Who is down today?
No family can hang a sign
"There are no problems"
In an age characterized by profound cultural change in which everyone confess publicly, exposing its past, the feelings, emotions I too have felt the need to disclose a witness of life lived with a son 'special'. I do so with the modesty of his father struck deep within an event that upset at seeing the birth of a creature considered 'not normal'.
Describe what it means to be a parent of a child down is not easy because often slips between pietism and exaltation that do not help to understand.
who these children know that we are talking about wonderful people, among them heterogeneous, who think with the heart and the heart, sometimes difficult to understand and manage , even why put dall'impulsività parenting. Who has long lived with them has experienced life experiences that enrich and which can no longer do without it, knows that when you speak to them a look, a word or a smile you return them magnified, you know they do not know the malice and wickedness. Nevertheless those who had contact with these guys, even short, they miss because it has been plagued by Love, the real one, the pure, what makes you feel the urge to bear witness to a feeling that is unfortunately becoming increasingly rare.
Recently you have written enough about the barriers associated with mental retardation, on how to address them and reduce . There is, however, is focused, if not marginally up as a parent, relative, live in this society worry about the context of emotional person with Down syndrome and how that person lives this discomfort. The low prevalence and sometimes inaccessible literature about imposing a kind of reasoning that goes to trial and error.
It 's always a failure to conceive a disabled person, a kind of provocation that causes a dull pain riaffiorante periodically in the mother for a sense of ineffectiveness, and father to a narcissistic wound. These feelings we find them well documented in carved and who can express them, as certain characters with more affected by this event that hosted children with disabilities, also suffering, as the philosopher Emmanuel Mounier and the writer Ennio Flaiano.
The coming of a disabled person's whole life to you, with you father and mother with the other changes you register, we reserve behave differently because they are a 'different', like your son, because they were considered people uncomfortable; because you are the touchstone of his certainties, watching you and consider you as one to watch, to be pitied, to be set aside "because ... closed in the safety of your being normal, you're blind to the precariousness of life, are you afraid to dive, the watch in a mirror that you select the images so as not to be troubled "- is the complaint that one day They base Giulia launched against the company when he adopted a handicapped person," Nicholas, adoption courageous "-. And 'you have to face an embarrassing situation by creating you a new social horizon, perhaps smaller, more concrete, however, different from common sense. Flaiano invokes the miracle to be able to love his Louise, ill with encephalitis shortly after birth, Mounier, consider the birth of his daughter Francesca is a gift sent from heaven to trace the way to heaven, some more until it closes in on itself to fray in neurosis: These births are always an event that grabs you by the hair and throws you into another world.
Being healthy, beautiful, toned, not fat or cellulite can be useful but not a mirror to a society increasingly lacking in truth and human warmth : feelings, the latter too often confused with the cult of the strong and intelligence and in which the 'different' in some contexts, it is condemned to social isolation. We have been accustomed to consider the people down is not normal, because we assume that what we want to be normal and the universal yardstick. A belief that forces these kids to be and remain as they are received in our imagination, expect them to do things down. Because they look, behavior and attitudes than those who live a life 'normal', and we adopt them pigeonholed against them stupid conventions of behavior that helps them grow, but more importantly, does not help us.
Let's start thinking that down is not very different, as anyone who has problems of existence and that the degree of mental retardation not always depend on the type of trisomy as the environment, the family atmosphere, by its activities and therefore the quality of his life, beginning even at the myth that he is a person happy because it shows confidence and joy. It is not always the case. When they become adults, it raises questions as any knowledgeable people, reflecting on his future but can not design it because it is naturally tributary to those nearby and that could remain at the mercy of those who will decide for him with his anxiety: he can not or decipher, not tubarci, the disguises. He will only accept or reject what he is proposing is for us to understand, bearing in mind that this figure is condensed in the fragility and resilience of the human being. It is therefore our duty to feel a moral obligation to reciprocate the love he offers us no claim to an advantage, because he needs us and will never bears a grudge, even if they receive the opposition. In this, perhaps only in this, are different from us.
from "The Hidden Mirror" (in radical reworking)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
2005 Toyota Sequoiablueprints
intuition and reason, a reflection on intellectual disability
E 'know that these guys are driven more by the heart from the head. Often they turn to us to be comforted in their decisions dictated primarily by instinct. Sometimes it seems absurd that submit applications for them have a meaning, but which are beyond our reasoning, and others, however, perched over the futility of aback.
A prevailing current of thought that leads from the Nobel Prize in neuroscience, Eric Kandel, turn back the clock of empirical knowledge, argues that many productions that have left a tangible sign were designed more than by reason, by mechanisms that go with emotion. This is evident in the artists, the romantic, the painters who, according to Kandel, testify to the limits of reason.
scholar with a long series of examples (which does not repeat here), shows that the emotional part of the brain is much more refined and complete than logical and rational, because it was "beautifully decorated" by the evolution of the last hundreds of thousands of years is what Jung called "emotional intelligence" of our personality and placed in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is complementary to the other hemisphere who chairs the scope of the 'rational intelligence. "
As in any review even this coin has two sides. It is, according to Kandel, the reason why we cling to the illusion of rationality. In fact, "when the instinct is wrong, bad wrong, wrong, and this makes us feel betrayed." Only then invoke the right. In other words, if the emotional part is predominant, uncontrollable much more than the logical part that is weak, low-volitional, the latter can easily capitulate under the pressure of an emotional storm.
Taking good for the allegations made by this scholar, we must conclude that when our kids come to us to be comforted in their instinctive actions, it is said to be in error. On the other hand to support any research scientist uses formulas, which in turn were preceded by the intuition!
As is the feeling to drive our kids, rather than abstract thought, it is appropriate that their suggestions should be filtered in the light of reason, but unfortunately it is difficult for us "adults", which is often the illusions we have to leave by road a piece, follow this road for what would be necessary, especially with the right attitude.
For these reasons, I think every parent who lovingly follows the evolutionary process of their child, should strive to understand that it is not always good brakes on their suggestions, which could have justified reasons, but that we might escape. From the attendance at these guys I learned that the instinct to leave and to facilitate spontaneity is the best way to follow their own talent, and then the royal road to happiness. So why not imitate them? Why force their nature? Why encourage them to imitate someone else?
Sometimes, without realizing it, some emotional outbursts may assume also means a call for dialogue and review of its thought, therefore, do not accept their spontaneity, especially in the case of an only child, can cause disturbance in their emotional balance to induce manic behaviors.
Pugliarello Francis from "The mirror hidden ..."
E 'know that these guys are driven more by the heart from the head. Often they turn to us to be comforted in their decisions dictated primarily by instinct. Sometimes it seems absurd that submit applications for them have a meaning, but which are beyond our reasoning, and others, however, perched over the futility of aback.
A prevailing current of thought that leads from the Nobel Prize in neuroscience, Eric Kandel, turn back the clock of empirical knowledge, argues that many productions that have left a tangible sign were designed more than by reason, by mechanisms that go with emotion. This is evident in the artists, the romantic, the painters who, according to Kandel, testify to the limits of reason.
scholar with a long series of examples (which does not repeat here), shows that the emotional part of the brain is much more refined and complete than logical and rational, because it was "beautifully decorated" by the evolution of the last hundreds of thousands of years is what Jung called "emotional intelligence" of our personality and placed in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is complementary to the other hemisphere who chairs the scope of the 'rational intelligence. "
As in any review even this coin has two sides. It is, according to Kandel, the reason why we cling to the illusion of rationality. In fact, "when the instinct is wrong, bad wrong, wrong, and this makes us feel betrayed." Only then invoke the right. In other words, if the emotional part is predominant, uncontrollable much more than the logical part that is weak, low-volitional, the latter can easily capitulate under the pressure of an emotional storm.
