And Jesus? And Plutarch .......
A study from the original greek from the New Testament reveals that Jesus, being hungry, did not ask "Do you have meat?" The correct translation of his application would be instead: "Do you have something to eat?" In all cases the greek original speaks of "food" in general.
The problem then shifts to the interpretation of the source material, translations and, sometimes, on bad translations.
What about the miracle of bread and fish?
Some scholars of the Bible, taking account of the merciful Jesus, suggest that the "fish" were a lot of meatballs made from a plant marine plant known as the fish. A type of food spread across today. There is a practical consideration: the balls were kept in the oven without the raw fish, in that warm climate, go bad very quickly ruining every other food is in the same basket.
is important that in the early manuscripts of the Gospel there is no mention of the fish, the miracle is described as bread and fruit.
The justification of Christian eating meat are based on inaccurate translations or literal interpretations of the Christian symbolism of all subjective.
Genesis 1.29 And God said, Behold, I give you every herb bearing seed on the surface of all the earth and every tree which has fruit yielding seed, this will be yours for food. "
Plutarch (Chaeronea, 46-127), wrote in De esu carnium:" You ask under what reasoning Pythagoras abstained from eating meat, I Instead ask, full of wonder, what provision, mind and thought the first man touched his mouth with blood and touched with his lips the flesh of an animal killed, preparing the table with corpses and lifeless idols, and has also called "delicacies" that only those members just before bellowing, shouting and moving and seeing. How could support the view that the killing of beings were slaughtered, skinned and cut to pieces, like the smell held the stench? As such contamination is not repugnant to the taste, to touch the wounds of other living beings and in the mood and drinking the blood of fatal wounds? "Pino
Once, my husband, he said:" With this our vegetarian diet I morally I feel really good. "
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Quickbooks 2009 License Number
Fifth Commandment ... and five shots
Christ's words from "Cosmic Soul". The Fifth Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" commandment
guilt: "Why he commanded: Bring out that animal. So he is guilty of having ordered to capture the creature "
second shot:" Why drag the animal, trembling and reluctant, in pain and torment "
Third fault: Because he orders: kill this animal "In fact, anyone who eats meat is the very one that, albeit indirectly, gives the order to kill the animal. Fourth
guilt: "Why then the animal to death in pain and misery." For the same reason, those who eat meat causes pain and torment to animals. Fifth
guilt: "Why does he then restore inconveniently, so he is won for the fifth time gross negligence." Ie to eat this food with others, bringing them guilty, and in addition with a food does not act unseemly man.
raining a lot, I went to shop for a few hours and stay at home. A lady of the building asked me to go to a movie together , I think, but already I see happen in the evening with David and Laura of the movies in their room that David download from your computer. Films recent and dated, sometimes considerable. I hear the beautiful music at Classical 102 and I should just throw me on the research, which is like a matryoshka: try and find a topic into another and another. Copying many pages, I sorted and then make a collage is a commitment. It 's a hobby-job that fills my mind and many moments of my days and at night it happens that the thoughts go to my blogspots.'d Better start writing.
Despite being a simple and direct, is rarely taken literally. The literal Hebrew Exodus 20:13, who introduced him, saying "the tirtzach. According to Reuben Alcalay, tirtzach the term refers to "any kind of killing." The exact translation, then, asks us to abstain from killing in its entirety. And 'no doubt that an animal is a living being is born, grows, maintains, reproduces, grows old and eventually dies. What's life can be killed, and kill it means to transgress a commandment holy as the others.
Association Vegetarian Pets:
According to the Buddha, the meat should be eaten in any case, adding: "Who takes away the lives of animals five times gross negligence." Before guilt: "Why he commanded: Bring out that animal. So he is guilty of having ordered to capture the creature "
second shot:" Why drag the animal, trembling and reluctant, in pain and torment "
Third fault: Because he orders: kill this animal "In fact, anyone who eats meat is the very one that, albeit indirectly, gives the order to kill the animal. Fourth
guilt: "Why then the animal to death in pain and misery." For the same reason, those who eat meat causes pain and torment to animals. Fifth
guilt: "Why does he then restore inconveniently, so he is won for the fifth time gross negligence." Ie to eat this food with others, bringing them guilty, and in addition with a food does not act unseemly man.
Leather Braided Bracelets With Names
Monsignor Mario Canciani (18-1-1928/20-10-2007)
There must have been about ten years ago that one of my sons and I went to the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in person to know the parish priest Don Canciani, the animal lover. We read the newspapers every Sunday opened the doors of his church to domestic animals and blessed them. There came the desire to meet someone so special. I remember loving, sweet and cultured.
E 'died October 22, 2007 at eighty and has appeared on The Courier this obituary dedicated to him:
"Farewell to Don Canciani, the parish priest of animals. San Giovanni dei Fiorentini and a Romanesque church known to all animals and zoophilic Italic, believers, practitioners, agnostics and atheists. The parish was a man known for his open-mindedness towards non-human animals. There are many religious and diocesan clergy who surround themselves with dogs, cats, horses and more, but few who openly say that their defense and their dignity. Monsignor Canciani did. And in a clear and audible. "
His books: The Last Supper by the Essenes (195), Priest's Life "(1991), in Noah's ark, religion and animals (1990).
Monsignor Canciani, in his book" Noah's Ark " states that the church is not all yet been explored and understood.
Leonardo Da Vinci: "The killing of an animal will be treated the same way as the killing of a man."
Achilles Cross: "The enemies of animals are the worst enemies of their fellow men. The steak in the dish of the Western Afam the third world, even removing the soup from the pot of the poor, and are not vegetarians to say!"
A. Schopenhauer: "Christian morality contains within itself the great and essential imperfection in limiting its precepts to men and without any right to leave the animal world."
Charles Darwin: "The classification by form, function and organic regime (food) shows beyond doubt that the normal human food plant is like that of apes and monkeys, our canines are less developed than them and that we are not intended to compete with the wild beasts or carnivorous animals. "
Sources: "Christians vegetarians", "Christian Vegetarian", "Vegetarianism in the World"
There must have been about ten years ago that one of my sons and I went to the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in person to know the parish priest Don Canciani, the animal lover. We read the newspapers every Sunday opened the doors of his church to domestic animals and blessed them. There came the desire to meet someone so special. I remember loving, sweet and cultured.
E 'died October 22, 2007 at eighty and has appeared on The Courier this obituary dedicated to him:
"Farewell to Don Canciani, the parish priest of animals. San Giovanni dei Fiorentini and a Romanesque church known to all animals and zoophilic Italic, believers, practitioners, agnostics and atheists. The parish was a man known for his open-mindedness towards non-human animals. There are many religious and diocesan clergy who surround themselves with dogs, cats, horses and more, but few who openly say that their defense and their dignity. Monsignor Canciani did. And in a clear and audible. "
Don Mario Canciani was a vegetarian. He was known for his commitment to the poor, prisoners and the sick as well as the his theories in support of animal rights. It was always opposed to the tradition of killing sheep during the Easter period. From biblical scholar claimed that Jesus belonged to the Essenes, a group not known to be fed meat, and who healed with his hands. He was among the first to argue that animals go to heaven. The Don Mario
phrase often liked to say: "The men in pain ..... bestial cries and cries human beasts." His books: The Last Supper by the Essenes (195), Priest's Life "(1991), in Noah's ark, religion and animals (1990).
Monsignor Canciani, in his book" Noah's Ark " states that the church is not all yet been explored and understood.
Leonardo Da Vinci: "The killing of an animal will be treated the same way as the killing of a man."
Achilles Cross: "The enemies of animals are the worst enemies of their fellow men. The steak in the dish of the Western Afam the third world, even removing the soup from the pot of the poor, and are not vegetarians to say!"
A. Schopenhauer: "Christian morality contains within itself the great and essential imperfection in limiting its precepts to men and without any right to leave the animal world."
Charles Darwin: "The classification by form, function and organic regime (food) shows beyond doubt that the normal human food plant is like that of apes and monkeys, our canines are less developed than them and that we are not intended to compete with the wild beasts or carnivorous animals. "
Sources: "Christians vegetarians", "Christian Vegetarian", "Vegetarianism in the World"
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Filmes Gratis De Incesto Italiano
fat Buddha
In my neighborhood known many overweight Chinese children accompanied by their parents of normal build . These children do not follow the diet of their ancestors? They eat too many snacks as compagnetti Italian school? In some window shopping in the many East all'Esquilino are set statues of Buddha which are a different size extra large, ruddy, with a smile, happy and blissful. I think: "How had this man to become so huge? Already existed then and in that part of the world of obese people?" Before, I thought but since I live here surrounded by Asian people, mostly lean , the curiosity became alive. I started to click on the environment computer and this is what came out.
