great success for the presentation of "I'm going to hell in Porsche " by Pier Francesco Grasselli (Murcia ), the novel tells the story of the bloody reality of kids dancing, following the successful The Last Cuba Libre (Murcia 2006), held Thursday, April 5 at the Libreria Feltrinelli Viale Marconi in Rome. The speakers, besides the author, Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli Marconi , who admitted he had "devoured" the novel by Grasselli and observed that it "brings to light the reality of young affluent rich province of Emilia with all its dark sides and problematic, "Patrik Magnani, an organizer of social events, which asked about the" night life ", said:" Not only the reality of the nightlife, but that of all young people is photographed in a stark and ruthless in the pages of shocking "To hell I go by Porsche. "" This is a novel that entertains and thrills at the beginning, but after a series inspires reflection on the destination to which you are directing the younger generation, "said Simone Scholtter , event organizer for the Moita Productions and manager of the wine bar Cesaretto Via Bocca di Leone Rome. "These are young people obsessed with status symbols and image," he added Pier Francesco Grasselli , twenty-nine years after his second literary evidence 'L' Last Cuba libre "(three editions)," young people seeking their emotions more and more violent because anesthetized to reality because of the luxurious and well-being in which they grew, because speed at which everything moves in the new millennium, which brought them to experience all too soon. That's why Speed \u200b\u200bGeneration.
In a time when the government is discussing whether to launch a decree for tougher punitive measures against those driving under the influence of alcohol, the author tells of a generation in search of ideals, through the eyes of who gives voice to a world too often the subject of generalizations and stereotypes. "Tale of the reality of young people who consume the nights at the disco, altered by alcohol and" paste ", who live in search of excitement quickly, for immediate consumption" Grasselli continues. "It 'a generation living in places that adults do not know. Young but united by their thirties empty. I tried to tell, to make the voice of these guys do not like but they are there. Just go to any nightclub on Saturday night to find them. "
arrived in bookstores only four weeks ago," To hell I go by Porsche "is already in its second edition. A decree by word of mouth among readers who find in the stories Jessica, Claudio, Tony, Gloria and the other characters in the novel a photograph of their generation. Grasselli in his novels has left a free hand to the characters that are told in first person. There is Jessica we're all, Claudio pulling coca and Constantine that puts it all, but there remains the eternal loser, Tony obsessed about sex, Gloria the strophic and around them a world of easy money, of afternoons spent in front of the playstation or MTV videos.
books Requests for reviews / interviews: Press Mursia ufficiostampa2@mursia.com
Info author www.pierfrancescograsselli.com
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