Taking good for the allegations made by this scholar, we must conclude that when our kids come to us to be comforted in their instinctive actions, it is said to be in error. On the other hand to support any research scientist uses formulas, which in turn were preceded by the intuition!
As is the feeling to drive our kids, rather than abstract thought, it is appropriate that their suggestions should be filtered in the light of reason, but unfortunately it is difficult for us "adults", which is often the illusions we have to leave by road a piece, follow this road for what would be necessary, especially with the right attitude.
For these reasons, I think every parent who lovingly follows the evolutionary process of their child, should strive to understand that it is not always good brakes on their suggestions, which could have justified reasons, but that we might escape. From the attendance at these guys I learned that the instinct to leave and to facilitate spontaneity is the best way to follow their own talent, and then the royal road to happiness. So why not imitate them? Why force their nature? Why encourage them to imitate someone else?
Sometimes, without realizing it, some emotional outbursts may assume also means a call for dialogue and review of its thought, therefore, do not accept their spontaneity, especially in the case of an only child, can cause disturbance in their emotional balance to induce manic behaviors.
Pugliarello Francis from "The mirror hidden ..."
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Explain Contract In Business Agreement
to Naples and the province because the government did not take into account the THOR?
What is THOR? is more than an incinerator, a miraculous invention of the CNR .
In a series of contacts at the time by myself with Dr. Paolo Plescia of the National Research Council (CNR), a prodigious inventor of undifferentiated garbage recycling plant , The scientist assured me that his "device" in its experimental phase in Messina, was placed on the market within the year, namely in 2008. E 'likely that the news did not like the poppies of incinerators, or perhaps because of its simplicity and low cost / income and even the media because, after the interest shown in the first months of that year, THOR has fallen under a blanket of an inexplicable silence.
THOR stands for "Total House Waste Recycling", or complete recycling of household waste, a real hog waste. This is a radically innovative technology, designed developed and made entirely in Italy by the team of Plescia ISMN-CNR (Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials) in collaboration with a private company ASSING of Rome. According to the CNR processing steps undergone by the refusal of the order are: crushing and screening, magnetic separation of ferrous, non ferrous metals separation of eddy current, separation of aggregates by dividing ballistic and eventual separation enrichment of a fraction "compounds" made from rubber, PVC and other plastics heavy grinding combustible fraction of waste at a mill micronized to achieve sub-millimeter dimensions and then refining fuel by ciclonatura. A concrete Esmie its capabilities? Leggiamolo in a note dated January 2008 CNR:
"an urban area of \u200b\u200b5,000 inhabitants produces around 50 tonnes of solid waste per day - inform researchers - with these, Thor, enables to obtain a daily average of 30 tons of fuel, 3 tons of glass, 2 tons of ferrous and non ferrous metals and a tonne of aggregates, and in which 'also includes the chlorine-rich fraction of the waste that is separated to avoid contaminating the fuel. " "The rest of the waste 'water that is expelled as vapor during the process of micronization. The product that comes from Thor and 'sterilized' cause the pressures that are generated in the mill, from 8000 to 15000 atmospheres, determine the complete destruction of bacterial flora and, furthermore, does not produce odors from fermentation remains inert from a biological standpoint, but fuel.
The result of this treatment is the production of micro-crushed by a fuel calorific value comparable to that of coal . During this phase, the water contained in the waste evaporates evaporates even as much of the chlorine (responsible for the formation of dioxins during combustion) in the form of hydrochloric acid which in turn reprecipitates CaCl2 or NaCl salt forms that are taken away from the fuel cycle by nature. This fuel is product in the form of powder which, pressed pellets and can be used in industrial furnaces.
By now the problem is chronic refuse emergency in Campania. Becomes increasingly complex and difficult to solve and nobody ever talked about THOR even in the event. "You run for cover, wipe the hundreds of loopholes left open by previous commissioners, before they accelerate the decay of the thousands of tonnes of rubbish strewn streets of Naples and its province - recently said Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- adding that it was necessary to face up to Crime. The latter, in viewing perspective running out a hearty source of income, setting stakes in the new political course and the resulting poisonous fumes of smoke, making it even more breathable air bell, but THOR never mentioned, not even a line.
Worried about the environmental situation in Campania, Silvio Berlusconi has returned several times to Naples Bertolaso \u200b\u200band it does after each Council of Ministers. But what is surprising was his lack of courage. While it shows, quite rightly, the muscles with military garrisons, it does not take into account, even at the outset, the adoption of this innovative system, much celebrated by the Board of Research.
According to the calculations of experts, as Naples and the province produce 7 thousand tons of garbage daily and THOR in "millstone" 8 hour ", just 36 THOR and a charge of € 72 million to say goodbye to the production of" junk "daily. While grinding with 100 THOR could disappear in just one year to 7 million tonnes of "eco-bales" accumulated over the decades. On balance, at a cost of thirty-three times lower, THOR is also able to get five times more energy per pound compared to a common incinerator that many food storage sites without central heating, separate waste collection, landfill and whatever ' more. In this regard, requested by signed if he had received any proposal from the Government, Paolo Plescia surprisingly answered me: "I do not think you want to have anything to do with politics, of whatever color it is, especially in Campania, where there is already a" floor waste ", which provides the only energy plants and planting. " It also declares (as it properly rejected the claim arising from his invention, according to the DDLS of February 10, 2005 No. 3) has "already given the use of his [creature] in private hands because plants are made for special waste , to entrust to private companies. "
The responses of the scientist, there is no indication of whether the plant has been sold and to whom. In the month of February (February 14, 2008) a press release signed by CEO of ASSING SpA, Renato de Silva, reported that if no other solution was found in the massacre Campano, "ASSING SPA is available to bring its know-how which possible contribution to the solution of the problem emerged.
We are curious to know what has happened since then. Why Plescia and De Silva were secluded in the not to publish their "creation"? What is a failure, or that something else is hiding behind the scenes? Unless, as stated Plescia, their target market have special waste (where the amount to be addressed are children and disposal rates are higher than urban), encompass the investment in less time and with less waste! And maybe the patent sold to some foreign company? in this case would be a sign of cynicism. If so, let it be said publicly.
waiting to know the reason for this unusual black-out, we can only hope that THOR, fruit dell'indiscusso Italian genius, both as first considered by the mainstream media and institutions , at least to see her so much praised performance in the hope that it is able to solve the problem of urban solid waste in our country and redeem the shame that they have defiled its image in the world. It 's a risk that, like Naples, according to Eurispes, many Italian cities can not run, given the saturation of the next landfill and waste enormous speculation that, as a cash cow, feed corruption and cronyism of the worst kind anywhere problem presents itself.
Francis Pugliarello - reworked by the West.
What is THOR? is more than an incinerator, a miraculous invention of the CNR .
In a series of contacts at the time by myself with Dr. Paolo Plescia of the National Research Council (CNR), a prodigious inventor of undifferentiated garbage recycling plant , The scientist assured me that his "device" in its experimental phase in Messina, was placed on the market within the year, namely in 2008. E 'likely that the news did not like the poppies of incinerators, or perhaps because of its simplicity and low cost / income and even the media because, after the interest shown in the first months of that year, THOR has fallen under a blanket of an inexplicable silence.