In fact, the Buddha-bellied laughing and represents Pi-pu-tai Ho-shang that signifioca Small bag-of-monaco-hemp, abbreviated Pu-tai, a Chinese Buddhist master of the Ch'an school, lived in the tenth century AD, whose real name was Tz'u Ch'i-lived and that itinerant nel'attuale province of Chekiang. The fact that Pu-tai is depicted fat does not mean that it actually was. In the culture depicted the "wise men", are represented in this way. Pu-tai had no desire to be called Ch'an master nor to gather disciples around him. Instead roamed the streets with a big bag full of hemp candy, fruit and pancakes. Sweets for distribution to children who were playing around him. Gave children and adults asked: "Give me a dime." Pu-tai in Japanese became Hotei. Arrived
lighting has earned the nickname Buddha.
Now I know that this is not the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), who, unlike Pu-tai was slender as a reed. The title comes from the root Sanskrit Buddha Budha, which means "know", "create", "wake up".
Buddha as the Christ has left nothing in writing. However, his words were recorded by his disciples and passed down to others. A lot of the confusion that this has generated, over time have formed thousands of different sects and miliaia which directly or indirectly, to claim their 'Buddhism. " However, there are two points that are unanimously accepted: that the Buddha attained supreme enlightenment and compassion, but I should say "his absolute respect" embraces all that lives ..
Buddhism does not ask his disciples, a faith, a practice of worship and unconditional consent, as it considers legitimate all other religions and does not accept intolerance.
In the same century in which Buddha taught the doctrine of contemplation and non-violence, similar ideas were preached by Confucius (Kong Fuzi 551 BC-479 BC) in China, Zoroaster (Zarathustra, around 800 BC) in Persia, by Pythagoras (575 BC-495 BC) in Greece, from Isaiah (765 BC) in Jerusalem and elsewhere in India by Mahavira (599 BC-527 BC).
Going to the Oriental Museum a stone's throw from my house was beginning to make a thousand paces distant lands. It does not end here, there are other philosophies and religions with their thoughts on the subject. Therefore more research to do.
I'm doing a culture, too bad my memory is blurred.
In my neighborhood known many overweight Chinese children accompanied by their parents of normal build . These children do not follow the diet of their ancestors? They eat too many snacks as compagnetti Italian school? In some window shopping in the many East all'Esquilino are set statues of Buddha which are a different size extra large, ruddy, with a smile, happy and blissful. I think: "How had this man to become so huge? Already existed then and in that part of the world of obese people?" Before, I thought but since I live here surrounded by Asian people, mostly lean , the curiosity became alive. I started to click on the environment computer and this is what came out.
In fact, the Buddha-bellied laughing and represents Pi-pu-tai Ho-shang that signifioca Small bag-of-monaco-hemp, abbreviated Pu-tai, a Chinese Buddhist master of the Ch'an school, lived in the tenth century AD, whose real name was Tz'u Ch'i-lived and that itinerant nel'attuale province of Chekiang. The fact that Pu-tai is depicted fat does not mean that it actually was. In the culture depicted the "wise men", are represented in this way. Pu-tai had no desire to be called Ch'an master nor to gather disciples around him. Instead roamed the streets with a big bag full of hemp candy, fruit and pancakes. Sweets for distribution to children who were playing around him. Gave children and adults asked: "Give me a dime." Pu-tai in Japanese became Hotei. Arrived
lighting has earned the nickname Buddha.
Now I know that this is not the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), who, unlike Pu-tai was slender as a reed. The title comes from the root Sanskrit Buddha Budha, which means "know", "create", "wake up".
Buddha as the Christ has left nothing in writing. However, his words were recorded by his disciples and passed down to others. A lot of the confusion that this has generated, over time have formed thousands of different sects and miliaia which directly or indirectly, to claim their 'Buddhism. " However, there are two points that are unanimously accepted: that the Buddha attained supreme enlightenment and compassion, but I should say "his absolute respect" embraces all that lives ..
Buddhism does not ask his disciples, a faith, a practice of worship and unconditional consent, as it considers legitimate all other religions and does not accept intolerance.
In the same century in which Buddha taught the doctrine of contemplation and non-violence, similar ideas were preached by Confucius (Kong Fuzi 551 BC-479 BC) in China, Zoroaster (Zarathustra, around 800 BC) in Persia, by Pythagoras (575 BC-495 BC) in Greece, from Isaiah (765 BC) in Jerusalem and elsewhere in India by Mahavira (599 BC-527 BC).
Going to the Oriental Museum a stone's throw from my house was beginning to make a thousand paces distant lands. It does not end here, there are other philosophies and religions with their thoughts on the subject. Therefore more research to do.
I'm doing a culture, too bad my memory is blurred.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How To Make Homemade Jack Offer
Yesterday afternoon, the house I met my next-door neighbor Flavia. With his truck went to the grocery store. He said: "Tomorrow morning I will have relatives to dinner and I want to prepare something that I do for a long time: polenta with different types of meat." And with a smile he continued: "To you I can not invite, food is not for you. "
Taking the elevator I figured: since 1981 we are vegetarians, they are thirty. In 1981 I went with Jan and Sigrid in Canada. It was July. Recently we had unanimously decided, all and five, for ethical reasons, to remove them from our diet fish and meat. I have now started the new diet, Sigrid and Jan decided to Canada later. One night my mother prepared a turkey in the oven with mashed potatoes and custard apples as a side dish. I still remember the odorino inviting, but I resisted. If that turkey was grown on a tree would have been different. Maybe. I would ate with gusto. But knowing where it came from really, no, there was no doubt. Basta. Eggs and dairy products means that we eat and how many tasty dishes can be prepared with vegetables and legumes. The eggplant parmigiana is mouth-watering. And the fennel baked with béchamel! And pasta with zucchini. And the potatoes and peppers. The vegetarian recipes are endless.
as usual I ask the help of Google and here are some words based on one written by Radhika Abeysekera:
"According to the teachings of the Buddha, the mind comes first. So, every time that you refrain from eat a meat dish, you can enjoy the happiness that derives from thinking, with compassion, life saved. If you use this opportunity to deepen the practice of compassion and dell'amorevolezza towards all sentient beings, then it is fully ripe the fruit of the gift of life that is astenzione through the flesh.
Let others understand or not they agree or not, must not make any difference for you. Continue to savor the joy that comes from compassion to try to abstain from meat. Then You will get the full benefit of your gift, which is the gift of life. "
follows what he says the Dalai Lama:
" Animals kill only when hungry, and this is a very different attitude from that of men, which suppress millions of animals only in the name of profit. "And again www / buddhismovegetarianesimo.htm:
" If a company had complied with all the people precepts not to kill or not to earn a living through means that increase the suffering of other beings, not would certainly vegetaresimo meat for sale and would be binding even without being specifically prescribed. "
Mahaparinirvana Sutra says:" Eat the meat off the seed of great compassion. "
On the pages of these writings were at the bottom of the comments. One, from a certain Julia, I write it down.
"Love does not mean the animals have a dog or a cat and then caring about all the other poor creatures. I look at the evil that men do not feel any compassion towards those who have no chance to defend themselves. People who consider themselves superior to animals because "sensitive" and with a conscience, then they are capable of the worst atrocities. "
's midnight and finish this paragraph with the first Buddhist concepts:" Thou shalt not kill, indeed maintain and protect each form of life. "
Goodnight. I will continue, I found a topic that is like a vegetarian cookbook: infinite.
Yesterday afternoon, the house I met my next-door neighbor Flavia. With his truck went to the grocery store. He said: "Tomorrow morning I will have relatives to dinner and I want to prepare something that I do for a long time: polenta with different types of meat." And with a smile he continued: "To you I can not invite, food is not for you. "
Taking the elevator I figured: since 1981 we are vegetarians, they are thirty. In 1981 I went with Jan and Sigrid in Canada. It was July. Recently we had unanimously decided, all and five, for ethical reasons, to remove them from our diet fish and meat. I have now started the new diet, Sigrid and Jan decided to Canada later. One night my mother prepared a turkey in the oven with mashed potatoes and custard apples as a side dish. I still remember the odorino inviting, but I resisted. If that turkey was grown on a tree would have been different. Maybe. I would ate with gusto. But knowing where it came from really, no, there was no doubt. Basta. Eggs and dairy products means that we eat and how many tasty dishes can be prepared with vegetables and legumes. The eggplant parmigiana is mouth-watering. And the fennel baked with béchamel! And pasta with zucchini. And the potatoes and peppers. The vegetarian recipes are endless.
as usual I ask the help of Google and here are some words based on one written by Radhika Abeysekera:
"According to the teachings of the Buddha, the mind comes first. So, every time that you refrain from eat a meat dish, you can enjoy the happiness that derives from thinking, with compassion, life saved. If you use this opportunity to deepen the practice of compassion and dell'amorevolezza towards all sentient beings, then it is fully ripe the fruit of the gift of life that is astenzione through the flesh.
