intervention Pier Francesco Grasselli
Nicole Pasetto, the sixteen year old died of a lethal cocktail Ecstasy and drank alcohol at a rave at the Lido of Venice, is the last in the list. Before her there was Marcarini Kristel, a promising young Italian ski crushed a tablet of ecstasy cut it in April this year. Even before it touched the nineteen Nunzio Mattia Lo Castro at a rave in Segrate.
death of these young people have spoken all.
All except the boys, who were their age. Do you know why they do not speak? Because they know that nobody really wants to listen.
That Nicole is a generation that does not disturb the driver has no claims, does not go into the streets, no screams, no policy or right nor left. It is a generation that has decided to be invisible to adults. Please note only when he dies.
Only when there is dead, someone notices that there are young people. And then he unleashed the Solons: "There is a lack of values," they yell.
Wrong. The values \u200b\u200bare, and how. It is a value to be Where's My Car, is a value to be the best, is a value aggression, competition, money, success, thinking to themselves, even cunning, and a value.
Who built the values \u200b\u200bof this society? Certainly not Nicole or her peers. It was the old, the same who later frignano the lack of values.
Nicole and all the other boys died from drugs, alcohol, the folly of a race car, are not victims, they are heroes, my dear old people, because they die for the values \u200b\u200bof society that you have built.
are old and have imposed chains, constructed with the facts and the words of a company's success and set the values \u200b\u200bof consumption and then are shocked when young people die for those values. Old and hypocrites. If they are not, should admit that all the dead people under thirty to alcohol, drugs and despair, should be celebrated and did not commit: fell to witness the values \u200b\u200bof the society of their elders. They died because they want to be "Where's My Car" want to "live up to" as provided by the company.
Because, let's face it, this is not a country for young people. There is no room for the fragility of young people, their energy, their desires, for their work to live, for their ideas.
Young guests are poorly tolerated in a society that constantly celebrates the memory but it ignores the future.
Celebrating 1918, 45, Sixty, Seventy-seven, the unification of Italy and the end of the First Republic. And on the anniversary and with the memory of those who fought for the revolution, of right and left. This is a country of old revolutionaries bent by the well-being, living with the head turned back and do not realize that saving the past, but fuck the future.
These days we have exhausted the Sixty. I did the accounts: those that have made the legendary Sixty-eight, left or right, today sixty years, yet we are still infect with their tales of youth.
Marcello Veneziani and Mario Capanna have one thing in common: they are old. When they stop to browse through their memories and raise their heads to watch the youth of today? When will it aside to make room for the young? And do not tell me that it is for young people struggle to take the space, do not say that as did the boys of the Sixty also those of 2008 should be elbowed off.
If you were not there yet realized that the kids know the invisible generation are already resisting and fighting so that you can not understand.
were locked in their world, they cling to their peer group, they help each other. They invented a language that the old can not understand, have clandestine communications systems (have you ever wondered, dear old people, how can they be four thousand in a rave?), Have small communities linked (you be surprised, dear old people, see how Friendship is important in the bands and youth groups), have their music, their literature, their art. Of course, they also have their desperation, their insecurities, their fears, their errors. They are confused and desperate. But there are. And how can they resist. This is the land of the Venetians and the Shack. Not the Nicole and the other country.
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