THOR stands for "Total House Waste Recycling", or complete recycling of household waste, a real hog waste. This is a radically innovative technology, designed developed and made entirely in Italy by the team of Plescia ISMN-CNR (Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials) in collaboration with a private company ASSING of Rome. According to the CNR processing steps undergone by the refusal of the order are: crushing and screening, magnetic separation of ferrous, non ferrous metals separation of eddy current, separation of aggregates by dividing ballistic and eventual separation enrichment of a fraction "compounds" made from rubber, PVC and other plastics heavy grinding combustible fraction of waste at a mill micronized to achieve sub-millimeter dimensions and then refining fuel by ciclonatura. A concrete Esmie its capabilities? Leggiamolo in a note dated January 2008 CNR:
"an urban area of \u200b\u200b5,000 inhabitants produces around 50 tonnes of solid waste per day - inform researchers - with these, Thor, enables to obtain a daily average of 30 tons of fuel, 3 tons of glass, 2 tons of ferrous and non ferrous metals and a tonne of aggregates, and in which 'also includes the chlorine-rich fraction of the waste that is separated to avoid contaminating the fuel. " "The rest of the waste 'water that is expelled as vapor during the process of micronization. The product that comes from Thor and 'sterilized' cause the pressures that are generated in the mill, from 8000 to 15000 atmospheres, determine the complete destruction of bacterial flora and, furthermore, does not produce odors from fermentation remains inert from a biological standpoint, but fuel.
The result of this treatment is the production of micro-crushed by a fuel calorific value comparable to that of coal . During this phase, the water contained in the waste evaporates evaporates even as much of the chlorine (responsible for the formation of dioxins during combustion) in the form of hydrochloric acid which in turn reprecipitates CaCl2 or NaCl salt forms that are taken away from the fuel cycle by nature. This fuel is product in the form of powder which, pressed pellets and can be used in industrial furnaces.
By now the problem is chronic refuse emergency in Campania. Becomes increasingly complex and difficult to solve and nobody ever talked about THOR even in the event. "You run for cover, wipe the hundreds of loopholes left open by previous commissioners, before they accelerate the decay of the thousands of tonnes of rubbish strewn streets of Naples and its province - recently said Bertolaso \u200b\u200b- adding that it was necessary to face up to Crime. The latter, in viewing perspective running out a hearty source of income, setting stakes in the new political course and the resulting poisonous fumes of smoke, making it even more breathable air bell, but THOR never mentioned, not even a line.
Worried about the environmental situation in Campania, Silvio Berlusconi has returned several times to Naples Bertolaso \u200b\u200band it does after each Council of Ministers. But what is surprising was his lack of courage. While it shows, quite rightly, the muscles with military garrisons, it does not take into account, even at the outset, the adoption of this innovative system, much celebrated by the Board of Research.
According to the calculations of experts, as Naples and the province produce 7 thousand tons of garbage daily and THOR in "millstone" 8 hour ", just 36 THOR and a charge of € 72 million to say goodbye to the production of" junk "daily. While grinding with 100 THOR could disappear in just one year to 7 million tonnes of "eco-bales" accumulated over the decades. On balance, at a cost of thirty-three times lower, THOR is also able to get five times more energy per pound compared to a common incinerator that many food storage sites without central heating, separate waste collection, landfill and whatever ' more. In this regard, requested by signed if he had received any proposal from the Government, Paolo Plescia surprisingly answered me: "I do not think you want to have anything to do with politics, of whatever color it is, especially in Campania, where there is already a" floor waste ", which provides the only energy plants and planting. " It also declares (as it properly rejected the claim arising from his invention, according to the DDLS of February 10, 2005 No. 3) has "already given the use of his [creature] in private hands because plants are made for special waste , to entrust to private companies. "
The responses of the scientist, there is no indication of whether the plant has been sold and to whom. In the month of February (February 14, 2008) a press release signed by CEO of ASSING SpA, Renato de Silva, reported that if no other solution was found in the massacre Campano, "ASSING SPA is available to bring its know-how which possible contribution to the solution of the problem emerged.
We are curious to know what has happened since then. Why Plescia and De Silva were secluded in the not to publish their "creation"? What is a failure, or that something else is hiding behind the scenes? Unless, as stated Plescia, their target market have special waste (where the amount to be addressed are children and disposal rates are higher than urban), encompass the investment in less time and with less waste! And maybe the patent sold to some foreign company? in this case would be a sign of cynicism. If so, let it be said publicly.
waiting to know the reason for this unusual black-out, we can only hope that THOR, fruit dell'indiscusso Italian genius, both as first considered by the mainstream media and institutions , at least to see her so much praised performance in the hope that it is able to solve the problem of urban solid waste in our country and redeem the shame that they have defiled its image in the world. It 's a risk that, like Naples, according to Eurispes, many Italian cities can not run, given the saturation of the next landfill and waste enormous speculation that, as a cash cow, feed corruption and cronyism of the worst kind anywhere problem presents itself.
Francis Pugliarello - reworked by the West.
en 30.05.2008
Pokemon Green For Mac
Writers and publishers ...
Interview by Pasquale Giannino on publishing fee, publishing in general and the difficulties facing those who want to become a writer
What does it mean today to be a writer?
The definition of a professional writer assumes that a publisher may believe and invest in the product that is offered and remunerated by the author with a share of the proceeds. Clearly there were - and are - writers who earn very little and who are exploited by publishers (most, actually), but the fact remains that these things should work this way and that, in principle, the author should not never find have to pay to be published.
What kind of message to convey to the readers think?
I think a critical message. I try to make my readers call into question themselves and their way of life. I think a good book should undermine any certainty, turn on some fuse. For example, the last book, "Living to die", which I conceived as a sort of "Dangerous Liaisons" of today, I quote - novels - many of the episodes that have dominated the news in recent years: the blackmail, scandals, the compromises, the escort, and so on, taking a social photography, which tends to warn people from the myths of today and the allure of show business. Not surprisingly, among the protagonists, there is a boy became famous because he won the last edition of 'Big Brother', a young heiress, a paparazzo a wealthy and unscrupulous movie producer.
The stagnant situation in the Italian favors the proliferation of publishers for a fee. What is your opinion?
Many people write me to ask if it's worth to post fee. The answer is always the same: NO. Apart from very rare cases of publishers who ask for poetry modest contributions (under 500 €) any publisher who asks you for money is a "Alone", as they say in Rome. Always. The selection there is flaunted. The visibility there is flaunted. Interviews in TV shows, art fairs, all bales. These publishers never get paid even in the library with their books. Never trust the publishers to charges. The advice appeal to those who are determined to become writers is to not give up, and be patient. They must have something to say, to begin with. They should not expect to center on the first try. Should send their manuscripts to publishers serious, if necessary for years, until a real publisher will agree to publish their work. Many inexperienced writers
they fall into the clutches of characters unscrupulous, ready to bleed them with promises of promotions and services that they can never guarantee: often do not even have a distribution network. In the best cases, the author obtained copies that will sell to friends and acquaintances, but you will soon realize you have thrown away their money. Sometimes, the book will not even printed. Many well-known writers are aware of but, except for very rare cases (Umberto Eco in "Foucault's Pendulum"), prefer to remain silent. Do not you think that "talk" would be an effective way to combat the problem?
I know. And I repeat what I said before: do not ever pay to publish. There is another reason not to "bite" bait publishing fee. The selection that you are forced to face serious publishing a filter is necessary because all that is useless and amateurish is offered to publishers are rightly set aside. In Italy all suffer from the Promotion and all want to be writers. Well, it is right to move beyond a selection in order to use the title "writer", as in any career is to end the university and to overcome various competitions. The equivalent of graduation, for a writer, be published by a publisher who believes they can win in marketing the product that is proposed and then invests in it, and then the author gives a portion of the proceeds. The author should never put a penny. In short, I think ports face (taken for years) are a must of the training of a writer is to get the bark, as they say. I myself spent 10 years before they can publish and know what it means risking the loss of hope. But anyway I would discourage all those who agree to pay to publish. It makes no sense and in most cases it is an unnecessary tribute to our ego and our vanity. There are also small and medium sized publishers who do not ask for money and are still fairly in the area. Might as well groped with those, as well as large publishers. If the quality is there, the opportunity will come. And if it goes well with the first book that is written, then the best thing to do is write another and another and another. The point is to want to groped, groped, groped ... and wait until a door will not open. It 'a kind of natural selection.