Let others understand or not they agree or not, must not make any difference for you. Continue to savor the joy that comes from compassion to try to abstain from meat. Then You will get the full benefit of your gift, which is the gift of life. "
follows what he says the Dalai Lama:
" Animals kill only when hungry, and this is a very different attitude from that of men, which suppress millions of animals only in the name of profit. "And again www / buddhismovegetarianesimo.htm:
" If a company had complied with all the people precepts not to kill or not to earn a living through means that increase the suffering of other beings, not would certainly vegetaresimo meat for sale and would be binding even without being specifically prescribed. "
Mahaparinirvana Sutra says:" Eat the meat off the seed of great compassion. "
On the pages of these writings were at the bottom of the comments. One, from a certain Julia, I write it down.
"Love does not mean the animals have a dog or a cat and then caring about all the other poor creatures. I look at the evil that men do not feel any compassion towards those who have no chance to defend themselves. People who consider themselves superior to animals because "sensitive" and with a conscience, then they are capable of the worst atrocities. "
's midnight and finish this paragraph with the first Buddhist concepts:" Thou shalt not kill, indeed maintain and protect each form of life. "
Goodnight. I will continue, I found a topic that is like a vegetarian cookbook: infinite.
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Canada 1981 |
House Oma (grandmother) - Canada 1981 |
Friday, March 11, 2011
How To Clean My Circulon
Japan and kitchen
Merulana 248 A Street, in short distance from the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale "Giuseppe Tucci." This museum was founded in 1957 and opened to the public June 16, 1958. Artistic and archaeological collections come mainly from the explorations of Giuseppe Tucci in Tibet as well as from excavations in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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Huoguo |
Merulana 248 A Street, in short distance from the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is the Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale "Giuseppe Tucci." This museum was founded in 1957 and opened to the public June 16, 1958. Artistic and archaeological collections come mainly from the explorations of Giuseppe Tucci in Tibet as well as from excavations in Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
About a year ago in a hall of this beautiful museum, there was a demonstration of ikebana, the art of Japanese flower arranging cut flowers and other organic elements such as branches, leaves, herbs. Many years ago (but it seems like yesterday) I saw for the first time as a Japanese lady realized these compositions for a high fashion style in Japan, where I was the bride, blonde, made up and coiffed by Japanese . As I was aware, so that then, collecting the material in nature, I ordered up a bowl, selecting, breaking, trying, until I was satisfied. Ikebana was my way. Only after I know that this art is learned by a master and it takes many lessons. I went to the event of ikebana at the museum and it was beautiful.
The day before yesterday, Sunday, at the same museum there was a lecture on Japanese cuisine. I wanted to know more and I went there. It appeared that entry was free for all women for the "Women and Art." There were two sisters who illustrated the meeting to the audience. A sister, Maria Laura, connoisseur of all that concerns the country of the Rising Sun, the language, it tells how the inhabitants of that country is nourished and showed slides of many dishes and good looking their names. The story of Maria Laura was punctuated by his sister Antonella, actress, who read the songs of contemporary Japanese writers, in which pages are often talked about food and how wonderful it is to stay long in the kitchen. Preferibimente a spacious kitchen. Addiritura A writer tells of how it would be nice, when his hour had come, to die in the kitchen.
on Google, as usual, I have drawn a bit of news.
The Japanese people live less long-lived is one of the world, this data is the finding that adds to a very low incidence of cardiovacolari diseases and cancer. It seems that can be attributed much of the credit to the type of feeding adopted by the people of Japan. The traditional meal consists primarily main dish (usually fish) completed by a number of side dishes. They use lots of spices, drinks like green tea, tofu, soy and its derivatives, the sauce and miso, seaweed with their low calorie content but rich in vitamins, amino acids and Omega 3, ginger recognized Chinese medicine to be active against the weakness and impotence. For the sushi are recognized as safe and nutritious food as well as enormous potential preventive treatments.
In Italy it was realized that the diet of meat and dairy products made in calories and cholesterol than the Japanese diet, using a little oil or fat, except in rare dishes, did not, while remaining highly nutritious. Nowhere is true in Japan as a way of saying "eat anything with eyes" every dish is prepared with painstaking care to the colors and proportions, and is served on dishes usually not easy to divert attention from food, which is and must remain the main objective dlla our attention.
Now I come and go but the appetite in our kitchen which is pretty large and eat a bowl of soup with the savory soy-based patties. And my eyes every time they get up from the pot to see the top of David's paintings of his time "Friend of the Animals."
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Ramen |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Cubase 5 With Integrated Sound Card
A fear uncontrollable braking (03/08/2004)
decided, my three children, as they did when they were often met in Rome, take a trip out of town with their boyfriends and friends. The usual books and papers appeared to be consulted on the table and was once again established the place to go. Turns and turns the boys chose a place where they had been years before and which were enthusiastic. I felt the usual talk of caves and Etruscan tombs. He was the eldest son who, with his adventurous spirit led others in its wake. Already more than happy when he was small in Canada, along with uncles, cousins \u200b\u200band grandparents went to remote trails once traveled by redskins. Or when you could camp out all night long with some cousin in a tent pitched in the enormous garden and, although there were no lions and tigers, the many wild animals that could be seen and felt for him were unknown.
in Rome had come to the passion for the caves. His stories about it were terrifying. Once succeeded, in a cave, having to crawl along the floor to pass along from room to room as the ceiling so low that no other way to allow passage. Another time he and his companions were separated in the underground caving. At some point the light on his helmet off and hit him against the ceiling, keeping quiet, he sat against the wall in total darkness waiting for the other lathe.
shuddered as I had heard this story of darkness and fear of closed places. No, I could not share his passion.
His brothers and friends were with him only if it was an easy cave to explore and where it could quickly return to the light.
The backpacks were prepared with sandwiches, fruit and water. Mom, come along, the weather is beautiful, just as nature, you can stay in the sun. Could I? Yes, there were no problems.
From the car we could see whole families sit under the trees at the edge of the road traffic in the busy preparations for the picnic.
Once parked our car there was still a long way to walk before you reach the goal. Leaving the road and entering the dense vegetation do not meet anyone, just sometimes, signs of the passage of the barbarians: bags, plates, plastic cups, food debris and more. There was a great silence with heavenly background music: the orchestra of the divine nature of all that lives far from human presence.
A stream with clear water and cold where to fill our bottles and our feet wet. Tiny creatures and flowers everywhere. Hills, a deep chasm, a field with cows looking at us curiously, large eyes, good, innocent, hopeful. Helpless beings. The warmly welcomed. A stretch of the world so beautiful you will not find words to express our admiration.
Then the Etruscan tombs. We gave a look inside, charming people, painful and joyful humanity a few steps from where now stands the modern world. How many interesting stories to be discovered on their behalf. We arrived at the cave
coveted, a gaping mouth and black, a delight for many of the group, distrust of one: me. We ate our lunch with style park. Then I was alone, leaning against a tree trunk. I heard the happy voices gradually become cavernous and then disappear. The silence was deep, the sun's heat made me a nice deep sleep, until the heat at one point became so strong that I decided to shelter into the INPUT of the cave. Mica was wrong there. There were drawings on the wall that fascinated me. These were the graffiti grotesque? My eyes followed their course, turned the corner, my feet followed my eyes. I found a pitch dark, I wanted to return back, feeling I could not. Panic, fear no brakes, sighiozzi, despair, was about to lose consciousness. Suddenly a golden light and a voice out of me and inside me that words do not say in words, in all languages: "Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, habe keine Angst, no Keep track miedo, zijn niet bang . My anxiety vanished instantly, a great peace came over me, I was happy. Very easily found the exit. Absorbed with avidity all the beauty before me. Being invaded by a formidable sat leaning against a tree and fell asleep in his shadow. I woke up in the lively voices of adventurers. "Mammuccia, did you sleep, you see, you're just fine." And down stories about the wonders of the cave.
