The Smurfs - Episode 4: "King Smurf"
Bell'episodio, this metaphor Smurf hazard inherent in the power and its abuse.
The Papa Smurf to be absent from the village and so instructs his assistant "Brainy" (Quattrocchi) to deal in his place of work at the dam.
proud of the confidence shown in him by Papa Smurf, Brainy but you get some hands and instead of just managing the work, begins to behave as if it were the head of all the Smurfs.
Of course, if no other smurfs own spin, even begin to tease him because of his arrogant behavior. Quattrocchi annoying and therefore decides to bribe Smurfs one by one, to obtain obedience and for this purpose rely on some of their positions of "prestige" Hefty thus becomes the captain of the guard, he was appointed preacher and musician as its first task is to proclaim to others the Smurfs' Quattrocchi's self-proclamation as King of the Smurfs.
In a short time the situation worsened: the discontent of the original Smurfs turns into open hostility to the sovereign when Brainy passed a law establishing as a priority the construction of the king's palace compared to maintenance work on the dam.
But no rebels, the construction of the building begins and the situation remains stable until the time when Jockey (Joker) is arrested and imprisoned for having one of his usual explosive tricks the king.
It therefore creates a fringe of resistance, led by Smurfette, who organizes an action illegal after the release from prison of the real Joker. The success of the mission
exacerbates the conflict and so Smurfette, Joker and the small band of rebels including Smurfs Greedy and vain are forced to flee the village and take to the bush, to avoid ending up in prison themselves to the king.
While the dam starts to drop, due to cessation of work, and the river water threatens again Pufflandia, which broke out here among the Smurfs a bitter civil war that saw the king and his subjects and his faithful opposed to Smurfette rebels determined to retake the village with weapons.
E ' in this tense juncture that Papa Smurf returns from his trip into the forest and, shocked, forced to take over the reins of the situation. "I've disappointed you are acting like humans," says to the Smurfs, you quickly realize that you have gone too far. Then ask
works including the dam, and once that has been broken for days, in order to run all there to try to avoid a tragedy.
The tragedy is averted, of course, but not before a surge of water has escaped from a breach in the dam and fall of the castle '"and was" King Smurf, reducing it to rubble.
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