"I'm going to hell in Porsche," the new novel by Pier Francesco Grasselli , published by Mursia will presented Friday, June 1 from 22.00 in the splendid setting of the disco Sixth Sense of Desenzano del Garda . Occasion will also be unveiled for the clothing line "UCL - The Ultimate Cuba Libre" inspired by the atmosphere of the novels of Grasselli. The bookstore chain
"When you reach the point" will a booth for the sale of books autographed by the author and actress Simona Mari in prime time will read and interpret a few brief passages from the novel. For OdenTV will instead present Mario Maellaro with cameras of its program BackstageVIP .
The following stages of the tour will be Saturday June 9th to Parma Dadaumpa the disco on a Friday Lepidus 48 and June 15 in Reggio Emilia the disco Los Angeles Quattro Castella, Saturday June 30 Pasha nightclub of Riccione, the to July 12 disco in Florence Central Park and the July 20 to ' Hemingway Marina di Ravenna (Ravenna).
The tour is sponsored by ASAPS (Municipal Police Association of Supporters and friends), who will be in stages with his volunteers and distribute free disposable breathalyzers and informative material on road safety, and Association of Victims of Road , which often collaborates with ASAPS. The disposable breathalyzers are courtesy of Club Car Rimini, Reggio Emilia Lloyd Allianz Group, Automobile Club Firenze, Aci Automobile Club of Reggio Emilia and Ravenna . On 30
Pasha of June to 20 July all'Hemingway Riccione and Marina di Ravenna, will attend the Association SAFESTYLE that promotes education and prevention initiatives safe driving with special attention paid to dependencies on alcohol and drugs and venereal disease sexually transmitted.
During the evening will also place a casting to put faces to the characters of the cult novel "The Last Cuba Libre" and "Hell I go by Porsche." The models and select models embody the characters in the catalog web media clothing line inspired by the atmosphere of two novels by Pier Francesco Grasselli.
"I'm going to hell in a Porsche," he says in a raw, sometimes ruthless, bad habits of young people well and the reality of the problems kids today, addressing hot topics such as the Saturday night, the party and coca Sex lived with superficiality and indifference. The novel is a sequel of the successful The Ultimate Cuba Libre (Murcia 2006).
impact that these novels have had on audiences of all ages, the idea of \u200b\u200b convey a positive message through the channel and educational nightlife, with the collaboration of associations dealing with education and prevention .
arrived in bookstores only a few weeks ago, "To hell I go by Porsche" is already in its second edition. Declared a success by word of mouth among readers who find in the stories of Jessica, Claudia, Tony, Gloria and the other characters in the novel a photograph of their generation.
In a time when the government is discussing whether to launch a decree to step up punitive measures against those driving under the influence of alcohol, the author tells us of a generation in search of ideals, with the eyes of those who give voice to a world too often the subject of generalizations and stereotypes. "These are young people obsessed with status symbols and image," said Pier Francesco Grasselli, twenty-nine, his second literary evidence after "The Last Cuba Libre" (three editions), "young people seeking their emotions more and more violent because anesthetized to reality because of the luxurious and well-being in which they grew, because speed with which everything moves into the new millennium, which brought them to experience all too soon. That's why Speed \u200b\u200bGeneration. "
"I say the reality of today's youth, which are consumed in the disco nights, altered by alcohol and" paste, living fast in search of excitement, to be eaten immediately, "continues the author. "It 'a generation living in places that adults do not know. Young, but also in their thirties, joined by the vacuum. I tried to tell, to make the voice of those guys that you can find in any club on Saturday and Friday nights. "
Grasselli went to dozens of clubs for his book. No speakers or sociologists but vocalist and DJ who read from a piece of music and the other sentences in the book. In his novels, the author has left a free hand to the characters, who tell firsthand. There is Jessica we're all, there's Claudio pulling coca, Tony is obsessed with sex, is no Glory "if the pull" is that Emanuel knows all of the region pr , Constantine is that we put it all, but there remains a hopeless loser who is fifteen and Valentina "set the pasta, and around them there is a world of easy money, of afternoons spent in front of the Playstation or videos to MTV.
"A young and glamorous clothing line, inspired by the novels on the" night people "by Pier Francesco Grasselli, author of Emilia Romagna are those who have become true cult:" The Ultimate Cuba Libre "and" I'm going to hell in Porsche, "both published by Murcia.
"The idea is to make clothing developed in collaboration with Stefano Ganassi , art director of the line, "said Pier Francesco Grasselli.
is interesting photography project curated by Massimo Dallaglio , fashion photographer and official photographer of the beauty contest of Miss Billionaire Porto Cervo in Cortina and active in the field of advertising and communication: it is the creation of a catalog and Web paper in which male and female models embody the protagonists of the novels, immortalized in a sort of Big Brother house while they perform some of the actions taken by the protagonists of the novel wearing clothing line UCL - "The Last Cuba Libre."
Requests for books
reviews / interviews: - Press Mursia 02 67378527 - ufficiostampa2@mursia.com
General information / photos / events / press: www.pierfrancescograsselli.com
Event Information: Patrik Magnani (cel. 320.09.85.734) / Adriano Neighbours (staff Sixth Sense)
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