That day I came home with my secret. Chisssà, maybe I would have said I was too influenced by the books of Carlos Castaneda and Shirley McLaine. And then if it was just a dream? Maybe similar dreams were always in times of great fear. I wish that for everyone.
In any case, this day was beautiful, happy and special. By repeating from A to Z..
decided, my three children, as they did when they were often met in Rome, take a trip out of town with their boyfriends and friends. The usual books and papers appeared to be consulted on the table and was once again established the place to go. Turns and turns the boys chose a place where they had been years before and which were enthusiastic. I felt the usual talk of caves and Etruscan tombs. He was the eldest son who, with his adventurous spirit led others in its wake. Already more than happy when he was small in Canada, along with uncles, cousins \u200b\u200band grandparents went to remote trails once traveled by redskins. Or when you could camp out all night long with some cousin in a tent pitched in the enormous garden and, although there were no lions and tigers, the many wild animals that could be seen and felt for him were unknown.
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David - 2009. |
shuddered as I had heard this story of darkness and fear of closed places. No, I could not share his passion.
His brothers and friends were with him only if it was an easy cave to explore and where it could quickly return to the light.
The backpacks were prepared with sandwiches, fruit and water. Mom, come along, the weather is beautiful, just as nature, you can stay in the sun. Could I? Yes, there were no problems.
From the car we could see whole families sit under the trees at the edge of the road traffic in the busy preparations for the picnic.
Once parked our car there was still a long way to walk before you reach the goal. Leaving the road and entering the dense vegetation do not meet anyone, just sometimes, signs of the passage of the barbarians: bags, plates, plastic cups, food debris and more. There was a great silence with heavenly background music: the orchestra of the divine nature of all that lives far from human presence.
A stream with clear water and cold where to fill our bottles and our feet wet. Tiny creatures and flowers everywhere. Hills, a deep chasm, a field with cows looking at us curiously, large eyes, good, innocent, hopeful. Helpless beings. The warmly welcomed. A stretch of the world so beautiful you will not find words to express our admiration.
Then the Etruscan tombs. We gave a look inside, charming people, painful and joyful humanity a few steps from where now stands the modern world. How many interesting stories to be discovered on their behalf. We arrived at the cave
coveted, a gaping mouth and black, a delight for many of the group, distrust of one: me. We ate our lunch with style park. Then I was alone, leaning against a tree trunk. I heard the happy voices gradually become cavernous and then disappear. The silence was deep, the sun's heat made me a nice deep sleep, until the heat at one point became so strong that I decided to shelter into the INPUT of the cave. Mica was wrong there. There were drawings on the wall that fascinated me. These were the graffiti grotesque? My eyes followed their course, turned the corner, my feet followed my eyes. I found a pitch dark, I wanted to return back, feeling I could not. Panic, fear no brakes, sighiozzi, despair, was about to lose consciousness. Suddenly a golden light and a voice out of me and inside me that words do not say in words, in all languages: "Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, habe keine Angst, no Keep track miedo, zijn niet bang . My anxiety vanished instantly, a great peace came over me, I was happy. Very easily found the exit. Absorbed with avidity all the beauty before me. Being invaded by a formidable sat leaning against a tree and fell asleep in his shadow. I woke up in the lively voices of adventurers. "Mammuccia, did you sleep, you see, you're just fine." And down stories about the wonders of the cave.
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Laura in a prehistoric cave, 2010. |
In any case, this day was beautiful, happy and special. By repeating from A to Z..
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Coconut Oil As Butter Substitute In Baking?
Domus Aurea grotesque painting
The grotesque is a type of wall decoration featuring plant forms, human figures, geometric motifs, freely combined with each other, the second light, imaginative rhythms.
During the sixteenth century many theorists disprezzavono this type of decoration, including the Vasari. But their spread was unstoppable.
The word "grotesque" is then passed into Italian to mean something bizarre and unusual, taking on the connotation of "ridiculous," ironizzante and caricature.
Once, we in the family, the word "cave" was at home, for David, his brothers and friends often went to explore the caves near Rome. Back home, told their adventures with enthusiasm and I was left aghast. Intrigued, I went with them once and I wrote a story that transcribe in the next section.
At the end of the fifteenth century, a young Roman accidentally fell into a slot on the Aventine hillside, he found himself in a strange cave, filled with painted figures. Soon the young artists of Rome were to get down on boards hanging from ropes to see for themselves.
The underground rooms of the Domus Aurea, the ground was covered with cave-like and that is why the Romans called the cave. Some frescoes discovered are then faded to pale gray stains on the plaster, others are still in fair condition. , The effect of these decorations "grotesque" were electrifying in the Renaissance. The grotesque is a type of wall decoration featuring plant forms, human figures, geometric motifs, freely combined with each other, the second light, imaginative rhythms.
Among the painters of the era often did fall to study the fanciful paintings were found there as Pinturicchio, Raphael, Giovanni da Udine, Morto da Feltre the (so called because they spent more time below and above the earth), Bernardo Poccetti, Marco Palmezzano (the first to bring the grotesque to the north of the Apennines), Gaudenzio Ferrari.
The painter Bernardino di Betto, called "Pinturicchio" was one of the first to use the grotesque decoration
in his paintings, so that it became almost a distinctive and characteristic feature of his style. During the sixteenth century many theorists disprezzavono this type of decoration, including the Vasari. But their spread was unstoppable.
The word "grotesque" is then passed into Italian to mean something bizarre and unusual, taking on the connotation of "ridiculous," ironizzante and caricature.
Once, we in the family, the word "cave" was at home, for David, his brothers and friends often went to explore the caves near Rome. Back home, told their adventures with enthusiasm and I was left aghast. Intrigued, I went with them once and I wrote a story that transcribe in the next section.
Friday, March 4, 2011
How Many Calories In Small Shrimp
We stand by the children down
by on Thursday March 3, 2011
While we are inundated with news of riots and massacres from the South side of the Mediterranean, the French Parliament, during the revision of the law on bioethics, the silence and indifference of the media is taking yet another attempt at suppression of innocent fetuses suffering from Down syndrome . Of this fact we shall inform the gynecologist Carlo Bellieni, that was rejected an amendment to inform and support the woman on the future of her baby diagnosed with Down syndrome. Just when you need more comfort, the woman is left to itself, the fact is suggested that therapeutic abortion is justified by the suffering of an imaginary child.
The issue of children with disabilities be eliminated before birth is rooted in the mists of time . Down towards the more evident, since some minor physical features, general ignorance, for centuries have betrayed dubious source. If desired, the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscrimination and have less "deformed" we could make it back to the climate of ancient Greece, where the meaning of life is condensed in the invitation to the Epicurean "enjoy the present without cure for tomorrow." Much of the culture of the time, as in some ways the current one, was spent in the pursuit of happiness in the enjoyment of the fleeting moment. Aristotle, in the footsteps of the great master (Plato), in Book VII of the policy, justifying slavery and misogynistic prejudices, typical of pre-Christian culture in this regard suggested that the organization of society should respect the human nature that requires the superiority of more strong over the weak, so as to provide "a law that forbids families to raise children malformed." This ethic
selective prospered long, rooting, on and off, in historical cycles thereafter. Then, as you know, on the premise of building a race "pure" were elaborate crazy theories, allegations of genetic superiority and selection, resulting in the persecution of the less gifted, the less productive, or at least those who had submitted a behavior considered deviant. The discovery of DNA and the subsequent manipulation of the genome (it is easier to identify an embryo with genetic defects such as trisomy 21), the silence and indifference general, did the rest, causing existential anxiety in the families of these people . We remember only two characters of great moral stature and cultural as Arthur Miller and Albert Einstein, who live in the obsession of guilt for leaving their children with disabilities in institutions. The daughter of silent film, based on the novel by Kim Edwards and referred to something that happened in England in the sixties, is a summary of this anxiety.
The first attempt to stop this inhuman massacre occurred with the discovery of the cause of Down syndrome by French Jerome Lejeune, who spotted an anomaly in the twenty-first chromosome. daughter Clara tells us that his father called "the abortion of children so friendly, so happy, so childlike, one of the most abominable crimes," he fought like a lion because it would end this discrimination and providing for easy recognition in vitro , hoped that one day, as the plug bifida, could be treated in utero. Unfortunately, the hapless luminary assist helpless distortion of its discovery. In fact, in the Seventies, just a proposed law in France opened the debate on 'the elimination of defective infants. On that occasion, the distinguished geneticist, after being applauded by the great Earth, nominated for the Nobel prize, named in WHO expert on human genetics and later first president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, was overshadowed by media around the world and neglected by most of his peers for having opposed strongly to the draft law on abortion.