The philosopher-mathematician Bertrand Russell includes envy among the leading causes of misery that afflict man and considers it an endemic disease among colleagues. It is perhaps this that makes the writer states so indifferent?
I think the writer claimed not indifferent, but sadly aware that the vast majority of people want to publish a book just because "is cool", and not because it really has anything to say or a story to tell.
What I can say to aspiring writers is this: many people send me some pages asking for a review of their manuscripts, and in 99% of cases they are immature works. You do not become writers from day to day, and if you did not experience the first thing you write is almost never published. The point is: Do not give up, keep trying to write and send their manuscripts to publishers. Certainly also need talent and creativity, properties of language and content, but the difference between those who publish and who is not public and especially in their ability to persevere. Send your manuscripts to publishers real (large and medium), maybe call first to let say if they accept manuscripts on display. Then wait, and meanwhile - if you really want to do the writers - reading and writing. Read the classics, you know what it means to write. Again, the first book is almost never published, mostly for the writer it is a test. Write no hurry to publish. When the time comes - when your text is ripe - comes the fateful phone call from the editor.
The problem, in truth, is more general: a sort of "hazing" circulated to young people - now rampant through new forms of exploitation (graduates hired for three months in call centers, project contracts, etc..) - a phenomenon that affects not only the literary world, but also the professions, employment, finance, research (drain brain), journalism ... Do not you think that young people could be a valuable resource for the country?
course I think. But Italy is not a country for young people - give me the quote from my "Living to die :-)
Interview by Pasquale Giannino on publishing fee, publishing in general and the difficulties facing those who want to become a writer
What does it mean today to be a writer?
The definition of a professional writer assumes that a publisher may believe and invest in the product that is offered and remunerated by the author with a share of the proceeds. Clearly there were - and are - writers who earn very little and who are exploited by publishers (most, actually), but the fact remains that these things should work this way and that, in principle, the author should not never find have to pay to be published.
What kind of message to convey to the readers think?
I think a critical message. I try to make my readers call into question themselves and their way of life. I think a good book should undermine any certainty, turn on some fuse. For example, the last book, "Living to die", which I conceived as a sort of "Dangerous Liaisons" of today, I quote - novels - many of the episodes that have dominated the news in recent years: the blackmail, scandals, the compromises, the escort, and so on, taking a social photography, which tends to warn people from the myths of today and the allure of show business. Not surprisingly, among the protagonists, there is a boy became famous because he won the last edition of 'Big Brother', a young heiress, a paparazzo a wealthy and unscrupulous movie producer.
The stagnant situation in the Italian favors the proliferation of publishers for a fee. What is your opinion?
Many people write me to ask if it's worth to post fee. The answer is always the same: NO. Apart from very rare cases of publishers who ask for poetry modest contributions (under 500 €) any publisher who asks you for money is a "Alone", as they say in Rome. Always. The selection there is flaunted. The visibility there is flaunted. Interviews in TV shows, art fairs, all bales. These publishers never get paid even in the library with their books. Never trust the publishers to charges. The advice appeal to those who are determined to become writers is to not give up, and be patient. They must have something to say, to begin with. They should not expect to center on the first try. Should send their manuscripts to publishers serious, if necessary for years, until a real publisher will agree to publish their work. Many inexperienced writers
they fall into the clutches of characters unscrupulous, ready to bleed them with promises of promotions and services that they can never guarantee: often do not even have a distribution network. In the best cases, the author obtained copies that will sell to friends and acquaintances, but you will soon realize you have thrown away their money. Sometimes, the book will not even printed. Many well-known writers are aware of but, except for very rare cases (Umberto Eco in "Foucault's Pendulum"), prefer to remain silent. Do not you think that "talk" would be an effective way to combat the problem?
I know. And I repeat what I said before: do not ever pay to publish. There is another reason not to "bite" bait publishing fee. The selection that you are forced to face serious publishing a filter is necessary because all that is useless and amateurish is offered to publishers are rightly set aside. In Italy all suffer from the Promotion and all want to be writers. Well, it is right to move beyond a selection in order to use the title "writer", as in any career is to end the university and to overcome various competitions. The equivalent of graduation, for a writer, be published by a publisher who believes they can win in marketing the product that is proposed and then invests in it, and then the author gives a portion of the proceeds. The author should never put a penny. In short, I think ports face (taken for years) are a must of the training of a writer is to get the bark, as they say. I myself spent 10 years before they can publish and know what it means risking the loss of hope. But anyway I would discourage all those who agree to pay to publish. It makes no sense and in most cases it is an unnecessary tribute to our ego and our vanity. There are also small and medium sized publishers who do not ask for money and are still fairly in the area. Might as well groped with those, as well as large publishers. If the quality is there, the opportunity will come. And if it goes well with the first book that is written, then the best thing to do is write another and another and another. The point is to want to groped, groped, groped ... and wait until a door will not open. It 'a kind of natural selection.
The philosopher-mathematician Bertrand Russell includes envy among the leading causes of misery that afflict man and considers it an endemic disease among colleagues. It is perhaps this that makes the writer states so indifferent?
I think the writer claimed not indifferent, but sadly aware that the vast majority of people want to publish a book just because "is cool", and not because it really has anything to say or a story to tell.
What I can say to aspiring writers is this: many people send me some pages asking for a review of their manuscripts, and in 99% of cases they are immature works. You do not become writers from day to day, and if you did not experience the first thing you write is almost never published. The point is: Do not give up, keep trying to write and send their manuscripts to publishers. Certainly also need talent and creativity, properties of language and content, but the difference between those who publish and who is not public and especially in their ability to persevere. Send your manuscripts to publishers real (large and medium), maybe call first to let say if they accept manuscripts on display. Then wait, and meanwhile - if you really want to do the writers - reading and writing. Read the classics, you know what it means to write. Again, the first book is almost never published, mostly for the writer it is a test. Write no hurry to publish. When the time comes - when your text is ripe - comes the fateful phone call from the editor.
The problem, in truth, is more general: a sort of "hazing" circulated to young people - now rampant through new forms of exploitation (graduates hired for three months in call centers, project contracts, etc..) - a phenomenon that affects not only the literary world, but also the professions, employment, finance, research (drain brain), journalism ... Do not you think that young people could be a valuable resource for the country?
course I think. But Italy is not a country for young people - give me the quote from my "Living to die :-)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Much To Replace A Tensioner
arrive in the store many new views to the halls of September ....
Available mtb SUMMARY ...... accessories ...... 991 Carnac and Sidi shoes and many other products ....... POLAR 2011 ......
We are specialized in the MTB 29ER
From this year there is a chance to run for the position ..... biomechanical tests on racing bicycles and mountain bikes, a qualified personnel ....... .. ..... YOU FEEL BETTER POSITION TO ANOTHER .....
you for a chat and for a good coffee'.............
arrive in the store many new views to the halls of September ....
Available mtb SUMMARY ...... accessories ...... 991 Carnac and Sidi shoes and many other products ....... POLAR 2011 ......
