Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pregnancy How Sweet It Is Answers

stroll through the park of Colle Oppio and see as usual, and always the same place, a bunch of kids playing football with great passion. Once there were the lavish gardens and the home of Nero. Reading his biogafie different, often conflicting, I conclude that contrary to these young players and a youth he lived a 'troubled childhood, as he was surrounded by assassins and poisoners. The compulsion to commit suicide was the norm. An ambiguous environment and cruel. His mother, ambitious for political reasons and dynastic arranged the marriage of his son, just sixteen, with the twelve year old sister Claudia Octavia. Nero was having trained as a tutor Seneca. According to the latest research seems to have been a great artist. So far as history has handed down as an amateur in the field of music is that of painting. Definitely good times have passed them, I hope.
Seeing the photo of Pine and me sitting on a bench with our backs to the ruins of Nero's house, I dived on many pages of Google that touch this subject. Here are two words on the residence of the emperor.
After the disastrous fire of 64 AD that destroyed Rome, the emperor Nero (Lucius Domitius Enobarbus, Anzio 15 December 37 - Rome, 9 June 68) built the Domus Aurea. It was designed by architects Severus and Celer and was built in brick, the Emperor was interested in every detail of the project and personally supervised the work. Nerone had it built with the aim of creating a huge residence, which was to be the largest and most valuable in the world. He became a house for parties with more than 300 rooms, including even a bedroom, even kitchens and latrines have been found. The real home of Nero, however, remained in the imperial palaces of the Palatine. The Golden House was probably reserved only leisure and idleness of the emperor and his guests. On the floor there were several pools, and fountains in the hallways. Because of its rich decorations in gold and for its prestigious furniture acquired the name Domus Aurea (Golden House). The house was extended about 2.5 km. She was surrounded by gardens with pavilions for parties. The gardens included forests, vineyards and partly artificial lakes and wildlife. Nero also commissioned a colossal bronze statue of 35 meters depicting himself wearing the dress of the Roman sun god Apollo, the Colossus Neronis. It is assumed that in the Middle Ages was called the Flavian Amphitheatre Colosseum, from this statue. When
Nero entered for the first time in his Domus Aurea exclaimed: "Good! Finally I can start living as a human being!"
After the emperor's death by suicide occurred in thirty years of age, the building Nero, stripped of marble and works of art, in 104 AD it was destroyed by fire and subsequently filled with earth during the construction of the Baths of Trajan, thus enabling the storage up to today's residential core of the Colle Oppio consists of about 150 rooms. In this way, the "grotesque" paintings survived. The sand worked as protecting the volcanic ash of Pompeii from their eternal enemy, the humidity.


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