The Smurfs - Episode 5: "Who makes the aspects"
I also really liked this episode.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Mottled Skin After Hot Bath
The Smurfs - Episode 4: "King Smurf"
Bell'episodio, this metaphor Smurf hazard inherent in the power and its abuse.
The Papa Smurf to be absent from the village and so instructs his assistant "Brainy" (Quattrocchi) to deal in his place of work at the dam.
proud of the confidence shown in him by Papa Smurf, Brainy but you get some hands and instead of just managing the work, begins to behave as if it were the head of all the Smurfs.
Of course, if no other smurfs own spin, even begin to tease him because of his arrogant behavior. Quattrocchi annoying and therefore decides to bribe Smurfs one by one, to obtain obedience and for this purpose rely on some of their positions of "prestige" Hefty thus becomes the captain of the guard, he was appointed preacher and musician as its first task is to proclaim to others the Smurfs' Quattrocchi's self-proclamation as King of the Smurfs.
In a short time the situation worsened: the discontent of the original Smurfs turns into open hostility to the sovereign when Brainy passed a law establishing as a priority the construction of the king's palace compared to maintenance work on the dam.
But no rebels, the construction of the building begins and the situation remains stable until the time when Jockey (Joker) is arrested and imprisoned for having one of his usual explosive tricks the king.
It therefore creates a fringe of resistance, led by Smurfette, who organizes an action illegal after the release from prison of the real Joker. The success of the mission
exacerbates the conflict and so Smurfette, Joker and the small band of rebels including Smurfs Greedy and vain are forced to flee the village and take to the bush, to avoid ending up in prison themselves to the king.
While the dam starts to drop, due to cessation of work, and the river water threatens again Pufflandia, which broke out here among the Smurfs a bitter civil war that saw the king and his subjects and his faithful opposed to Smurfette rebels determined to retake the village with weapons.
E ' in this tense juncture that Papa Smurf returns from his trip into the forest and, shocked, forced to take over the reins of the situation. "I've disappointed you are acting like humans," says to the Smurfs, you quickly realize that you have gone too far. Then ask
works including the dam, and once that has been broken for days, in order to run all there to try to avoid a tragedy.
The tragedy is averted, of course, but not before a surge of water has escaped from a breach in the dam and fall of the castle '"and was" King Smurf, reducing it to rubble.
Bell'episodio, this metaphor Smurf hazard inherent in the power and its abuse.
The Papa Smurf to be absent from the village and so instructs his assistant "Brainy" (Quattrocchi) to deal in his place of work at the dam.
proud of the confidence shown in him by Papa Smurf, Brainy but you get some hands and instead of just managing the work, begins to behave as if it were the head of all the Smurfs.
Of course, if no other smurfs own spin, even begin to tease him because of his arrogant behavior. Quattrocchi annoying and therefore decides to bribe Smurfs one by one, to obtain obedience and for this purpose rely on some of their positions of "prestige" Hefty thus becomes the captain of the guard, he was appointed preacher and musician as its first task is to proclaim to others the Smurfs' Quattrocchi's self-proclamation as King of the Smurfs.
In a short time the situation worsened: the discontent of the original Smurfs turns into open hostility to the sovereign when Brainy passed a law establishing as a priority the construction of the king's palace compared to maintenance work on the dam.
But no rebels, the construction of the building begins and the situation remains stable until the time when Jockey (Joker) is arrested and imprisoned for having one of his usual explosive tricks the king.
It therefore creates a fringe of resistance, led by Smurfette, who organizes an action illegal after the release from prison of the real Joker. The success of the mission
exacerbates the conflict and so Smurfette, Joker and the small band of rebels including Smurfs Greedy and vain are forced to flee the village and take to the bush, to avoid ending up in prison themselves to the king.
While the dam starts to drop, due to cessation of work, and the river water threatens again Pufflandia, which broke out here among the Smurfs a bitter civil war that saw the king and his subjects and his faithful opposed to Smurfette rebels determined to retake the village with weapons.
E ' in this tense juncture that Papa Smurf returns from his trip into the forest and, shocked, forced to take over the reins of the situation. "I've disappointed you are acting like humans," says to the Smurfs, you quickly realize that you have gone too far. Then ask
works including the dam, and once that has been broken for days, in order to run all there to try to avoid a tragedy.