We are specialized in the MTB 29ER
From this year there is a chance to run for the position ..... biomechanical tests on racing bicycles and mountain bikes, a qualified personnel ....... .. ..... YOU FEEL BETTER POSITION TO ANOTHER .....
you for a chat and for a good coffee'.............
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Echo 400e Backpack Blower
immediately restore the carer's allowance
Minister on. Giulio Tremonti
immediately start rebuilding the carer's allowance
DOWN TO A DISABLED people are civil when they have a government that respects and upholds the minorities. The restrictive amendments on the disabled
true, in Budget Committee in the approval process
not give this signal. The first paragraph of Article 10 of the financial maneuver in the finishing straight, quite rightly deprived of the discussion in the meeting with confidence, restrict and even repealing the ten-year struggle led by the associations of families to see established the rights of 'weak' of our country. No EU country would dare to undermine the rights that are guaranteed in the last thirty years, albeit poorly, a growing level of autonomy of disabled people. Even in Thatcher's Britain welfare for the disabled has always been preserved, even in times of severe economic crisis. E ' the case that an attendance allowance is deleted from the short-sighted and amateurish incompetence of the President of this Senate committee, referring in particular to parents and families of people with Down syndrome.
As a mother with a child 70 years down to 32, I consider this proposal as well as
harassment, offensive because it does not take into account the difficulties that a parent has to deal economically and physically in the care of the needs and daily activities, even the most obvious
and elementary, of these people.
Sir I beg to quash the amendment and devise all the ways to tighten control on false disabled: a scandal that Italy can not longer stand (they are more than twice in each of the EU countries).
Otherwise, I Fabio mother I will promote a striking example:
deliver our children to his house and the President of the Commission Azzollini. Reluctantly leave them there for a short period that they become aware of the objective difficulties of daily life in these wonderful and gentle people and their families costs that we bear.
Confident in his sensitivity and understanding, I greet you cordially.
Maria Del Prete - Florence
Minister on. Giulio Tremonti
immediately start rebuilding the carer's allowance
DOWN TO A DISABLED people are civil when they have a government that respects and upholds the minorities. The restrictive amendments on the disabled
true, in Budget Committee in the approval process
not give this signal. The first paragraph of Article 10 of the financial maneuver in the finishing straight, quite rightly deprived of the discussion in the meeting with confidence, restrict and even repealing the ten-year struggle led by the associations of families to see established the rights of 'weak' of our country. No EU country would dare to undermine the rights that are guaranteed in the last thirty years, albeit poorly, a growing level of autonomy of disabled people. Even in Thatcher's Britain welfare for the disabled has always been preserved, even in times of severe economic crisis. E ' the case that an attendance allowance is deleted from the short-sighted and amateurish incompetence of the President of this Senate committee, referring in particular to parents and families of people with Down syndrome.
As a mother with a child 70 years down to 32, I consider this proposal as well as
harassment, offensive because it does not take into account the difficulties that a parent has to deal economically and physically in the care of the needs and daily activities, even the most obvious
and elementary, of these people.
Sir I beg to quash the amendment and devise all the ways to tighten control on false disabled: a scandal that Italy can not longer stand (they are more than twice in each of the EU countries).
Otherwise, I Fabio mother I will promote a striking example:
deliver our children to his house and the President of the Commission Azzollini. Reluctantly leave them there for a short period that they become aware of the objective difficulties of daily life in these wonderful and gentle people and their families costs that we bear.
Confident in his sensitivity and understanding, I greet you cordially.
Maria Del Prete - Florence
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Frontierland Place- Leather Bracelet
The analysis of the British historian and essayist RICHARD NEWBURY the elections 2010 in Great Britain
What happened to New Labour, with Tony Blair in 1997 that had won a majority of 179 seats to the Tories inflicting their worst defeat since 1832?
Why New Labour is finished as well? Why the Conservatives, led by David Cameron as a privileged, and Libdem, led by a more privileged as Nick Clegg, have had such good results? One answer is that Labour's Gordon Brown appeared to leave the area for that elusive call center more comfortable tribal organization and socialist class warfare . This has certainly shored up the vote and allow hard-core the party to live for new battles, but it also means that Labour's Gordon Brown is fishing where those votes could intercept floating essential to a winning strategy. In 2005, at the three-week election campaign, polls gave Blair defeated with 60 seats. Instead he won with 65. What happened? With his political instincts, had realized where they were the erogenous zones of economic voting than they were floating and socially advanced. He had also understood why he, unlike Brown who was born in "tribes" Scottish Labour Party, had "chosen" to join the party and had become the leading scaling the outside. For him it was a choice as a consumer, as is the floating voter, ready to change his party as to change the church. In pluralist societies, there is a market that is gained adherents.
The hard core of voters supporting his party like a football team - to win or lose. The floating voter's chosen according to his personal gain and success follows. It 's impossible to win an election without attracting these voters often fickle, and parties touches seduce them. However, as the center, they too are in constant motion. Where to go, is the story of post-war Britain.
were veterans of World War Two to massively vote for Labour, leading the central planning of social security in times of war and the economy. Conservatives, by accepting the new distribution of wealth, but promising to regulate it better, they won in 1951 and ruled for 13 years. What caused them to lose in 1964 was that they were seen as outsiders to the country, the aristocratic former students of the great private schools. So in fact they were Eden, Macmillan and Home. He won the meritocracy in the person of Harold Wilson's Labour Party.
Margaret Thatcher "stole" the Labour 'Syd', the skilled worker, and seduced by the mirage of the property . Inspired by his move against the Leninist Party Conservative of 'noblesse oblige', in 1983 Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Peter Mandelson and Alistair Campbell designed the New Labour to win back 'Syd' but in 1992, as Blair well knew, had become a little 'richer and turned in 'Mondeo Man' independent craftsman, with duplex burdened by mortgage and Ford Mondeo. He too had become a conservative and Blair knew that by taxing the rich, taxing its aspirations. So socialism became the Third Way and 1997, with a overwhelming majority of 170 votes - a real surprise - the New Labour found that the Mondeo Man were millions.
In 2001 he became the ordinary man a woman the Worcester Woman bigger house in the suburbs, 4x4, two children. He wanted more money for schools and hospitals and less taxes. "Stealing" the Tory scheme of public-private partnership (Private Finance Initiative) - the private builds schools, hospitals and prisons, and rent them to the government - Blair was able to buy back floating voters. In this election
2010, the floating voter has been identified in a new socio-economic entities: Motorway Man, man motorway. He / she lives in a residential areas built in the last five years along the highways, because it is a technician or a junior manager who travels for hours, eat and surf network in the coffee service area, and dreams of owning a bigger house - and perhaps send their children to a private school became a senior manager. The last time he voted for Blair, but now no longer thinks that conservatives, and especially Dave Cameron, are foreign to its reality and aspirations, but is worried that his house is now worth less than the mortgage.
So the motorway service station has become the battleground of this election: there, quite apart from the people at the pump, there are very few hard-core Labour voters. The Motorway Man has the same DNA floating voter who was the double helix in the body as in the Labour Tory since at least 1945. Tony Blair would be identified and incorporated into a new center: the one where the battle is won by pushing the opponent at the extreme wings, because being seen as "moderate" does win the election and be seen as "extremists" makes you lose.
The analysis of the British historian and essayist RICHARD NEWBURY the elections 2010 in Great Britain
What happened to New Labour, with Tony Blair in 1997 that had won a majority of 179 seats to the Tories inflicting their worst defeat since 1832?