Down Yet today could be the mirror of our consciousness. Those born after the sixties can be considered lucky guy, as for an increasingly large proportion of society represent a value. Quest'apprezzamento The reason is that the level of awareness of their potential has grown exponentially thanks to those associations of families of disabled people and experts to which the radical-chic French want to prevent access to gynecological clinics. Down I'm not like a certain culture and certain academics would like to paint them, suggesting that they would be part of a sub-human 'suffering, devoid of reason and self-consciousness, unable to communicate and produce. " From the standpoint of quality of life, we can say that using their skills (or ability) of the Down are able to achieve goals similar to those of all other people. @
by on Thursday March 3, 2011
While we are inundated with news of riots and massacres from the South side of the Mediterranean, the French Parliament, during the revision of the law on bioethics, the silence and indifference of the media is taking yet another attempt at suppression of innocent fetuses suffering from Down syndrome . Of this fact we shall inform the gynecologist Carlo Bellieni, that was rejected an amendment to inform and support the woman on the future of her baby diagnosed with Down syndrome. Just when you need more comfort, the woman is left to itself, the fact is suggested that therapeutic abortion is justified by the suffering of an imaginary child.
The issue of children with disabilities be eliminated before birth is rooted in the mists of time . Down towards the more evident, since some minor physical features, general ignorance, for centuries have betrayed dubious source. If desired, the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscrimination and have less "deformed" we could make it back to the climate of ancient Greece, where the meaning of life is condensed in the invitation to the Epicurean "enjoy the present without cure for tomorrow." Much of the culture of the time, as in some ways the current one, was spent in the pursuit of happiness in the enjoyment of the fleeting moment. Aristotle, in the footsteps of the great master (Plato), in Book VII of the policy, justifying slavery and misogynistic prejudices, typical of pre-Christian culture in this regard suggested that the organization of society should respect the human nature that requires the superiority of more strong over the weak, so as to provide "a law that forbids families to raise children malformed." This ethic
selective prospered long, rooting, on and off, in historical cycles thereafter. Then, as you know, on the premise of building a race "pure" were elaborate crazy theories, allegations of genetic superiority and selection, resulting in the persecution of the less gifted, the less productive, or at least those who had submitted a behavior considered deviant. The discovery of DNA and the subsequent manipulation of the genome (it is easier to identify an embryo with genetic defects such as trisomy 21), the silence and indifference general, did the rest, causing existential anxiety in the families of these people . We remember only two characters of great moral stature and cultural as Arthur Miller and Albert Einstein, who live in the obsession of guilt for leaving their children with disabilities in institutions. The daughter of silent film, based on the novel by Kim Edwards and referred to something that happened in England in the sixties, is a summary of this anxiety.
The first attempt to stop this inhuman massacre occurred with the discovery of the cause of Down syndrome by French Jerome Lejeune, who spotted an anomaly in the twenty-first chromosome. daughter Clara tells us that his father called "the abortion of children so friendly, so happy, so childlike, one of the most abominable crimes," he fought like a lion because it would end this discrimination and providing for easy recognition in vitro , hoped that one day, as the plug bifida, could be treated in utero. Unfortunately, the hapless luminary assist helpless distortion of its discovery. In fact, in the Seventies, just a proposed law in France opened the debate on 'the elimination of defective infants. On that occasion, the distinguished geneticist, after being applauded by the great Earth, nominated for the Nobel prize, named in WHO expert on human genetics and later first president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, was overshadowed by media around the world and neglected by most of his peers for having opposed strongly to the draft law on abortion.
Down Yet today could be the mirror of our consciousness. Those born after the sixties can be considered lucky guy, as for an increasingly large proportion of society represent a value. Quest'apprezzamento The reason is that the level of awareness of their potential has grown exponentially thanks to those associations of families of disabled people and experts to which the radical-chic French want to prevent access to gynecological clinics. Down I'm not like a certain culture and certain academics would like to paint them, suggesting that they would be part of a sub-human 'suffering, devoid of reason and self-consciousness, unable to communicate and produce. " From the standpoint of quality of life, we can say that using their skills (or ability) of the Down are able to achieve goals similar to those of all other people. @
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Pregnancy How Sweet It Is Answers
stroll through the park of Colle Oppio and see as usual, and always the same place, a bunch of kids playing football with great passion. Once there were the lavish gardens and the home of Nero. Reading his biogafie different, often conflicting, I conclude that contrary to these young players and a youth he lived a 'troubled childhood, as he was surrounded by assassins and poisoners. The compulsion to commit suicide was the norm. An ambiguous environment and cruel. His mother, ambitious for political reasons and dynastic arranged the marriage of his son, just sixteen, with the twelve year old sister Claudia Octavia. Nero was having trained as a tutor Seneca. According to the latest research seems to have been a great artist. So far as history has handed down as an amateur in the field of music is that of painting. Definitely good times have passed them, I hope.
Seeing the photo of Pine and me sitting on a bench with our backs to the ruins of Nero's house, I dived on many pages of Google that touch this subject. Here are two words on the residence of the emperor.
After the disastrous fire of 64 AD that destroyed Rome, the emperor Nero (Lucius Domitius Enobarbus, Anzio 15 December 37 - Rome, 9 June 68) built the Domus Aurea. It was designed by architects Severus and Celer and was built in brick, the Emperor was interested in every detail of the project and personally supervised the work. Nerone had it built with the aim of creating a huge residence, which was to be the largest and most valuable in the world. He became a house for parties with more than 300 rooms, including even a bedroom, even kitchens and latrines have been found. The real home of Nero, however, remained in the imperial palaces of the Palatine. The Golden House was probably reserved only leisure and idleness of the emperor and his guests. On the floor there were several pools, and fountains in the hallways. Because of its rich decorations in gold and for its prestigious furniture acquired the name Domus Aurea (Golden House). The house was extended about 2.5 km. She was surrounded by gardens with pavilions for parties. The gardens included forests, vineyards and partly artificial lakes and wildlife. Nero also commissioned a colossal bronze statue of 35 meters depicting himself wearing the dress of the Roman sun god Apollo, the Colossus Neronis. It is assumed that in the Middle Ages was called the Flavian Amphitheatre Colosseum, from this statue. When
Nero entered for the first time in his Domus Aurea exclaimed: "Good! Finally I can start living as a human being!"
After the emperor's death by suicide occurred in thirty years of age, the building Nero, stripped of marble and works of art, in 104 AD it was destroyed by fire and subsequently filled with earth during the construction of the Baths of Trajan, thus enabling the storage up to today's residential core of the Colle Oppio consists of about 150 rooms. In this way, the "grotesque" paintings survived. The sand worked as protecting the volcanic ash of Pompeii from their eternal enemy, the humidity.
Recipes For Macaron Cookies
Hill Park Hill Opium Opium
Since I am fond of and I go there often, alone or together, I want to make a little research on Opium Hill and his beautiful garden. The following is a summary of what I found.
Since I am fond of and I go there often, alone or together, I want to make a little research on Opium Hill and his beautiful garden. The following is a summary of what I found.
The Opium Hill is one of three hills, and that Fagutal Cispius accounted Esquilinus Mons. Its name comes from Opiter, a legendary figure in the active defense of Rome. The many ruins scattered in the park of Colle Oppio belong to the Baths of Trajan. The impressive spa complex was built in five years, in 104 d C, a few years by the fire of the Domus Aurea, whose remains were re-used as foundations. The architect was Apollodorus of Damascus.
Park is one of Colle Oppio pearl in the heart of Rione Monti. With an area of \u200b\u200b11 acres is nestled in the rich and probably more important from the archaeological point of view. Wonderful ruins dot every square meter of its area.
In 1871, when Rome became the capital, the area was used as a public garden "in English style." In the years 1928 to 1936, during the Fascist period, the Oppian assumed its present. The park was enriched with fountains and water features. Some of the most admirable fountains are the Fountain of amphorae, the twin fountains and decorated with the imposing nymphaeum A. Giorgiutti.
The vegetation is very pleasant. A Mediterranean plants such as pines, cypresses, oaks and oleanders you affiancno exotic species of palm trees and some species typically derived from the taste of the old gardens or roses, laurel and myrtle.
