is no cream in Safety Alert. There is no invasion of Romanian and even the dreaded (by settimanele the 'Opinion') wave of Roma. To my knowledge, there are collectors of lace. And even the attacks of Mafia. Cream lives the drama of drug dealing as many other cities but there is to say with sincerity: if there is offered because there are customers. And customers are now the middle and upper classes of the city and beyond. So would a super consultant for prevention.
thwart a proposal that would be costly for the citizens of Crema. Our police forces, the work of the Commissioner, the Company of Carabinieri, the local police and that's it. If anything we give them a hand.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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"I trust in institutions, because until you speaking and travel ideas are created antibodies to fight this vicious system. "Was it really need a message of hope and Luigi De Magistris has brought him. In front of two hundred people, came under the arcades of the Austro-Hungarian market, the Neapolitan pm did not let the easy win rhetoric that invites you to rail against "the system". Rather, with great dignity, walked his way undaunted, one that departs from and leads to a single point: the unconditional love for truth and justice. Words and concepts like "democracy," "truth," "freedom", words of absolute normality, which should not surprise because the pillars of our civilization, but that time is not felt to pronounce with such confidence and serenity. De Magistris has illustrated the difficult life of the prosecution, the relationship with controversial political figures, the isolation in which the courts are often frozen. He recalled with emotion the day of his examination by the magistrate, just a day before the massacre of capacity that killed Giovanni Falcone, his wife and his five bodyguards. Two intense hours, a lesson of peace and democratic culture increasingly rare these days. Like when he cited the famous description Falcone gave the Mafia: "It 's a fact of history and like all historical events have a beginning and will also have an end."

"What should we do to change that Italy?" the asks a lady. Unperturbed, De Magistris, unlike destructive mode in vogue these days, launching a huge message of hope: "It 's a problem of culture: everyone in his small, in his work, to behave with honesty, fairness and dignity ". Thanks Luigi.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Answers To Unit 8 Level C

Market Austro-Hungarian Empire: riprendiamocelo

Saturday, May 10 we have chosen to arrange the meeting with the prosecutor Luigi De Magistris Austro-Hungarian market for two reasons. The first: now every town hall at a cost. The second: the summer was worth having the right to meet in a "theater" natural beauty of this magnificent city. Sin that the former corn market is getting worse tanned. The Habsburgs would turn in his grave to know how it was reduced. For thirty years that splendid structure has remained the same. But worse. The Austro-Hungarian market could become an exhibition space for the city, a place closed in winter, open in summer, could be made safe. It cleaned up, of course. We try to avoid becoming the privileged place of those who bring the dogs to do their business. Dear fellow citizens, dear administrators, does not take much. Cream needs of civilization. Start out from here. From the heart of the city.

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Solidarity with Marco Travaglio

Inform bothers to power. Bother those on the right, center and left. What he has done and said Marco Travaglio by Fazio is to inform. It 's too in this country?

We express our solidarity with Marco Wednesday, 7 had repeated the same things said on TV in the room at Cream Alessandrini. There is a solution: spreading through the network.

Below we present the details of Renato Schifani. Divulghiamola.

Renato Giuseppe Schifani (FI) Population: Born in Palermo on May 11 1950.Curriculum: Degree in Law, lawyer, and since 2001 leader of the Senate FI; three legislatures (1996, 2001, 2006). Signs Specialities: bears his name and that of Senator Antonio Maccanico of the Olive, the law passed in June 2003 to stop the ongoing trials of Silvio Berlusconi: The award-Maccanico Schifani immune under the guise of making the "five senior State " (Although the other four had no running processes). The rule, however, was declared unconstitutional by the Advisory January 13, 2004. Former Justice Minister Filippo Mancuso from Palermo, Schifani called "the prince of the Forum of debt," even though Schifani is more than anything in the past have been a lawyer expert in urban planning. In the eighties he was a partner with Enrico La Loggia company Villabate, Nino Mandalà, then sentenced to eight years in first instance to the Mafia and 4 for dummy header of goods, and entrepreneur Benny D'Agostino, then convicted for collusion with the Mafia. According to the repentant Frank Campanella, in the nineties: the
Villabate plan, basic planning tool according to the mall that you wanted to achieve and around which the interests of racketeers and politicians, it was agreed by Antonio Mandalà with La Loggia. The deal would have provided for the assignment of a confidence of their designer, Mr. Guzzardo, and the office of the mayor's expert on urban development. In exchange, La Loggia, Schifani Guzzardo and would divide the amounts of fees Prg design and consulting. The plan of Villabate formed on claims that were built by the same Anthony and Nicola Mandala [the son of Anthony for a couple of years he edited the movement and fugitive Bernardo Provenzano, author's note], according to the instructions of the members of the Mafia family and agreed to the kickbacks.
Schifani, which actually was an advisor of the municipality's urban Villabate, and La Loggia announced a lawsuit against Campanella.
Schifani of famous phrases: "Rita Borsellino uses his brother's name for political ends" (September 12, 2003)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Estructura Lewis Clf2