Why New Labour is finished as well? Why the Conservatives, led by David Cameron as a privileged, and Libdem, led by a more privileged as Nick Clegg, have had such good results? One answer is that Labour's Gordon Brown appeared to leave the area for that elusive call center more comfortable tribal organization and socialist class warfare . This has certainly shored up the vote and allow hard-core the party to live for new battles, but it also means that Labour's Gordon Brown is fishing where those votes could intercept floating essential to a winning strategy. In 2005, at the three-week election campaign, polls gave Blair defeated with 60 seats. Instead he won with 65. What happened? With his political instincts, had realized where they were the erogenous zones of economic voting than they were floating and socially advanced. He had also understood why he, unlike Brown who was born in "tribes" Scottish Labour Party, had "chosen" to join the party and had become the leading scaling the outside. For him it was a choice as a consumer, as is the floating voter, ready to change his party as to change the church. In pluralist societies, there is a market that is gained adherents.
The hard core of voters supporting his party like a football team - to win or lose. The floating voter's chosen according to his personal gain and success follows. It 's impossible to win an election without attracting these voters often fickle, and parties touches seduce them. However, as the center, they too are in constant motion. Where to go, is the story of post-war Britain.
were veterans of World War Two to massively vote for Labour, leading the central planning of social security in times of war and the economy. Conservatives, by accepting the new distribution of wealth, but promising to regulate it better, they won in 1951 and ruled for 13 years. What caused them to lose in 1964 was that they were seen as outsiders to the country, the aristocratic former students of the great private schools. So in fact they were Eden, Macmillan and Home. He won the meritocracy in the person of Harold Wilson's Labour Party.
Margaret Thatcher "stole" the Labour 'Syd', the skilled worker, and seduced by the mirage of the property . Inspired by his move against the Leninist Party Conservative of 'noblesse oblige', in 1983 Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Peter Mandelson and Alistair Campbell designed the New Labour to win back 'Syd' but in 1992, as Blair well knew, had become a little 'richer and turned in 'Mondeo Man' independent craftsman, with duplex burdened by mortgage and Ford Mondeo. He too had become a conservative and Blair knew that by taxing the rich, taxing its aspirations. So socialism became the Third Way and 1997, with a overwhelming majority of 170 votes - a real surprise - the New Labour found that the Mondeo Man were millions.
In 2001 he became the ordinary man a woman the Worcester Woman bigger house in the suburbs, 4x4, two children. He wanted more money for schools and hospitals and less taxes. "Stealing" the Tory scheme of public-private partnership (Private Finance Initiative) - the private builds schools, hospitals and prisons, and rent them to the government - Blair was able to buy back floating voters. In this election
2010, the floating voter has been identified in a new socio-economic entities: Motorway Man, man motorway. He / she lives in a residential areas built in the last five years along the highways, because it is a technician or a junior manager who travels for hours, eat and surf network in the coffee service area, and dreams of owning a bigger house - and perhaps send their children to a private school became a senior manager. The last time he voted for Blair, but now no longer thinks that conservatives, and especially Dave Cameron, are foreign to its reality and aspirations, but is worried that his house is now worth less than the mortgage.
So the motorway service station has become the battleground of this election: there, quite apart from the people at the pump, there are very few hard-core Labour voters. The Motorway Man has the same DNA floating voter who was the double helix in the body as in the Labour Tory since at least 1945. Tony Blair would be identified and incorporated into a new center: the one where the battle is won by pushing the opponent at the extreme wings, because being seen as "moderate" does win the election and be seen as "extremists" makes you lose.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Answersor Ap Bio Lab 8
Fini's behavior is immoral and politically loser
From reading these days analysts' Farefuturo "I get the segfuenti reflections. I think the question Berlusconi-Fini, beyond the 'decorated with bows' of the media, is much easier than you think.
Fini, to what end reciter, almirantiana formed at the school, since we nominate for President of the Chamber, does not look that visibility. Today, who presented it to Almirante says sorry to have done: seek to conquer personal power by climbing between the mirrors. "A psychoanalyst would say that wants to kill his father, however, Almirante has taken the trouble. Now Berlusconi is the father "(John Salvi).
not forget that he comes from that school. A school whose roots take nourishment from the violent anti-communist protest, but not anti-authoritarian. Do not forget when the kippa on his head covered with ashes to the 'yad vascem' announced to the world that "Fascism was the absolute evil." Do not forget when you submit to Ardeatine utters this phrase: "It 's been with the men of the Resistance the homeland not only survived, but is regenerated.'' To be malicious, on that occasion was attended by representatives of the AMP, and Napolitano ... And yet let us not forget just when the Grim day in the national executive of Berlusconi's PDL pointed out that it has always defiladed meetings of the Bureau. We can not forget when the day after the appointment as Chairman of Parliament criticized the approach that Berlusconi had given the party he had helped to found. Finally, we can not forget the harsh reaction was not consulted ahead of time when Silvio, the infamous "running board" stated that, complete the design of a modern liberal party opposed to the post-communist and post-Marxist culture still dominant in the ganglia of the state, the prime minister as a man of the labeling "comes plebiscite."
This is not a haughty behavior at times tratufesco that does not fit a Head of State? Want to get back in the game? The desire for revenge? Desire for power for power or desire to plunder the federalist idea never died down in Italy? Of course with and with but if you can not do the job to anyone, but if these are the facts, where, as we say in our country, "he is praised for bone and then tirargliele in your pocket," then the attitude in these two-year term of Gianfranco towards his friend Silvio is clearly the light, and becomes even clearer when one considers the statement of the President resentful of the other branch of Parliament: on those conditions, it is better to go to the polls. "
In this context one can not blame those who benefited from a position of power, now claim the right to dissent or even as initially feared, his current party, to those who had "duty paid".
The recent opening of dialogue with Berlusconi Fini has expressed publicly in the "Third House," appears credible had it not been for fifteen years a trickle of criticism of the Government and the Prime Minister in all its externalization from trifles to matters of vital importance , as the bioethical problems, recurring emergency ordinances and the crime of illegal immigration.
ungrateful, faithless, Judas? We want to accept this way of doing politics? Certainly, two strong men of character and ethical value, sooner or later come into conflict. But in the case of a conflict between a vertex of the State and the Chief Executive, appear incomprehensible and destructive for the country, especially if they belong to the same party. In any case
publicly criticize the project that the same Mr Gianfranco Fini had helped to develop is not a good show abroad is reckless, and as such continue on this path history and the voters will eventually be condemned.
final consideration. Really a Speaker of the House should refrain from doing politics? Judging by the way in which until now has been portrayed, you would not. Iotti, Ingrao, Gronkowski, Scalfaro docent. We try too ...!
Regarding its maximum "Pretoria", Italo Bocchino, says much about the game that is still to be played within the party. Political commentators closer to the Palace we probably do know that his resignation "irrevocable" presented close to the meeting of the Assembly of Deputies to decide, he would have been suggested to "hide the divisions among Finian.
Francis Pugliarello
From reading these days analysts' Farefuturo "I get the segfuenti reflections. I think the question Berlusconi-Fini, beyond the 'decorated with bows' of the media, is much easier than you think.
Fini, to what end reciter, almirantiana formed at the school, since we nominate for President of the Chamber, does not look that visibility. Today, who presented it to Almirante says sorry to have done: seek to conquer personal power by climbing between the mirrors. "A psychoanalyst would say that wants to kill his father, however, Almirante has taken the trouble. Now Berlusconi is the father "(John Salvi).
not forget that he comes from that school. A school whose roots take nourishment from the violent anti-communist protest, but not anti-authoritarian. Do not forget when the kippa on his head covered with ashes to the 'yad vascem' announced to the world that "Fascism was the absolute evil." Do not forget when you submit to Ardeatine utters this phrase: "It 's been with the men of the Resistance the homeland not only survived, but is regenerated.'' To be malicious, on that occasion was attended by representatives of the AMP, and Napolitano ... And yet let us not forget just when the Grim day in the national executive of Berlusconi's PDL pointed out that it has always defiladed meetings of the Bureau. We can not forget when the day after the appointment as Chairman of Parliament criticized the approach that Berlusconi had given the party he had helped to found. Finally, we can not forget the harsh reaction was not consulted ahead of time when Silvio, the infamous "running board" stated that, complete the design of a modern liberal party opposed to the post-communist and post-Marxist culture still dominant in the ganglia of the state, the prime minister as a man of the labeling "comes plebiscite."