I often sit on the bench-wall surrounding the octagonal pool (the Fountain of amphorae) designed by the architect Raffaele De Vico. Many children play outside and inside the tank that does not contain more water. Even my nieces there is lots of fun. Unfortunately, the tub is going to hell. Like many parts of the park. Sampietrini detached and accumulated here and there and no one who undertakes restoration. Near the bath there is a beautiful fountain where it is difficult to drink, must be very careful not to fall because of the roots of trees and paving stones scattered on the ground. David played in front of this fountain with Livia, pretending to be a gush come out sparkling water and the other two coca cola or lemonade. Livia says with conviction: "This delicious, slightly less than this." And drinking glass after glass to taste all the flavors that David proposes.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Nylon In Running Tights
Before getting married I lived close to the Park Colle Oppio, a few meters from Via Maecenas, in Via Ruggero Bongos. I shared an apartment with some young American students. There was a bustle. Once there was also a French girl and then there was that Nina was English. It was a bohemian life. But at home we still follow the rules and we were all clean and tidy, and get along. Living in this house I met Pino. In the parish of the district we were married. I never thought that one day I would have moved back near Via Ruggero Bongos. This time the other side of Via Merulana. During my daily commute I see continually building and also our old church of Saints Peter and Marcellinus. My old diary in the house before they were in the basement, forgotten. Not having a basement I have now placed on the shelf near the bed in order of date and when you sleep at night I open one walks around it. I think, the most beautiful books ever read, my life. The diaries before my marriage I just threw them. A new life began. After moving into this house on the Esquiline I lived for many months in two worlds, as I was surrounded by a soft housing nostalgic. There was the modern world, again, to adapt, with vivid impressions, burst. And the world was retrospectively when the beauty of youth and youth with all your friends are struggling to survive without being overwhelmed by too much concern. He was young, strong, courageous, and not alone. I never asked for my help, but I knew they were there, in Canada, volendomi well. Starting, my purpose was to travel for a while for Europe retain labor and one day return to Canada. I never thought of marrying an Italian. It 'was a surprise for my family who, when they have known him well, but just wanted to suffer for the distance that separated us. We, Pino and I love and look forward to being together, and with just the thought of putting up our nest soon.
To my knowledge Pino, Shirley and Bert have took photos of us in the park of Colle Oppio.
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Rome, 1959. |
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Facebook Of Stockings
The house and its colorful
The days of this week with Sigrid were quiet and full. Every morning he went into the pool and, like the old days, the afternoon did a long walk. Once we went to Monti opened new shops where very nice, it seems walking in some small streets of Manhattan. There was a Danish boutique where you liked the original clothes on display. Even near Campo dei Fiori we stroll always willingly. The district of Via Cola di Rienzo is full of shops and there is very familiar. How many new elegant places where you can eat. These are very nice restaurants, but a little regret those old, simple, typical restaurants of the past with a homely atmosphere, where cheap, the food was good. Times change, there is more prosperity and more abundance. And the whole world is uniform, unfortunately. Invariably we walked along the paths of the park of Colle Oppio. David gave us some pictures, and even the building where I lived before I married. In many ways we see mimosa trees in bloom.
From some days ago a lot of cold, is a gift that comes from Scandinavia. For the homeless was opened a few metro station. We are fortunate to be able to return to the warmth of home.
I made some nice lunches and fine dinners. Simple but tasty. I find such pleasure in a little spoiled my children when I close. By Sigrid we talked about everything, of course Livia Flaminia and was the favorite theme, in all ways. The teacher and director of the anthroposophical, Flaminia that attends every Monday, every few months send to the parents of her young pupils a review of his asylum This small class is called "Het Huis Bonte," would " The Colorful House "and houses more than seven children at a time. There is a waiting list. When Livia was smaller than it was her as well. Sigrid has shown us this brief report that consists mostly of photos with captions. David has taken pictures for me photo on your computer. Flaminia is seen in action.
the evening, the room David, we've seen the movies on your computer, old and new. The film that impressed us was Valhalla Rising, the Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn. A film you will not soon forget.
Livia this weekend with Kevin and Flaminia are in Germany, opa and oma (grandmother and grandfather). Here, too, have fun. Sigrid is very often in contact with Kevin, by phone or sms. Everything went smoothly. Kevin has done with the countdown: mom back in four days, three days ... two days ... A Sigrid this temporary separation has done very well rested, looks better. Tomorrow already a party, we carry the station, it seems like yesterday that we went to pick her up. His plane arrives in the evening, I wonder if the girls are still awake. It 'nice that I often see my children around the world, but the same every time the farewell is not easy. I am comforted that in a month and a half I'll take the flight to Holland for two months and will stay with the four treasures.
The days of this week with Sigrid were quiet and full. Every morning he went into the pool and, like the old days, the afternoon did a long walk. Once we went to Monti opened new shops where very nice, it seems walking in some small streets of Manhattan. There was a Danish boutique where you liked the original clothes on display. Even near Campo dei Fiori we stroll always willingly. The district of Via Cola di Rienzo is full of shops and there is very familiar. How many new elegant places where you can eat. These are very nice restaurants, but a little regret those old, simple, typical restaurants of the past with a homely atmosphere, where cheap, the food was good. Times change, there is more prosperity and more abundance. And the whole world is uniform, unfortunately. Invariably we walked along the paths of the park of Colle Oppio. David gave us some pictures, and even the building where I lived before I married. In many ways we see mimosa trees in bloom.
From some days ago a lot of cold, is a gift that comes from Scandinavia. For the homeless was opened a few metro station. We are fortunate to be able to return to the warmth of home.
I made some nice lunches and fine dinners. Simple but tasty. I find such pleasure in a little spoiled my children when I close. By Sigrid we talked about everything, of course Livia Flaminia and was the favorite theme, in all ways. The teacher and director of the anthroposophical, Flaminia that attends every Monday, every few months send to the parents of her young pupils a review of his asylum This small class is called "Het Huis Bonte," would " The Colorful House "and houses more than seven children at a time. There is a waiting list. When Livia was smaller than it was her as well. Sigrid has shown us this brief report that consists mostly of photos with captions. David has taken pictures for me photo on your computer. Flaminia is seen in action.
the evening, the room David, we've seen the movies on your computer, old and new. The film that impressed us was Valhalla Rising, the Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn. A film you will not soon forget.
Livia this weekend with Kevin and Flaminia are in Germany, opa and oma (grandmother and grandfather). Here, too, have fun. Sigrid is very often in contact with Kevin, by phone or sms. Everything went smoothly. Kevin has done with the countdown: mom back in four days, three days ... two days ... A Sigrid this temporary separation has done very well rested, looks better. Tomorrow already a party, we carry the station, it seems like yesterday that we went to pick her up. His plane arrives in the evening, I wonder if the girls are still awake. It 'nice that I often see my children around the world, but the same every time the farewell is not easy. I am comforted that in a month and a half I'll take the flight to Holland for two months and will stay with the four treasures.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Hispanic Wedding Reception
The pool
Since the presence of water in the Netherlands is predominant, between sea, lakes, rivers and canals, from an early age and learned to swim at the middle school there was taught how to save someone in trouble in the water. Italy is surrounded by water, and rivers there are several important because I found that David is already something to take with confidence water. We lived on top of Via Teulada, half an hour walk from the Foro Italico, where there was a beautiful public swimming pool. I took a Abonnement throughout the summer that was valid for half a day. We went early in the morning. David enjoyed a lot in the water and, with me nearby, holding first, then leaving, always attentive, only goes like a puppy. He was in his element. When David was three and a half was born Jan. The following year, the Circle of RAI at Tor de Quinto opened its doors to staff and members of his family, with sports fields and swimming pool. In this nice circle of my children have spent wonderful summers and I with them. Even Sigrid, who came to the world when Jan had four years, less than a year was already in the pool in my arms: she too was born a fish. He played in the pool for children with his brothers and already as a baby to swim across the pool with great style "dog".
Seven years David was swimming in the pool wall with CONI Italico.Ogni three months to the Forum was an examination and only the children who pass could continue. Brought it twice a week together with Jan and Sigrid was with us in a wheelchair. Even when he made seven years Jan joined the CONI. But he was assigned to different days and was heavy all the way to four times a week with Sigrid still small. Every time later, rain or fine weather, he expected that out of the workout ended. It was then that I discovered the existence of the Golden Flame, Circle of police officers. Votes accepted Jan. David and swam the same day but in different lanes allocated according to age. Sigrid always behind with the bus at the Foro Italico, crossing the Ponte Duca d'Aosta and some more way to go. Sigrid was only four and walked a lot. Instructors seeing it through the winter without fail, with a caress often said, "Next year he swim with us too!" She was so very much and the time has passed the medical examination, I have paid the annual fee, but the moment of 'inclusion, I heard her say: "His little girl was only five years, here we start at six. "But since they had been to encourage you to come and a place was available yet began to frequent the pool with his brothers. David for a short while because he started with the pentathlon.
