Thursday, March 17, 2011

What Should Cm Be Like Right Before Your Period

And Jesus? And Plutarch .......

A study from the original greek from the New Testament reveals that Jesus, being hungry, did not ask "Do you have meat?" The correct translation of his application would be instead: "Do you have something to eat?" In all cases the greek original speaks of "food" in general.
The problem then shifts to the interpretation of the source material, translations and, sometimes, on bad translations.
What about the miracle of bread and fish?
Some scholars of the Bible, taking account of the merciful Jesus, suggest that the "fish" were a lot of meatballs made from a plant marine plant known as the fish. A type of food spread across today. There is a practical consideration: the balls were kept in the oven without the raw fish, in that warm climate, go bad very quickly ruining every other food is in the same basket.
is important that in the early manuscripts of the Gospel there is no mention of the fish, the miracle is described as bread and fruit.
The justification of Christian eating meat are based on inaccurate translations or literal interpretations of the Christian symbolism of all subjective.

Genesis 1.29 And God said, Behold, I give you every herb bearing seed on the surface of all the earth and every tree which has fruit yielding seed, this will be yours for food. "

Plutarch (Chaeronea, 46-127), wrote in De esu carnium:" You ask under what reasoning Pythagoras abstained from eating meat, I Instead ask, full of wonder, what provision, mind and thought the first man touched his mouth with blood and touched with his lips the flesh of an animal killed, preparing the table with corpses and lifeless idols, and has also called "delicacies" that only those members just before bellowing, shouting and moving and seeing. How could support the view that the killing of beings were slaughtered, skinned and cut to pieces, like the smell held the stench? As such contamination is not repugnant to the taste, to touch the wounds of other living beings and in the mood and drinking the blood of fatal wounds? "Pino

Once, my husband, he said:" With this our vegetarian diet I morally I feel really good. "

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Fifth Commandment ... and five shots

raining a lot, I went to shop for a few hours and stay at home. A lady of the building asked me to go to a movie together , I think, but already I see happen in the evening with David and Laura of the movies in their room that David download from your computer. Films recent and dated, sometimes considerable. I hear the beautiful music at Classical 102 and I should just throw me on the research, which is like a matryoshka: try and find a topic into another and another. Copying many pages, I sorted and then make a collage is a commitment. It 's a hobby-job that fills my mind and many moments of my days and at night it happens that the thoughts go to my blogspots.'d Better start writing.

Christ's words from "Cosmic Soul". The Fifth Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" commandment
Despite being a simple and direct, is rarely taken literally. The literal Hebrew Exodus 20:13, who introduced him, saying "the tirtzach. According to Reuben Alcalay, tirtzach the term refers to "any kind of killing." The exact translation, then, asks us to abstain from killing in its entirety. And 'no doubt that an animal is a living being is born, grows, maintains, reproduces, grows old and eventually dies. What's life can be killed, and kill it means to transgress a commandment holy as the others.

Association Vegetarian Pets:
According to the Buddha, the meat should be eaten in any case, adding: "Who takes away the lives of animals five times gross negligence." Before
guilt: "Why he commanded: Bring out that animal. So he is guilty of having ordered to capture the creature "
second shot:" Why drag the animal, trembling and reluctant, in pain and torment "
Third fault: Because he orders: kill this animal "In fact, anyone who eats meat is the very one that, albeit indirectly, gives the order to kill the animal. Fourth
guilt: "Why then the animal to death in pain and misery." For the same reason, those who eat meat causes pain and torment to animals. Fifth
guilt: "Why does he then restore inconveniently, so he is won for the fifth time gross negligence." Ie to eat this food with others, bringing them guilty, and in addition with a food does not act unseemly man.