This is not a haughty behavior at times tratufesco that does not fit a Head of State? Want to get back in the game? The desire for revenge? Desire for power for power or desire to plunder the federalist idea never died down in Italy? Of course with and with but if you can not do the job to anyone, but if these are the facts, where, as we say in our country, "he is praised for bone and then tirargliele in your pocket," then the attitude in these two-year term of Gianfranco towards his friend Silvio is clearly the light, and becomes even clearer when one considers the statement of the President resentful of the other branch of Parliament: on those conditions, it is better to go to the polls. "
In this context one can not blame those who benefited from a position of power, now claim the right to dissent or even as initially feared, his current party, to those who had "duty paid".
The recent opening of dialogue with Berlusconi Fini has expressed publicly in the "Third House," appears credible had it not been for fifteen years a trickle of criticism of the Government and the Prime Minister in all its externalization from trifles to matters of vital importance , as the bioethical problems, recurring emergency ordinances and the crime of illegal immigration.
ungrateful, faithless, Judas? We want to accept this way of doing politics? Certainly, two strong men of character and ethical value, sooner or later come into conflict. But in the case of a conflict between a vertex of the State and the Chief Executive, appear incomprehensible and destructive for the country, especially if they belong to the same party. In any case
publicly criticize the project that the same Mr Gianfranco Fini had helped to develop is not a good show abroad is reckless, and as such continue on this path history and the voters will eventually be condemned.
final consideration. Really a Speaker of the House should refrain from doing politics? Judging by the way in which until now has been portrayed, you would not. Iotti, Ingrao, Gronkowski, Scalfaro docent. We try too ...!
Regarding its maximum "Pretoria", Italo Bocchino, says much about the game that is still to be played within the party. Political commentators closer to the Palace we probably do know that his resignation "irrevocable" presented close to the meeting of the Assembly of Deputies to decide, he would have been suggested to "hide the divisions among Finian.
Francis Pugliarello
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Does Orange Juice Couse More Phlegm When Sick
In Europe, the regret turns into masochism
Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 27, 2010
"Nothing is more western hatred fed by the West." So wrote the French novelist and essayist Pascal Bruckner in his book The Tyranny of penance [in Italy published in 2007] NDT), well translated into English by Steven Rendall and recently published by Princeton University Press as "The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism. " "All modern thought," he adds, "can be reduced to mechanical complaints of the West, highlighting the hypocrisy, violence and the abomination of the latter."
Bruckner exaggerates, but not much.
He shows how Europeans see themselves as "the sick of the planet" which plague cause all sorts of problems in non-Western world (what he calls the South). When the white man set foot in Asia, Africa and America were followed by death, chaos and destruction. The Europeans feel born with the stigmata, "the white man has sown sorrow and destruction everywhere he went." Her pale skin is a sign of its imperfection ethics.
These provocative statements corroborate the brilliant polemics of Bruckner, arguing that the European remorse for the crimes of imperialism, fascism and racism is gripping the continent to the point of stifling creativity, destroying confidence in himself and exhaust his optimism.
Bruckner himself acknowledges the flaws of Europe, but also praised for its self-criticism: "There is no doubt that Europe has given birth to monsters, but at the same time it has produced theories through which we can understand and destroy these monsters. " He argues that the continent can only be a curse, for his lofty achievements complement his worst atrocities. This is what he calls "proof of magnificence."
Paradoxically, Europe is the same willingness to admit their own faults that leads to hatred of himself, because companies do not embark on such an introspection not rend. Europe's strength it is therefore his weakness. Although the continent has "more or less defeating the monsters" such as slavery, colonialism and fascism, it prefers to dwell on the worst of his work. That's why the volume entitled The Tyranny of Guilt. The past, with its violence and acts of aggression, is frozen in time, a burden that Europeans think they never shake off.
The South, by contrast, is considered to be perpetually innocent. Just as colonialism fades into the past, Europeans have reason to blame for the conditions of the people once colonized. Eternal treat childhood innocence means those who are not Western Europeans have the illusion of being the single adults, which is itself a form of racism. It offers a way to avoid criticism.
This explains why the Europeans are wondering what they "can do for the South rather than ask what the South can do for himself." It also explains why after the terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004, one million Spaniards have demonstrated against the Islamist perpetrators, but against their own prime minister. Worse, this explains why they consider the English civil guilty "torn apart by steel and fire."
As demonstrated by the attack in Madrid and countless other acts of violence, Muslims tend to have more hostile attitudes toward the West and the Palestinians are considered the most hostile Muslims. The fact that the Palestinian conflict the Jews, victims of extreme ferocity Western perversely makes them an ideal vehicle to reject the Western sense of guilt. To make matters worse, even as the European Jews lay down their arms and take the sword brandished openly.
Europe absolves itself from the crimes against Jews, celebrating the Palestinians as victims, no matter how cruel they act, and depicting Israelis as Nazis of our day, no matter what their need for a self-defense. Therefore, the Palestinian issue "quietly returned to legitimize the hatred of Jews." The Europeans focus their attention on Israel with such enthusiasm that one might think that the fate of the planet will be decided "in a tiny stretch of land between Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Gaza."
And America? Just as Europe gets rid of the crime of the Holocaust by blaming Israel [so] get rid of the guilt of colonialism, blaming the United States. " Excommunicate young Americans allow Europe to show off. For its part, Bruckner rejects this easy way out and he admires the self-confidence and pride of Americans in the country. "While America claims, disputes Europe itself." The French author also notes that, in times of need, the sufferers of land invariably turn to the U.S. and the EU. For him, the States are "the last major Western nation."
Bruckner hopes that Europe and America work together again, because when they do, they "achieve wonderful results." But his own response highlights how unlikely it is that perspective.
Daniel Pipes National Review Online April 27, 2010
"Nothing is more western hatred fed by the West." So wrote the French novelist and essayist Pascal Bruckner in his book The Tyranny of penance [in Italy published in 2007] NDT), well translated into English by Steven Rendall and recently published by Princeton University Press as "The Tyranny of Guilt: An Essay on Western Masochism. " "All modern thought," he adds, "can be reduced to mechanical complaints of the West, highlighting the hypocrisy, violence and the abomination of the latter."
Bruckner exaggerates, but not much.
He shows how Europeans see themselves as "the sick of the planet" which plague cause all sorts of problems in non-Western world (what he calls the South). When the white man set foot in Asia, Africa and America were followed by death, chaos and destruction. The Europeans feel born with the stigmata, "the white man has sown sorrow and destruction everywhere he went." Her pale skin is a sign of its imperfection ethics.
These provocative statements corroborate the brilliant polemics of Bruckner, arguing that the European remorse for the crimes of imperialism, fascism and racism is gripping the continent to the point of stifling creativity, destroying confidence in himself and exhaust his optimism.
Bruckner himself acknowledges the flaws of Europe, but also praised for its self-criticism: "There is no doubt that Europe has given birth to monsters, but at the same time it has produced theories through which we can understand and destroy these monsters. " He argues that the continent can only be a curse, for his lofty achievements complement his worst atrocities. This is what he calls "proof of magnificence."