Instructors Sigrid were very good and learned quickly. The children were, over time, taught the breaststroke, free, backstroke and butterfly. At the end of the course there were the races. Even if it was smaller than its "class" Sigrid won the first prize. When was the largest it has been asked to do competitive swimming, but Sigrid replied that he did not want her back become as powerful as those of Novella Calligaris. Of all the sports he practiced swimming continues to like the most. When we go to Rome almost every day in the pool, so this week. Swimming relaxes after it feels like reborn, despite the 74 tanks.
told last night with a tender smile of Livia, who is in the pool once a week. He goes willingly. At the end of every lesson compagnetti jump in the water, beating vigorously with each other, going head underwater. Livia she sits by the pool and the Princess and the Pea with his face picky you slide slowly into the water knowing where the instructor takes in arms. This is our darling. Our tenerellona. Five years Flaminia
also begin with swimming lessons. I wonder how she will deal with the water.
Since the presence of water in the Netherlands is predominant, between sea, lakes, rivers and canals, from an early age and learned to swim at the middle school there was taught how to save someone in trouble in the water. Italy is surrounded by water, and rivers there are several important because I found that David is already something to take with confidence water. We lived on top of Via Teulada, half an hour walk from the Foro Italico, where there was a beautiful public swimming pool. I took a Abonnement throughout the summer that was valid for half a day. We went early in the morning. David enjoyed a lot in the water and, with me nearby, holding first, then leaving, always attentive, only goes like a puppy. He was in his element. When David was three and a half was born Jan. The following year, the Circle of RAI at Tor de Quinto opened its doors to staff and members of his family, with sports fields and swimming pool. In this nice circle of my children have spent wonderful summers and I with them. Even Sigrid, who came to the world when Jan had four years, less than a year was already in the pool in my arms: she too was born a fish. He played in the pool for children with his brothers and already as a baby to swim across the pool with great style "dog".
Seven years David was swimming in the pool wall with CONI Italico.Ogni three months to the Forum was an examination and only the children who pass could continue. Brought it twice a week together with Jan and Sigrid was with us in a wheelchair. Even when he made seven years Jan joined the CONI. But he was assigned to different days and was heavy all the way to four times a week with Sigrid still small. Every time later, rain or fine weather, he expected that out of the workout ended. It was then that I discovered the existence of the Golden Flame, Circle of police officers. Votes accepted Jan. David and swam the same day but in different lanes allocated according to age. Sigrid always behind with the bus at the Foro Italico, crossing the Ponte Duca d'Aosta and some more way to go. Sigrid was only four and walked a lot. Instructors seeing it through the winter without fail, with a caress often said, "Next year he swim with us too!" She was so very much and the time has passed the medical examination, I have paid the annual fee, but the moment of 'inclusion, I heard her say: "His little girl was only five years, here we start at six. "But since they had been to encourage you to come and a place was available yet began to frequent the pool with his brothers. David for a short while because he started with the pentathlon.
Instructors Sigrid were very good and learned quickly. The children were, over time, taught the breaststroke, free, backstroke and butterfly. At the end of the course there were the races. Even if it was smaller than its "class" Sigrid won the first prize. When was the largest it has been asked to do competitive swimming, but Sigrid replied that he did not want her back become as powerful as those of Novella Calligaris. Of all the sports he practiced swimming continues to like the most. When we go to Rome almost every day in the pool, so this week. Swimming relaxes after it feels like reborn, despite the 74 tanks.
told last night with a tender smile of Livia, who is in the pool once a week. He goes willingly. At the end of every lesson compagnetti jump in the water, beating vigorously with each other, going head underwater. Livia she sits by the pool and the Princess and the Pea with his face picky you slide slowly into the water knowing where the instructor takes in arms. This is our darling. Our tenerellona. Five years Flaminia
also begin with swimming lessons. I wonder how she will deal with the water.
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June 1, 1975. |
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June 6, 1974. |
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Operation Repo Dirt Bike
Danny Boy
Last night while I was doing research on the computer for my next post I listened to the music that was broadcast on Classical 102. I stopped abruptly, I was immobile. Was sent "Danny Boy, "with orchestra and Nigel Kennedy on violin. A great emotion took possession of me, nostalgic emotion, tears burning behind her eyelids. Nostalgia moved back in time, stopping at all places where I was in my life as a child until today and I felt and saw in these places that you have all my loved ones. My thoughts wrapped them one by one and all together. It 's amazing how a song can put the soul in turmoil. When the song is over after a while I reacted and I clicked on Google Danny Boy. I did not feel so long, but I know that in the past I was excited. I wanted to know More on this beautiful Irish song, and now there is this miraculous machine that helps me to discover many things.
Danny Boy is the title of a popular ballad that is part of the folklore of Ireland, whose text was written in 1910 by Frederick Weatherly, a lawyer originally from Scotland who never had occasion to visit the island of Ireland. The words of the song has been set to music on the music of another popular motif in Ireland, Londonderry Air (or Derry Air).
The original text is based on a message of greeting a woman addressing a man, but the same author wrote a few years after the publication in 1918, the song could also be performed by a male interpreter. The textual meaning of the song can be found in a farewell from a father to his son (or a grandfather to grandson) the imminence of his departure for war or for the movements of emigration due to the diaspora that would lead then to Irish Civil War.
"Danny Boy" is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. Running with Nigel Kennedy on violin is incredibly beautiful. Clicking on the video of Eva Cassidy I heard a divine interpretation. Below the video there were some comments. A lady writes: "I am folding laundry as the great Eva Cassidy sings" Danny Boy. "Her sound is crystalline and ethereal, seductive and soaring. I am amazed by the way three minutes and 41 seconds of music can leave a sobbing girl into a dish towl. "Another comment is" I Feel Sorry For Those Who Have not heard the otherworldly beauty of Eva's voice ... She is a keeper. "
Many singers have performed this song, among other things Deanna Durbin and Mario Lanza, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, AndyWilliams, The Larks, Gerry Timlin, Joe Dolan, Frank Tenaglia, Peppino di Capri, Jim Reeves, Roy Orbison (comments: "This song broke me up. Tears and memories Things like this Should never be heard by mortal man, Both he and this song belong in Heaven. And I Guess That's where he now sings it" And: "All versions are special to me, as It Was the first song I ever learned to sing. I was eight. "). The comment under the video of Celtic Woman's song" This song is old and I am only 17 and yet it Brings tears to my eyes. "And by Foster & Allen:" It is possibly one of the Most Beautiful sounds on Earth. "Most or perhaps the whole of these singers have gone to another life, but one is still very young and sang Danny Boy ten years ago when he was 9 or 10 years. His version I liked it a lot. Immortal for us mortals.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Business Escrow Companies
The latest news? Next Saturday is Sigrid. He needs a break. There is no school for a week and so decided that those days will stay with us in Rome and an Italian friend will take care to Livia and Flaminia, with her two older daughters already. Livia and Flaminia like to stay with Elisa, and Daiana and Zoe play willingly. Kevin will take more time to devote to his daughters, he had a strong desire. Recently, it was often away on business. Last week he attended the fair in Berlin with his stand of Laladoo. Has been successful, was interviewed for television and newspapers. E 'bilingual, speaks Dutch and German. German mom has often ranged from relatives in Germany. She has a degree in Germanologia and Economics. And while he was away Sigrid was alone with the children, house, costs, lead and take the girls to and from school by bike. Often you see the parents of the girl friends of Livia and Flaminia which are very nice but the conversation always revolves around the children: school, colds, etc. games. Sigrid If you find a job not too far away to a few days a week would do you very well would have a reason to dress carefully, you would see with colleagues and not only talk about things pertaining to domestic life. If such a job opportunity she accepted. The girls are already larger and a solution be found.
Who would have thought that my daughter was going to live in Holland. I like the rest I never thought of going to live in Italy. It 's true that you know where you are born but do not know where it goes.
Sigrid went to Holland with the project and Erasmus University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen) knew Kevin.
E 'was love at first sight. E 'come to Rome with him to let us know and all we loved it. Pino was enthusiastic.