Other than anti-politics. Cream wants the real policy. Docet labor. De Magistris ARRIVES AND SATURDAY TO 18 IN PIAZZA TRIESTE E TRENTO

Other than anti politics. People, they want Crema to talk politics but one with a capital P, the one that Marco Travaglio dedicated "If you know avoid them." They have demonstrated more than 500 people who came in Alessandrini hall meeting organized by our blog and friends of Grillo di Cremona. Alessandrini not seen the room so full since it was years ago, Sabina Guzzanti. There is no party that manages to attract so many people. One thing to think about. Many and generous. Because what was done was organized by law-abiding citizens who do not have positions in any municipal party, and have no golden salaries. The audience thus the costs involved: thank you! Marco Travaglio E? The "protagonist" of the Italian media gave the best, did not spare the center-right, much less the center-left, from a carryover of Schifani Crisafulli, by Formigoni "that is so high that the ideas did not come to the head" Bersani "so loved by Cl in the North because the cooperatives are red business with those of Communion and Liberation. " Truth. Facts. Many have been able to bother you but it is. Entertaining the curtain on political jackasses who do not know who is the Pope, who exchanges with the Rcs Insurance. But there are those who save the lists of Marco Travaglio: Rosy Bindi, Giorgia Meloni, Nando Dalla Chiesa was out Veltroni. Repeats Saturday. In the Austro-Hungarian market will host 18 Luigi De Magistris, the prosecutor who heads held high, his back Straight has not spared investigations Prodi and Mastella. An extraordinary reunion. Another meeting to show that there is a city that wants to be there.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sadlier Vocab Answers Level E

SOS for Information

The cleaver

Every time I get the information without a filter causes irritation to those lobbying for more power whether or not declared. As one of the promoters of the project for a new television format designed by Juliet Church aims to provide information free and democratic, I would give full support to Michele Santoro and Marco Travaglio for unjustified attacks suffered as a result of the episode of Annozero last May 1.
The "guilt" Santoro was to have given room for the V-Day Beppe Grillo, an event that brought 100,000 people to the streets and that a petition has scored a record: more than 1 million in one day. An event that has been taken over by television worldwide.
It was therefore important to talk extensively on state television, in the name of what is called right stories.
reactions decomposed that has attracted the airing of footage of some V-Day instead bring to light the frantic search for concealment of the truth that reigns in our country.
Annozero is definitely a voice "outside the box", a program free, able to provide uncensored news from political leaders according to official information.
Perhaps someone can not agree on everything Michele Santoro proposed within its program, but the fact remains that very often because of its transmission has the opportunity to learn news about our country that we should otherwise search in the foreign media. Yet another demonstration of the fact that Italy is in 35th place in the world for press freedom. On 1 May
Annozero we witnessed scenes unworthy of a civilized country.
The following of insults, vulgarity and obscenity against several vomited by Vittorio Sgarbi Marco Travaglio speak for themselves.
recording of the program shows all the time that has prevented Travaglio Sgarbi speaking, whenever he has verbally attacked by him but never received the same treatment as abusive. We must not forget that
Vittorio Sgarbi is the one who gave years ago to the Assassin and Anthony Caponnetto Gian Carlo Caselli. This perfectly qualifies carat Moral of the subject.
If one intends to do the servant of Berlusconi and the servant of power generally does not interfere in matters which do not understand anything. Make art critic, dealing with culture or other, but he left such important issues as the information.
And above all, stop telling lies. In 2002 Enzo Biagi was chased from Rai and this is a historical fact. Expelled from that for too many years that Rai is controlled by the political power in those years was played by Silvio Berlusconi, who has now been with the same objectives with impunity.
Berlusconi himself at one point he stopped to give space to the transmission Sgarbi Vittorio Sgarbi newspapers (Channel 5) because he had passed all bounds. Now obviously Mr. Sgarbi may come back into vogue.
With great sadness we hope not to see more new characters like delusions of stealing valuable space to the real information and above all not having to see new "edicts Bulgarians able to silence the few remaining free voices.
A Santoro, Labor and the editorial team of Annozero renewed solidarity.

