want a lot of good including her husband Gilles, who is French and journalist for many years and now lives in Stow Lake.
The kitten, who feels so often mention, stretches and puts on the table in front of me staring straight into my eyes, knock them slowly. The young lady called Akai shows me the laptop on the table and says: "This afternoon I had to finish a job as a consultant. My children after me has kept them school friend, now that is going to take them, I wish that you knew them. We employ a lot, and given that she and the Pussycat want you to wonder I ask to stay until we return? "I nod, yes, I am pleased. And then there's this cat with whom I feel a bond. Akai brings me a 'another drink and leaves. How nice that in English there is the embarrassment of you or her.

'm excited almost to tears by this story of Poesjemauw / Pussycat. Recall a wealth over the past years together until a cheerful voices wake us from the spell. Children are beautiful Akai , their complexion is lighter than that of their mother. They greet me politely, but greeted with more warmth Pussycat. Damien, the greatest, stroking says: "How Was Your Day, Pussycat?". Jon gives her a kiss on the forehead as Jan was a child. The small Sybil Anne, frizzy-haired tails collected in many of the colored beads with closed eyes and unusually blue, does not end more than cuddle. Akai and I observe them with tenderness. I give her lots of compliments for his adorable children. It 's time to say goodbye, we intend to see us again. Pussycat accomplice and I exchanged a glance. This cat, choosing another of his short life, has found heaven on earth.
Akai takes me to the gate. He says: "And to think that our knowledge began with that bag of dried peas. You know, we are vegetarians and eat many vegetables."
So that is the case, at least today, do not use the word "coincidence". With a light step I get home, I can not wait to tell Jan Pussycat and my new friend.
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