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Monsignor Mario Canciani (18-1-1928/20-10-2007)

There must have been about ten years ago that one of my sons and I went to the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in person to know the parish priest Don Canciani, the animal lover. We read the newspapers every Sunday opened the doors of his church to domestic animals and blessed them. There came the desire to meet someone so special. I remember loving, sweet and cultured.
E 'died October 22, 2007 at eighty and has appeared on The Courier this obituary dedicated to him:
"Farewell to Don Canciani, the parish priest of animals. San Giovanni dei Fiorentini and a Romanesque church known to all animals and zoophilic Italic, believers, practitioners, agnostics and atheists. The parish was a man known for his open-mindedness towards non-human animals. There are many religious and diocesan clergy who surround themselves with dogs, cats, horses and more, but few who openly say that their defense and their dignity. Monsignor Canciani did. And in a clear and audible. "

Don Mario Canciani was a vegetarian. He was known for his commitment to the poor, prisoners and the sick as well as the his theories in support of animal rights. It was always opposed to the tradition of killing sheep during the Easter period. From biblical scholar claimed that Jesus belonged to the Essenes, a group not known to be fed meat, and who healed with his hands. He was among the first to argue that animals go to heaven. The Don Mario
phrase often liked to say: "The men in pain ..... bestial cries and cries human beasts."
His books: The Last Supper by the Essenes (195), Priest's Life "(1991), in Noah's ark, religion and animals (1990).

Monsignor Canciani, in his book" Noah's Ark " states that the church is not all yet been explored and understood.

Leonardo Da Vinci: "The killing of an animal will be treated the same way as the killing of a man."

Achilles Cross: "The enemies of animals are the worst enemies of their fellow men. The steak in the dish of the Western Afam the third world, even removing the soup from the pot of the poor, and are not vegetarians to say!"

A. Schopenhauer: "Christian morality contains within itself the great and essential imperfection in limiting its precepts to men and without any right to leave the animal world."

Charles Darwin: "The classification by form, function and organic regime (food) shows beyond doubt that the normal human food plant is like that of apes and monkeys, our canines are less developed than them and that we are not intended to compete with the wild beasts or carnivorous animals. "

Sources: "Christians vegetarians", "Christian Vegetarian", "Vegetarianism in the World"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Filmes Gratis De Incesto Italiano

fat Buddha

In my neighborhood known many overweight Chinese children accompanied by their parents of normal build . These children do not follow the diet of their ancestors? They eat too many snacks as compagnetti Italian school? In some window shopping in the many East all'Esquilino are set statues of Buddha which are a different size extra large, ruddy, with a smile, happy and blissful. I think: "How had this man to become so huge? Already existed then and in that part of the world of obese people?" Before, I thought but since I live here surrounded by Asian people, mostly lean , the curiosity became alive. I started to click on the environment computer and this is what came out.
In fact, the Buddha-bellied laughing and represents Pi-pu-tai Ho-shang that signifioca Small bag-of-monaco-hemp, abbreviated Pu-tai, a Chinese Buddhist master of the Ch'an school, lived in the tenth century AD, whose real name was Tz'u Ch'i-lived and that itinerant nel'attuale province of Chekiang. The fact that Pu-tai is depicted fat does not mean that it actually was. In the culture depicted the "wise men", are represented in this way. Pu-tai had no desire to be called Ch'an master nor to gather disciples around him. Instead roamed the streets with a big bag full of hemp candy, fruit and pancakes. Sweets for distribution to children who were playing around him. Gave children and adults asked: "Give me a dime." Pu-tai in Japanese became Hotei. Arrived
lighting has earned the nickname Buddha.
Now I know that this is not the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC), who, unlike Pu-tai was slender as a reed. The title comes from the root Sanskrit Buddha Budha, which means "know", "create", "wake up".
Buddha as the Christ has left nothing in writing. However, his words were recorded by his disciples and passed down to others. A lot of the confusion that this has generated, over time have formed thousands of different sects and miliaia which directly or indirectly, to claim their 'Buddhism. " However, there are two points that are unanimously accepted: that the Buddha attained supreme enlightenment and compassion, but I should say "his absolute respect" embraces all that lives ..
Buddhism does not ask his disciples, a faith, a practice of worship and unconditional consent, as it considers legitimate all other religions and does not accept intolerance.
In the same century in which Buddha taught the doctrine of contemplation and non-violence, similar ideas were preached by Confucius (Kong Fuzi 551 BC-479 BC) in China, Zoroaster (Zarathustra, around 800 BC) in Persia, by Pythagoras (575 BC-495 BC) in Greece, from Isaiah (765 BC) in Jerusalem and elsewhere in India by Mahavira (599 BC-527 BC).
Going to the Oriental Museum a stone's throw from my house was beginning to make a thousand paces distant lands. It does not end here, there are other philosophies and religions with their thoughts on the subject. Therefore more research to do.
I'm doing a culture, too bad my memory is blurred.