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Not to forget Moro and Peppino

"We do not want to be men of the past, but those of the future. The future does not belong to conservatives and to the tyrants and innovators careful, serious, not rhetoric. And that tomorrow in the civil society, it belongs to, even for this, largely, to the revolutionary force and savior of Christianity. So let the dead bury the dead. We are different from the tired and rare supporters of a world long passed. "(Aldo Moro).
Thirty years ago it was the statesman. And with him in Cinisi (Sicily) also died Peppino Impastato. deaths in one day. The first killed by the Red Brigades, the other accused for years of being dead as he was blowing up a railway line. After thirty years, perhaps we have forgotten Aldo Moro and Giuseppe Impastato. We are distracted. We have forgotten the true policy. We are afraid to speak out as he did Peppino.
How many times have I walked those hundred steps between the house and the home of Peppino Badalamenti. I still remember the eyes of the mother who met Peppino Cinisi, at his home, hundreds of young people. And everyone said, 'Do not forget to Peppino. "We will not forget dear Felicia.
Last Monday I was in Rome. For the first time I was in Via Fani. I read on the asphalt-colored stone the names of the bodyguards of Moro. Names that have never been spoken so far of my mouth. Names that have taught me to remember. At school yesterday and today reminds Moro with a simple moment of silence. It is not enough. It is not enough to ensure that More does not remain a minute of silence. " We will not forget. Indeed. That's the phrase we do ours. And you refer to. In the hope that sooner or later something changes in our Italy distracted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kates Playground

Open letter to the mayor of Verona, Flavio Tosi, the sheriff.

Dear Mayor Tosi, what happened in your city is much more serious than an attack by five thugs, as she was quick to label. What happened is the rotten fruit of a widespread feeling of intolerance that has crystallized over the years, more and more difficult to control because now almost entirely cleared by a certain kind of rhetoric and a certain way of doing politics. E 'unhealthy detritus that goes where the power has been channeled a way of thinking, and follow it to the contrary, it picks the worst case. It's not about political affiliation, but models of companies that want to build.
Dear Mayor Tosi, Verona is black and always has been. A dark black and heavy; an explosive mix of upper middle class, the desperation of the street and organized cheering (remember the Brigades Gialloblu? But I do believe that there are no more?).
Dear Mayor, his fellow Cacciari argues that the resurgence of certain responsibilities (if not the blame, at least the responsibility) is to those who did not want to see that Italy has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. He says that once, in the Veneto region of the White Whale, was the Democrats to pick up the dross of extreme degradation, softening and metabolism. I find this a very interesting sociological reading. Today, that remains the political territory that extends outside of DC right up to the myriad of small groups ranging from far-right Forza Nuova Fiamma Tricolore, is functional in a sense a way of understanding and interpreting company, which She also represents. Dear Mayor, You can not pretend not to know that the leader of the Civic Party in His city council is that this Miglioranzi, former lead singer of "Gesta war," very black punk-Oi! linked to pro-Nazi circles.
Dear Mayor, a few weeks ago, Gad Lerner a host of the infidel, she boasted of being the first city in the people, because it goes to clear the camps in the suburbs at 4 am with the police. But then he discovers that the whole of Italy is at eleven o'clock in the heart that we must be careful to walk.
Dear Mayor, speaking yesterday in "Chi l'ha visto?" You have rightly from his point of view, isolated the incident, but then leaned against the Prodi government to blame for the freedom we still enjoyed those five young people already known and reported to the police. If a Rumanian rapes a woman on the outskirts of Rome Walter Veltroni is the fault of the administration, and if five of Verona and slaughter their fellow countryman in the heart of the government's fault? Forgive me, but I do not think the reading and analysis of a responsible mayor who cares about the problems of your town. There is an ethical responsibility for what you say and can say that it is still higher than what you do. Certain tones, certain messages, some languages \u200b\u200bthat his party for twenty years obsessively repeats end up legitimizing certain attitudes on the part of those who, blinded by silly exaltation, does not have the cultural tools needed to manage, select, contextualize those shades and those posts. A bill, dear Tosi, you rack up some votes in the election campaign, another is to contribute, pretending not to know, to let you sedimentino fears, obsessions, intolerance. I am not among those who wish to political or ideological reading of what happened, and I think even the organized return of a certain kind of neo-fascist violence, but rather in the ultimate gesture of five cowards I see the tragic climax of a message of hate and rejection of the diversity that his party has undoubtedly contributed to feed.
Dear Mayor, the Veneto Skinhead Front, everybody knows, is a reality, not a folk group nor a construction journalist. For some, the VFS is even a real political laboratory, which collects in the deep Northeast orbits far right from across Italy. Now, given that the attack did not result from taking action in motion, one can not deny the existence of this important cell. And the linguistic closeness of his party with that reality is or has been, however subtle, pretty obvious. It is not enough to distance themselves from violence, must decide whether to continue to live with and legitimize with their screams and their proposals or not, forever severing any contiguity easily exploitable. If the right is that you are considered democratic and aspires to govern this country, it's time to learn to soothe the drives, moderate tone and change the language, far more dangerous, sometimes, of the shares.