The tragedy is averted, of course, but not before a surge of water has escaped from a breach in the dam and fall of the castle '"and was" King Smurf, reducing it to rubble.
Brazillian Wax And Hemroids
The Smurfs - Episode 3: "Vanity Fair"
This episode is not that good I liked it.
This episode is not that good I liked it.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Pitssburgh Storage Locker Auction
The Smurfs - Episode 2: "The Smurfette becomes good "- Part 2
As Smurfette has now redeemed itself by confessing its obscure origin and his shady ties with Gargamel, Papa Smurf decides to offer you the chance to become a Puffa true, therefore, calls in his lab, throws a few random ingredient in pot and .. MAGIC MAGIC .. The Smurfette turns into a puff of horrible sloppy brunette in what was a beautiful blonde, a sort of Marilyn Monroe from the pretty blue leather high to a grasshopper or a little more '(do not know whether or not including tacchettini).
soon as the door of the laboratory reopens the Smurfs that, until now, had not seemed very interested in the only female smurf never appeared in the village, falling now in a sort of daze ecstasy and start from the beginning to compete with each other to win the graces of Smurfette rebuilt. While
when he was a brunette and sciattarella Smurfette was also shrewd and able to develop independent thought, of undeniable beauty shines now that seems to have lost every ounce of sense and opinion. Garga
When the contact, through the magic mirror hidden in boxes, and, realizing he had lost all malevolent influence on her, proposes to celebrate the Smurfs bringing his new friends in the forest under the great oak to make a pic- nic, the blonde goddess did not find the suspect enthusiastic and full of joy immediately put into practice the suggestion of his former mentor.
Tragedy, therefore, is fulfilled: Gargamel scamp, and if they are already stationed at the point suggested in the forest and Smurfette in a flash capture all unsuspecting Smurfs (except Smurfette, late for the choice of dress). To be honest, at this juncture, the Smurfs do not shine some cunning: get all 100 in a small wooden box with a red carpet placed on the grass and a yellow arrow I do not think honestly the most 'brilliant ideas.
The final episode is funny: Smurfette, once you understand the scam (there wanted!), Begins to wander disconsolately through the forest, eager to remedy the trouble that combined but is unable to process the slightest plan. E 'at this moment that appears in the mind, the same way as with the young Obi Wan Kenobi Skywalker, Papa Smurf with his wise counsel.
So turns the legendary Lone Smurf and throws down the gauntlet to Gargamel: sorcerer Birba orders to take action and, as usual, the two hinder each other like Laurel and Hardy, thus allowing Smurfette / Smurf Smurfs Solitaire liberate others and reach the coveted Happy End
As Smurfette has now redeemed itself by confessing its obscure origin and his shady ties with Gargamel, Papa Smurf decides to offer you the chance to become a Puffa true, therefore, calls in his lab, throws a few random ingredient in pot and .. MAGIC MAGIC .. The Smurfette turns into a puff of horrible sloppy brunette in what was a beautiful blonde, a sort of Marilyn Monroe from the pretty blue leather high to a grasshopper or a little more '(do not know whether or not including tacchettini).
soon as the door of the laboratory reopens the Smurfs that, until now, had not seemed very interested in the only female smurf never appeared in the village, falling now in a sort of daze ecstasy and start from the beginning to compete with each other to win the graces of Smurfette rebuilt. While
when he was a brunette and sciattarella Smurfette was also shrewd and able to develop independent thought, of undeniable beauty shines now that seems to have lost every ounce of sense and opinion. Garga
When the contact, through the magic mirror hidden in boxes, and, realizing he had lost all malevolent influence on her, proposes to celebrate the Smurfs bringing his new friends in the forest under the great oak to make a pic- nic, the blonde goddess did not find the suspect enthusiastic and full of joy immediately put into practice the suggestion of his former mentor.
Tragedy, therefore, is fulfilled: Gargamel scamp, and if they are already stationed at the point suggested in the forest and Smurfette in a flash capture all unsuspecting Smurfs (except Smurfette, late for the choice of dress). To be honest, at this juncture, the Smurfs do not shine some cunning: get all 100 in a small wooden box with a red carpet placed on the grass and a yellow arrow I do not think honestly the most 'brilliant ideas.
The final episode is funny: Smurfette, once you understand the scam (there wanted!), Begins to wander disconsolately through the forest, eager to remedy the trouble that combined but is unable to process the slightest plan. E 'at this moment that appears in the mind, the same way as with the young Obi Wan Kenobi Skywalker, Papa Smurf with his wise counsel.
