In these frantic days of campaigning and genetic mutations of the parties, a fact likely to go unnoticed: what happened to the National Alliance? The about-face of its leader, who only last November after the scandal at the surprise move by Berlusconi's running board of Piazza San Babila, it's mean and petty things of the many puzzling and perplexing that we have become accustomed to Italian politics. Until the controversy was only the media and full Prodi government, the lieutenant Gianfranco kept faith with its ideals (not to single party and electoral reform); once the government fell, the scent of the chair and the power is returned to the former MSI intoxicated. No to the electoral law, vote now e.. Last but not least, the single party of the People of Freedom. The wolf and the lamb obeys orders. The Democratic Party, like it or not, has initiated a process, exactly democratic, dissolution of the two respective parties that would go on to compose, through a serious and lasting, with the risk (actual and real) to lose pieces on the street. On the right, however, nothing. The chief executive of the party-company dissolves Forza Italy and his followers hail him, then refounded and his followers hail him, then melts again, and riot of flags. And sneaking noiselessly, the valiant Gianfranco doing? Dilutes the history of his party in the new training only. Now, we wonder, what happened to An? Where is it? Because no one warned us of the disbanded and merged into the new entity? What do members think?
is then that this question would be too good to turn to local landlords and the former Fiamma Tricolore comic province of their slave. The commissioner radiologist do you think? He has an idea about this issue or is too busy fighting drugs that lurks, notoriously, in families Crema? A word of advice: his beautiful propina kit for parents and adolescents in the name of drug prevention (Fuck that prevention will never encourage parents not to trust their children ...) send it also to the leader of his (former) party. It was he who admit to having smoked a joint in his youth. Evidently, under the influence of drugs, you forgot to explain to the Italians what happened to the National Alliance.
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