Homelessness - Senzaletto When the evening I put in my nice cozy bed, I feel bliss and gratitude. The duvet covers me with a soft warmth, hot water bottle: my security blanket. I turn around finding the right position to wait for sleep. Mando airwaves thanks to my bed, accompanied by a long thought to all my loved ones scattered here and there. But invariably I see in a flash all people sleeping on the streets in this neighborhood, in the cold. Because I have a bed, a house and they do not? Away with these thoughts, I already have full day's head. I fall asleep, but sometimes I stay awake for long.
In the neighborhood where I lived before you could not see these poor abandoned by humans and gods. Through the media I was aware, I felt sorrow of others but these problems were added to the countless other personal problems, national and international. The suffering of humanity and the animal world has no limits. This district Esquilino I see with my own eyes so many people unhappy. Men at night they sleep on pieces of cardboard in some porch of a church building, on park benches, the floor under the arcades of Piazza Vittorio, leaning against the shutters of a shop. Not only men, even women. It happens that the volunteers give them a blanket, but this is considered a gesture somewhat hypocritical, because away for their own needs, to ask for alms, or who knows, the blankets are lost: there is a storeroom where to store the next night. And so there are more than the men also abandoned the covers. Many of these clochards are given to drink. With handouts gleaned buy beer and wine. Drinking dampen the sense of hunger and the sense of their unfortunate existence. In the streets I see them sitting on the steps, with their faces red and swollen, often in groups of three or four, as to console, speaking the same language and experiencing the same condition. I know from books on vitamins years ago I brought from Canada, that when an addict is drinking well fed and are given vitamin and mineral supplements in large quantities, the desire disappears completely alcohol because alcohol is very often a sign of malnutrition (Abram Hoffer, MD and Andrew Saul, "The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism - Orthomolecular Treatment of Addictions").
I feel empathy and impotence. To which god to go for help?
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