Friday, March 4, 2011

How Many Calories In Small Shrimp

We stand by the children down

by on Thursday March 3, 2011

While we are inundated with news of riots and massacres from the South side of the Mediterranean, the French Parliament, during the revision of the law on bioethics, the silence and indifference of the media is taking yet another attempt at suppression of innocent fetuses suffering from Down syndrome . Of this fact we shall inform the gynecologist Carlo Bellieni, that was rejected an amendment to inform and support the woman on the future of her baby diagnosed with Down syndrome. Just when you need more comfort, the woman is left to itself, the fact is suggested that therapeutic abortion is justified by the suffering of an imaginary child.

The issue of children with disabilities be eliminated before birth is rooted in the mists of time . Down towards the more evident, since some minor physical features, general ignorance, for centuries have betrayed dubious source. If desired, the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscrimination and have less "deformed" we could make it back to the climate of ancient Greece, where the meaning of life is condensed in the invitation to the Epicurean "enjoy the present without cure for tomorrow." Much of the culture of the time, as in some ways the current one, was spent in the pursuit of happiness in the enjoyment of the fleeting moment. Aristotle, in the footsteps of the great master (Plato), in Book VII of the policy, justifying slavery and misogynistic prejudices, typical of pre-Christian culture in this regard suggested that the organization of society should respect the human nature that requires the superiority of more strong over the weak, so as to provide "a law that forbids families to raise children malformed." This ethic

selective prospered long, rooting, on and off, in historical cycles thereafter. Then, as you know, on the premise of building a race "pure" were elaborate crazy theories, allegations of genetic superiority and selection, resulting in the persecution of the less gifted, the less productive, or at least those who had submitted a behavior considered deviant. The discovery of DNA and the subsequent manipulation of the genome (it is easier to identify an embryo with genetic defects such as trisomy 21), the silence and indifference general, did the rest, causing existential anxiety in the families of these people . We remember only two characters of great moral stature and cultural as Arthur Miller and Albert Einstein, who live in the obsession of guilt for leaving their children with disabilities in institutions. The daughter of silent film, based on the novel by Kim Edwards and referred to something that happened in England in the sixties, is a summary of this anxiety.

The first attempt to stop this inhuman massacre occurred with the discovery of the cause of Down syndrome by French Jerome Lejeune, who spotted an anomaly in the twenty-first chromosome. daughter Clara tells us that his father called "the abortion of children so friendly, so happy, so childlike, one of the most abominable crimes," he fought like a lion because it would end this discrimination and providing for easy recognition in vitro , hoped that one day, as the plug bifida, could be treated in utero. Unfortunately, the hapless luminary assist helpless distortion of its discovery. In fact, in the Seventies, just a proposed law in France opened the debate on 'the elimination of defective infants. On that occasion, the distinguished geneticist, after being applauded by the great Earth, nominated for the Nobel prize, named in WHO expert on human genetics and later first president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, was overshadowed by media around the world and neglected by most of his peers for having opposed strongly to the draft law on abortion.

Down Yet today could be the mirror of our consciousness. Those born after the sixties can be considered lucky guy, as for an increasingly large proportion of society represent a value. Quest'apprezzamento The reason is that the level of awareness of their potential has grown exponentially thanks to those associations of families of disabled people and experts to which the radical-chic French want to prevent access to gynecological clinics. Down I'm not like a certain culture and certain academics would like to paint them, suggesting that they would be part of a sub-human 'suffering, devoid of reason and self-consciousness, unable to communicate and produce. " From the standpoint of quality of life, we can say that using their skills (or ability) of the Down are able to achieve goals similar to those of all other people. @


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