Paradoxically, Europe is the same willingness to admit their own faults that leads to hatred of himself, because companies do not embark on such an introspection not rend. Europe's strength it is therefore his weakness. Although the continent has "more or less defeating the monsters" such as slavery, colonialism and fascism, it prefers to dwell on the worst of his work. That's why the volume entitled The Tyranny of Guilt. The past, with its violence and acts of aggression, is frozen in time, a burden that Europeans think they never shake off.
The South, by contrast, is considered to be perpetually innocent. Just as colonialism fades into the past, Europeans have reason to blame for the conditions of the people once colonized. Eternal treat childhood innocence means those who are not Western Europeans have the illusion of being the single adults, which is itself a form of racism. It offers a way to avoid criticism.
This explains why the Europeans are wondering what they "can do for the South rather than ask what the South can do for himself." It also explains why after the terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004, one million Spaniards have demonstrated against the Islamist perpetrators, but against their own prime minister. Worse, this explains why they consider the English civil guilty "torn apart by steel and fire."
As demonstrated by the attack in Madrid and countless other acts of violence, Muslims tend to have more hostile attitudes toward the West and the Palestinians are considered the most hostile Muslims. The fact that the Palestinian conflict the Jews, victims of extreme ferocity Western perversely makes them an ideal vehicle to reject the Western sense of guilt. To make matters worse, even as the European Jews lay down their arms and take the sword brandished openly.
Europe absolves itself from the crimes against Jews, celebrating the Palestinians as victims, no matter how cruel they act, and depicting Israelis as Nazis of our day, no matter what their need for a self-defense. Therefore, the Palestinian issue "quietly returned to legitimize the hatred of Jews." The Europeans focus their attention on Israel with such enthusiasm that one might think that the fate of the planet will be decided "in a tiny stretch of land between Tel Aviv, Ramallah and Gaza."
And America? Just as Europe gets rid of the crime of the Holocaust by blaming Israel [so] get rid of the guilt of colonialism, blaming the United States. " Excommunicate young Americans allow Europe to show off. For its part, Bruckner rejects this easy way out and he admires the self-confidence and pride of Americans in the country. "While America claims, disputes Europe itself." The French author also notes that, in times of need, the sufferers of land invariably turn to the U.S. and the EU. For him, the States are "the last major Western nation."
Bruckner hopes that Europe and America work together again, because when they do, they "achieve wonderful results." But his own response highlights how unlikely it is that perspective.
Friday, April 23, 2010
What Side Goes With Venison
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Acrylics Vs Poluester
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
What Are The Chances Of 3rd World War
New Logo
Ragazziiiiii .... new logo for my negoziooooo ..... for our store ... very beautiful with lots of news + racing ..... .... . available mtb and road shoes at a good price ..... aka ..... the new Geax performing continental mountain king ...... and lots of accessories and bike just arrived ........... ..
Ragazziiiiii .... new logo for my negoziooooo ..... for our store ... very beautiful with lots of news + racing ..... .... . available mtb and road shoes at a good price ..... aka ..... the new Geax performing continental mountain king ...... and lots of accessories and bike just arrived ........... ..
Friday, March 26, 2010
Harold And Kumar Botomless Party
Who can forget the endless controversies that left the fervent pen Guerrazzi between Peppone and Don Camillo in the fifties that were vying for power over their fellow citizens Brescello? These seem to me the sly Bersani and Prime Minister Berlusconi in this stretch of the campaign, with not a small difference: the "low blows" that mark a barbarism of political life.
reading newspapers or watching television will surely be dismayed of widespread malpractice that is echoed in all its evidence, has noted the paucity of ideals and programs from the late Roman Empire, as opposed to the wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bof a time ; have thought the exhumation of the centrality of the party against that of the individual citizen; the effrontery all emiliana Lombard opposed to the hard work: examples that only those who do not want to see can not figure out what place you're playing these days in our country.
If at the end took to the field even the CEI and the Vatican to defend the anthropological, the church that until now had remained silent, but must be some reason ...
Who can forget the endless controversies that left the fervent pen Guerrazzi between Peppone and Don Camillo in the fifties that were vying for power over their fellow citizens Brescello? These seem to me the sly Bersani and Prime Minister Berlusconi in this stretch of the campaign, with not a small difference: the "low blows" that mark a barbarism of political life.
reading newspapers or watching television will surely be dismayed of widespread malpractice that is echoed in all its evidence, has noted the paucity of ideals and programs from the late Roman Empire, as opposed to the wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bof a time ; have thought the exhumation of the centrality of the party against that of the individual citizen; the effrontery all emiliana Lombard opposed to the hard work: examples that only those who do not want to see can not figure out what place you're playing these days in our country.
If at the end took to the field even the CEI and the Vatican to defend the anthropological, the church that until now had remained silent, but must be some reason ...
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Gay Dare Games Online
elections undemocratic
Francesco Pugliarello
Once the radicals were the defenders of democracy, are now
cavillocrazia to prevent supporters of the party
opponent to speak. Words of a former minister
left as Francesco Forte. But what is more surprising is the secretary of
largest opposition party that runs the wagon
radicals also wearing the coat of Robespierre
of democracy: that Bersani
that at the time of the recent crusade against the crucifix declared that "... a
Strasbourg the substance must prevail over form. " In this story
lists, whatever the truth
exclusion of the PDL in the province of Rome, what is disconcerting is the behavior
entire left-wing coalition that would camouflage the desire to come to power without hindrance
as did Mussolini in 1925. We will definitely
someone with common sense that you will be asked the following question: can
democracy in a coalition, which enjoys the
excluded from a competition to see an opponent,
be politically correct to rule, after a few minutes late
staged an uproar in an attempt to prevent rival
present the lists in the pre-election?
BY E-polis - The Florence 15.03.2010 p.6
elections undemocratic
Francesco Pugliarello
Once the radicals were the defenders of democracy, are now
cavillocrazia to prevent supporters of the party
opponent to speak. Words of a former minister
left as Francesco Forte. But what is more surprising is the secretary of
largest opposition party that runs the wagon
radicals also wearing the coat of Robespierre
of democracy: that Bersani
that at the time of the recent crusade against the crucifix declared that "... a
Strasbourg the substance must prevail over form. " In this story
lists, whatever the truth
exclusion of the PDL in the province of Rome, what is disconcerting is the behavior
entire left-wing coalition that would camouflage the desire to come to power without hindrance
as did Mussolini in 1925. We will definitely
someone with common sense that you will be asked the following question: can
democracy in a coalition, which enjoys the
excluded from a competition to see an opponent,
be politically correct to rule, after a few minutes late
staged an uproar in an attempt to prevent rival
present the lists in the pre-election?
BY E-polis - The Florence 15.03.2010 p.6
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Brazilian Wax Pictires
...... Hello Boys arrive in stores a lot of news ......
1) you can view a MTB 29ER the first in the area .....
2) new road frame MASTERS CYCLE
3) new shoes Carnac
4) the brand new helmets and goggles AREO
5) accessories AREO
6) The new touch ECHOWELL
Cycling ... AND MUCH MORE ... ...
Come and see me ..... ..... I am giving you a nice coffee
...... Hello Boys arrive in stores a lot of news ......
1) you can view a MTB 29ER the first in the area .....
2) new road frame MASTERS CYCLE
3) new shoes Carnac
4) the brand new helmets and goggles AREO
5) accessories AREO
6) The new touch ECHOWELL
Cycling ... AND MUCH MORE ... ...
Come and see me ..... ..... I am giving you a nice coffee
Monday, February 1, 2010
Potterton Performa 28i Instrukcja
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