present was Andrea Roncato
A great event to Thursday, August 16 at the famous Papeete Beach Milano Marittima, where he stopped the tour dedicated to the novel "To hell I go by Porsche "Pier Francesco Grasselli, published by Murcia. Evening in collaboration with the staff of Fujica. The Library of
Librincontro Milano Maritima was present with a booth for the sale of books autographed by the author at the time.
The tour is sponsored by ACI Club Rimini and Ravenna and ASAPS (Amici Supporting Municipal Police Association), which will distribute free disposable breathalyzers and informative material on road safety, and the Association of Road Victims, who often collaborates with ASAPS. The disposable breathalyzers are kindly offered by the Automobile Club of Ravenna and Rimini. There will also SAFESTYLE association that promotes education and prevention initiatives to drive safely with specific attention to alcohol and drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases to sexual transmission.
"To hell I go by Porsche "tackles the uncomfortable subject of young people, dancing, drugs, alcohol and Saturday night, seen from the perspective of children who are tangled up, easy to have sex, they run like crazy on their powerful racing cars among the fumes of alcohol and under the influence of drugs, in Saturday night that seriously put at risk their life and that of others. Boys and girls, children and young people who have no particular problems and discomfort that may be our children. The novel is a sequel of the successful The Ultimate Cuba Libre (Murcia 2006). The impact that these novels have had on audiences of all ages, the idea of \u200b\u200bconveying a positive message and education through the channel of the clubs, with the collaboration of associations dealing with education and prevention.
Grasselli went to dozens of clubs for his book. No speakers or sociologists but vocalist and DJ who read from a piece of music and the other sentences in the book.
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