Sigrid graduated from Wisdom in Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literature and the day of Kevin thesis, surprisingly, was present. He traveled at night to attend the event. Meanwhile
Sigrid she enrolled in a graduate program in the Netherlands: Women's Studies, at the suggestion of the professor who was involved in Nijmegen to foreign students. According to him she was the only foreign student with excellent results in Dutch language. For Sigrid was a new language. My children did not grow up bilingual. I had more contacts with the Netherlands since my family of origin was in Canada, my husband did not understand one iota of the Dutch and the house was always full of children, school friends and neighborhood, my children attended the cones for swimming throughout the summer and the Circle of RAI. In short, the language was in vogue in Italian. By Sigrid I made an attempt, but covers his ears with his hands: "Only you speak that funny language."
After completing his studies in Italy and the degree examinations in the Netherlands, the second thesis was swift because Sigrid has found a job first, then he lost his father, after she and Kevin have changed city, married, one daughter was born. And while awaiting his second daughter wanted to finish school: now or never. David flew up to attend the big day but more than anything to help out, because shortly before, during a vacation in Greece with Kevin and Livia, Sigrid has a fractured foot. I could not go to her because I was by Jan in New York. Luckily there was David and was a great help. To go shopping Sigrid carried everywhere in a wheelchair with Livia in the lap of mother. She washed the dishes, reading books for Livia. Kevin, who was away on business all day was quiet. The graduation day was very nice. I plunge as usual on the albums to look for some pictures.
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Nijmegen 2007 |
The latest news? Next Saturday is Sigrid. He needs a break. There is no school for a week and so decided that those days will stay with us in Rome and an Italian friend will take care to Livia and Flaminia, with her two older daughters already. Livia and Flaminia like to stay with Elisa, and Daiana and Zoe play willingly. Kevin will take more time to devote to his daughters, he had a strong desire. Recently, it was often away on business. Last week he attended the fair in Berlin with his stand of Laladoo. Has been successful, was interviewed for television and newspapers. E 'bilingual, speaks Dutch and German. German mom has often ranged from relatives in Germany. She has a degree in Germanologia and Economics. And while he was away Sigrid was alone with the children, house, costs, lead and take the girls to and from school by bike. Often you see the parents of the girl friends of Livia and Flaminia which are very nice but the conversation always revolves around the children: school, colds, etc. games. Sigrid If you find a job not too far away to a few days a week would do you very well would have a reason to dress carefully, you would see with colleagues and not only talk about things pertaining to domestic life. If such a job opportunity she accepted. The girls are already larger and a solution be found.
Who would have thought that my daughter was going to live in Holland. I like the rest I never thought of going to live in Italy. It 's true that you know where you are born but do not know where it goes.
Sigrid went to Holland with the project and Erasmus University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen) knew Kevin.
E 'was love at first sight. E 'come to Rome with him to let us know and all we loved it. Pino was enthusiastic.
Sigrid graduated from Wisdom in Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literature and the day of Kevin thesis, surprisingly, was present. He traveled at night to attend the event. Meanwhile
Sigrid she enrolled in a graduate program in the Netherlands: Women's Studies, at the suggestion of the professor who was involved in Nijmegen to foreign students. According to him she was the only foreign student with excellent results in Dutch language. For Sigrid was a new language. My children did not grow up bilingual. I had more contacts with the Netherlands since my family of origin was in Canada, my husband did not understand one iota of the Dutch and the house was always full of children, school friends and neighborhood, my children attended the cones for swimming throughout the summer and the Circle of RAI. In short, the language was in vogue in Italian. By Sigrid I made an attempt, but covers his ears with his hands: "Only you speak that funny language."
After completing his studies in Italy and the degree examinations in the Netherlands, the second thesis was swift because Sigrid has found a job first, then he lost his father, after she and Kevin have changed city, married, one daughter was born. And while awaiting his second daughter wanted to finish school: now or never. David flew up to attend the big day but more than anything to help out, because shortly before, during a vacation in Greece with Kevin and Livia, Sigrid has a fractured foot. I could not go to her because I was by Jan in New York. Luckily there was David and was a great help. To go shopping Sigrid carried everywhere in a wheelchair with Livia in the lap of mother. She washed the dishes, reading books for Livia. Kevin, who was away on business all day was quiet. The graduation day was very nice. I plunge as usual on the albums to look for some pictures.
Haarlem 2007. |
Monday, February 14, 2011
Clothes In Tickle Session
David is 10 and we would praise
few days ago, David took a picture from his window. It was dawn, the sun was rising transforming the sky with clouds in an abstract painting of incredible colors. He photographed the sky at different times of the day after a long time and the colors vary depending on the presence or absence of the sun or the moon. E 'satisfying to have a broader view, gives a sense of breath. Especially David is happy.
David has a fantasy without barriers, whether in painting, engraving, photograph and compose music. Last night I heard in the headphones the last two songs he composed: very beautiful, addatissimi for the soundtrack of a film. His head is full of melodies, a river that flows without stopping. Through a period in which he composed for hours and hours on end. Then suddenly it happens that he sees an object that inspires him, he gets an idea for a photo, look for the right light, is a composition and thus creates a lot of original photos. Years ago, went to advertising agencies showing their work. All around the table looking at the photos with great interest and with exclamations like: "Interesting! What good ideas! Bravo!" They said come back in a couple of days to give an answer on the possible use of their images.
But then the answer was always: "Sorry, the photos are beautiful but very raw and not suitable for our agency." On "the Republic" is a pop- advertisement of a famous brand of watches. The image was copied wholesale from a picture of David. A resounding plagiarism. In 2001 David riding his scooter along the Tiber Flaminio. Pass a series of billboards and ... damn!! Brake and back. A copy of a picture of her stands on one of the posters. It 'really shameless imitation and who carried it out did not even bother to make any substantive changes. This is the image of a girl on the mouth and eyes which were applied patches: an icon of sorrowful complaint which does not need any caption.
Surely in the days when he had left the photo agency had made copies and then use them to their liking. And ruthless. This has happened several times. David wrote a book about his adventures in the art world. Incredible things, but true.
on my blog and he adds that the photos, taking them from our book or the Internet, lightening, shrinking, correct it. It 'a virtuoso. I am also noted grammatical errors and sometimes tells me to look for another word to give more effect to the sentence. It makes me laugh when he thinks I wrote a phrase "from foreign" and the composition should be reviewed. After all, are foreign and Italian at the same time he married an Italian. E After half a century of residence in this country.
David as an artist and teacher deserves top marks.
few days ago, David took a picture from his window. It was dawn, the sun was rising transforming the sky with clouds in an abstract painting of incredible colors. He photographed the sky at different times of the day after a long time and the colors vary depending on the presence or absence of the sun or the moon. E 'satisfying to have a broader view, gives a sense of breath. Especially David is happy.
David has a fantasy without barriers, whether in painting, engraving, photograph and compose music. Last night I heard in the headphones the last two songs he composed: very beautiful, addatissimi for the soundtrack of a film. His head is full of melodies, a river that flows without stopping. Through a period in which he composed for hours and hours on end. Then suddenly it happens that he sees an object that inspires him, he gets an idea for a photo, look for the right light, is a composition and thus creates a lot of original photos. Years ago, went to advertising agencies showing their work. All around the table looking at the photos with great interest and with exclamations like: "Interesting! What good ideas! Bravo!" They said come back in a couple of days to give an answer on the possible use of their images.
But then the answer was always: "Sorry, the photos are beautiful but very raw and not suitable for our agency." On "the Republic" is a pop- advertisement of a famous brand of watches. The image was copied wholesale from a picture of David. A resounding plagiarism. In 2001 David riding his scooter along the Tiber Flaminio. Pass a series of billboards and ... damn!! Brake and back. A copy of a picture of her stands on one of the posters. It 'really shameless imitation and who carried it out did not even bother to make any substantive changes. This is the image of a girl on the mouth and eyes which were applied patches: an icon of sorrowful complaint which does not need any caption.
Surely in the days when he had left the photo agency had made copies and then use them to their liking. And ruthless. This has happened several times. David wrote a book about his adventures in the art world. Incredible things, but true.
on my blog and he adds that the photos, taking them from our book or the Internet, lightening, shrinking, correct it. It 'a virtuoso. I am also noted grammatical errors and sometimes tells me to look for another word to give more effect to the sentence. It makes me laugh when he thinks I wrote a phrase "from foreign" and the composition should be reviewed. After all, are foreign and Italian at the same time he married an Italian. E After half a century of residence in this country.
David as an artist and teacher deserves top marks.
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