So turns the legendary Lone Smurf and throws down the gauntlet to Gargamel: sorcerer Birba orders to take action and, as usual, the two hinder each other like Laurel and Hardy, thus allowing Smurfette / Smurf Smurfs Solitaire liberate others and reach the coveted Happy End
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Funny Greek Life Awards
MEET THE "SPEED GENERATION" / 05.04.2007 - Presentation Feltrinelli Viale Marconi - Rome
great success for the presentation of "I'm going to hell in Porsche " by Pier Francesco Grasselli (Murcia ), the novel tells the story of the bloody reality of kids dancing, following the successful The Last Cuba Libre (Murcia 2006), held Thursday, April 5 at the Libreria Feltrinelli Viale Marconi in Rome. The speakers, besides the author, Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli Marconi , who admitted he had "devoured" the novel by Grasselli and observed that it "brings to light the reality of young affluent rich province of Emilia with all its dark sides and problematic, "Patrik Magnani, an organizer of social events, which asked about the" night life ", said:" Not only the reality of the nightlife, but that of all young people is photographed in a stark and ruthless in the pages of shocking "To hell I go by Porsche. "" This is a novel that entertains and thrills at the beginning, but after a series inspires reflection on the destination to which you are directing the younger generation, "said Simone Scholtter , event organizer for the Moita Productions and manager of the wine bar Cesaretto Via Bocca di Leone Rome. "These are young people obsessed with status symbols and image," he added Pier Francesco Grasselli , twenty-nine years after his second literary evidence 'L' Last Cuba libre "(three editions)," young people seeking their emotions more and more violent because anesthetized to reality because of the luxurious and well-being in which they grew, because speed at which everything moves in the new millennium, which brought them to experience all too soon. That's why Speed \u200b\u200bGeneration.
In a time when the government is discussing whether to launch a decree for tougher punitive measures against those driving under the influence of alcohol, the author tells of a generation in search of ideals, through the eyes of who gives voice to a world too often the subject of generalizations and stereotypes. "Tale of the reality of young people who consume the nights at the disco, altered by alcohol and" paste ", who live in search of excitement quickly, for immediate consumption" Grasselli continues. "It 'a generation living in places that adults do not know. Young but united by their thirties empty. I tried to tell, to make the voice of these guys do not like but they are there. Just go to any nightclub on Saturday night to find them. "
arrived in bookstores only four weeks ago," To hell I go by Porsche "is already in its second edition. A decree by word of mouth among readers who find in the stories Jessica, Claudio, Tony, Gloria and the other characters in the novel a photograph of their generation. Grasselli in his novels has left a free hand to the characters that are told in first person. There is Jessica we're all, Claudio pulling coca and Constantine that puts it all, but there remains the eternal loser, Tony obsessed about sex, Gloria the strophic and around them a world of easy money, of afternoons spent in front of the playstation or MTV videos.
books Requests for reviews / interviews: Press Mursia
Info author

great success for the presentation of "I'm going to hell in Porsche " by Pier Francesco Grasselli (Murcia ), the novel tells the story of the bloody reality of kids dancing, following the successful The Last Cuba Libre (Murcia 2006), held Thursday, April 5 at the Libreria Feltrinelli Viale Marconi in Rome. The speakers, besides the author, Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli Marconi , who admitted he had "devoured" the novel by Grasselli and observed that it "brings to light the reality of young affluent rich province of Emilia with all its dark sides and problematic, "Patrik Magnani, an organizer of social events, which asked about the" night life ", said:" Not only the reality of the nightlife, but that of all young people is photographed in a stark and ruthless in the pages of shocking "To hell I go by Porsche. "" This is a novel that entertains and thrills at the beginning, but after a series inspires reflection on the destination to which you are directing the younger generation, "said Simone Scholtter , event organizer for the Moita Productions and manager of the wine bar Cesaretto Via Bocca di Leone Rome. "These are young people obsessed with status symbols and image," he added Pier Francesco Grasselli , twenty-nine years after his second literary evidence 'L' Last Cuba libre "(three editions)," young people seeking their emotions more and more violent because anesthetized to reality because of the luxurious and well-being in which they grew, because speed at which everything moves in the new millennium, which brought them to experience all too soon. That's why Speed \u200b\u200bGeneration.
In a time when the government is discussing whether to launch a decree for tougher punitive measures against those driving under the influence of alcohol, the author tells of a generation in search of ideals, through the eyes of who gives voice to a world too often the subject of generalizations and stereotypes. "Tale of the reality of young people who consume the nights at the disco, altered by alcohol and" paste ", who live in search of excitement quickly, for immediate consumption" Grasselli continues. "It 'a generation living in places that adults do not know. Young but united by their thirties empty. I tried to tell, to make the voice of these guys do not like but they are there. Just go to any nightclub on Saturday night to find them. "
arrived in bookstores only four weeks ago," To hell I go by Porsche "is already in its second edition. A decree by word of mouth among readers who find in the stories Jessica, Claudio, Tony, Gloria and the other characters in the novel a photograph of their generation. Grasselli in his novels has left a free hand to the characters that are told in first person. There is Jessica we're all, Claudio pulling coca and Constantine that puts it all, but there remains the eternal loser, Tony obsessed about sex, Gloria the strophic and around them a world of easy money, of afternoons spent in front of the playstation or MTV videos.
books Requests for reviews / interviews: Press Mursia
Info author
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
How To Moisten Blunt Wraps
The Smurfs - Episode 2:" The Smurfette becomes good "- the first part
A title distinguishes this unfortunate episode, as revealed beforehand to the audience the ending of this epic two-part episode. The Garga
invents a new plan to capture the heinous Smurfs: mixing a bit of junk in his pot creates a Smurfette, looking for a small golem Smurf on which the sorcerer has a power almost absolute, and whose goal is to bring confusion and chaos in the village of the Smurfs, Gargamel finally to allow to catch them. At the
Smurfette is a little chap with black hair a little sloppy and badly dressed, like a dishwasher in a bar the suburbs, however, is smart and clever and tries to seduce some Smurf and then take it to an isolated area where the Garga can capture. Needless to say, the Smurfs do not allow themselves ensnared by the befanetta blue, so Plan A (bring chaos seducing Smurfs galore) fails miserably.
Smurfette But, being still and sciattosa witch, also has the gift of understanding, so decide to indicate to the Garga the position of the village through the sabotage of the dam which protects the town of Smurfs by the rushing waters of the River.
Needless to say, thanks to the providential sole Smurf dressed in red (Papa Smurf), yet the diabolical plan B is stopped. Not before, however, that Smurfette had time to fall victim of his own machine, the default racchietta falls from the dam and is dragged from the water escaped from the dam, to be finally saved from certain death by the joint action of all the Smurfs .
E 'at this time tormenting the Smurfette, moved, finally breaks down and confesses to the leader of the Smurfs Malvaglia its nature and why it is was created: the capture and annihilation of all the little creatures blue.
[end of part one - continue]
A title distinguishes this unfortunate episode, as revealed beforehand to the audience the ending of this epic two-part episode. The Garga
invents a new plan to capture the heinous Smurfs: mixing a bit of junk in his pot creates a Smurfette, looking for a small golem Smurf on which the sorcerer has a power almost absolute, and whose goal is to bring confusion and chaos in the village of the Smurfs, Gargamel finally to allow to catch them. At the
Smurfette is a little chap with black hair a little sloppy and badly dressed, like a dishwasher in a bar the suburbs, however, is smart and clever and tries to seduce some Smurf and then take it to an isolated area where the Garga can capture. Needless to say, the Smurfs do not allow themselves ensnared by the befanetta blue, so Plan A (bring chaos seducing Smurfs galore) fails miserably.
Smurfette But, being still and sciattosa witch, also has the gift of understanding, so decide to indicate to the Garga the position of the village through the sabotage of the dam which protects the town of Smurfs by the rushing waters of the River.
Needless to say, thanks to the providential sole Smurf dressed in red (Papa Smurf), yet the diabolical plan B is stopped. Not before, however, that Smurfette had time to fall victim of his own machine, the default racchietta falls from the dam and is dragged from the water escaped from the dam, to be finally saved from certain death by the joint action of all the Smurfs .
E 'at this time tormenting the Smurfette, moved, finally breaks down and confesses to the leader of the Smurfs Malvaglia its nature and why it is was created: the capture and annihilation of all the little creatures blue.
[end of part one - continue]
Lean Mirror Wall Prevent Slipping
The Smurfs - Episode 1:" Smurf Apprentice "
In this episode (but also in those who follow him) for some obscure reason the Smurfs are all strange English names, such as Clumsy (which should be Tontolone) Brainy (Quattrocchi) or other that not even understand.
The only people who call themselves as they should have Papa Smurf and Smurfette (who appears only in the second episode) and Gargamel (although it seems that they call it's throat, I have always believed it was called Gargamel) and the cat Birba.
Clumsy Smurf is the most bumbling of the village, everything he does leads to sizable pies, for which the other Smurfs are beginning to exclude from their activities puffose.
So Clumsy (Tontolone) decides to get respect by becoming a wizard like Papa Smurf, but (of course) the Papa Smurf kindly declines the offer when the Clumsy is proposed as a laboratory assistant.
Clumsy is a cool guy and not give in, decide to learn the ropes on the other magician in the neighborhood, the sorcerer Gargamel (or garganelli, if you prefer).
One morning before dawn moves away from the village of the Smurfs and Gargamel infiltrates the lab to snatch the arcane secrets. Clumsy is
While looking through the book of spells here that Garga Garga returns from his morning tour of the marshes in search of ingredients and suddenly feel the smell of blue disgusting little creatures in his laboratory. Clumsy
is forced to flee, but not before he had stolen a page from that book .. a page that contains a spell of genetic mutation in puffrettile smurf.
The page will cause him and the Smurfs annoying problems, but eventually the happy ending is a given with the Smurfs that degrade the Garga in a frantic final clash in the laboratory and the sorcerer who is reinstated Clumsy (as well as ripuffizzato) full in the village despite his clumsy awkwardness.
Already in this episode we notice some standard features of the series:
1), the Smurfs have a smell that distinguishes them and Birba Gargamel and are able to perceive;
2) Birba Gargamel and for some reason they never manage to win in physical clashes with tall beings little more than two apples and indeed often hinder each other. TECHNICAL NOTES
the side of the dubbing process is known as the Smurfs are not very beginning characterized as voices, but since the episodes immediately following each floor plan is always better to be uniquely distinguished.
From the point of view of graphics are witnessing a similar phenomenon, the differences in graphics soft top will soon be much more pronounced.
In this episode (but also in those who follow him) for some obscure reason the Smurfs are all strange English names, such as Clumsy (which should be Tontolone) Brainy (Quattrocchi) or other that not even understand.
The only people who call themselves as they should have Papa Smurf and Smurfette (who appears only in the second episode) and Gargamel (although it seems that they call it's throat, I have always believed it was called Gargamel) and the cat Birba.
Clumsy Smurf is the most bumbling of the village, everything he does leads to sizable pies, for which the other Smurfs are beginning to exclude from their activities puffose.
So Clumsy (Tontolone) decides to get respect by becoming a wizard like Papa Smurf, but (of course) the Papa Smurf kindly declines the offer when the Clumsy is proposed as a laboratory assistant.
Clumsy is a cool guy and not give in, decide to learn the ropes on the other magician in the neighborhood, the sorcerer Gargamel (or garganelli, if you prefer).
One morning before dawn moves away from the village of the Smurfs and Gargamel infiltrates the lab to snatch the arcane secrets. Clumsy is
While looking through the book of spells here that Garga Garga returns from his morning tour of the marshes in search of ingredients and suddenly feel the smell of blue disgusting little creatures in his laboratory. Clumsy
is forced to flee, but not before he had stolen a page from that book .. a page that contains a spell of genetic mutation in puffrettile smurf.
The page will cause him and the Smurfs annoying problems, but eventually the happy ending is a given with the Smurfs that degrade the Garga in a frantic final clash in the laboratory and the sorcerer who is reinstated Clumsy (as well as ripuffizzato) full in the village despite his clumsy awkwardness.
Already in this episode we notice some standard features of the series:
1), the Smurfs have a smell that distinguishes them and Birba Gargamel and are able to perceive;
2) Birba Gargamel and for some reason they never manage to win in physical clashes with tall beings little more than two apples and indeed often hinder each other. TECHNICAL NOTES
the side of the dubbing process is known as the Smurfs are not very beginning characterized as voices, but since the episodes immediately following each floor plan is always better to be uniquely distinguished.
From the point of view of graphics are witnessing a similar phenomenon, the differences in graphics soft top will soon be much more pronounced.
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