Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yorkshire Terrier Warmer

Bis of events: May 7 Travaglio, 10 De Magistris


De Magistris: Saturday, May 10 18 HOUR MARKET Austro-Hungarian Empire Piazza Trento e Trieste

"Recycled, defendants convicted of idlers in the new Parliament." So reads the subtitle of this new book by Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez, a well-documented and full-bodied (more than 500 pages) Who's Who of Italian politics that Labor will present in cream, room Alessandrini Wednesday, May 7 at 21. A reading is specifically dedicated by the authors, as stated in the opening pages, "who dreams of clean politics. That is a policy. " The characters and protagonists of the scene are our MPs, from all sides: right, center and left, without exception. Each of them draw Gomez and Labor, with the care and attention that has always characterized them, a very detailed with lots of identikit criminal record, absence and famous phrases. The book is divided into three parts. The first shows the "our list": the "good", ie the list of MPs who, during the last legislature, according to the authors, "have earned re-election to have worked well or have rejected the amnesty laws as a rogue and extra-large tubs to gag journalists' and the list of "bad" (variously articulated in Donkey List, List Free Press, Monnezza list, list our house), that is "Those who would have been better not to see more in Parliament." In the second part appear instead "their lists, or lists of political candidates, party by party. A directory that tells the illuminating light and shadow, deeds and misdeeds, vices and virtues of more than 150 politicians who will participate in the upcoming elections. Among these, the two journalists have identified and reported not only the names which hang on criminal convictions, but also "the loafers, the turncoat, the cambiacasacca, the ignorant, the enemies of law and freedom of information, the co-responsible for the scandal of rubbish in the Campania region, friends of thieves and gangsters who have never crossed the boundaries of the Criminal Code, those who fund house in Rome with the last name below leading either to the office holding "and much more. Finally, the third and final part is a comparison between the work space of the last two governments and majorities, with an account of their "laws of shame", and a summary of the programs of the two major parties: the Democratic Party and the People of the Freedom. The result of a long and painstaking recovery information, archival research, checking the sources, this rich dossier of Marco Travaglio and Peter Gomez will be a guide, without secrets and without hesitation, for those who want to learn more about the politicians who present themselves as representatives of Italians between the banks Deputies and Senate

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Crema de Magistris Cream the May 10

had made a commitment to come and cream and keep it. Luigi De Magistris, the prosecutor of Catanzaro, at the forefront in recent months for its investigation of Mafia and politics will be in town Saturday, May 10 to 18 Austro-Hungarian market. To organize the exceptional appointment two groups: the blog "Out The Game" made by some journalists Grilli di Cremona and Crema. A meeting that follows the one already performed by Salvatore Borsellino. The goal is to give the floor to two men who in recent months have had the courage to stay back straight. To give voice to those who - like John Falcone and Paolo Borsellino - was isolated and hampered by politics and the judiciary itself. Luigi De Magistris, the public prosecutor of Catanzaro had the courage to investigate the Justice Minister Clemente Mastella. De Magistris was investigating and trying to do it again on the occult and the committees of business today involving businessmen, politicians, people familiar with the judiciary and the police. Funding "public" handled by a system of interest and patronage. But that same "system" is doing everything to stop it. When those cards came out the name of Prodi and Mastella is all hell broke loose. . The work of De Magistris has clashed repeatedly with the world Political and the press has pointed out that by the organs of power, there have been attempts to stop his investigations. On the subject of much controversial parliamentary questions were presented to him both in a contrary submitted by Senator Bucciero and Centaro and others. Falomi Answered by Deputy Secretary of Li Gotti that in support of Luigi De Magistris.Il September 21, 2007 the former Minister of Justice asked the CSM Mastellaha transfer supervision of the Chief Prosecutor De Magistris and Lombardi. De Magistris, simultaneously, was acquitted of failing to take the necessary measures to prevent the "leak" Why Not on the investigation and that he had had "Casual relationship" with the press. The measure is not immediately operative, and will be subject to final decision by the United Civil Sections of the Supreme Court, before which the prosecutor may appeal against the verdict of the CSM.

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Contract with

States General Cremasco yes or no? It will make a pact between the Cremasco and our parliamentary or leave again that each of them earn their € 15 000 per month with no commitments and no accountability for anything to anyone? Bruttomesso (League), Cogorno (Cl), Piazza (Cl), Martelli (PDL), Soffiantini, Franceschini (PDL), Bragonzi (Pd) and Pylons (Pd) I agree. FOB (Rc). shrugs. And the others? The councilors of Cremasco? Mayors?

We must all be committed for you to establish a program to sottopporre MPs Crema. Serve as soon convene the States General of Crema, a two days in which all the directors of the territory (the majority and the opposition councilors, councilors, party secretaries and civil society), employers, trade unions and the voluntary they are around "a table" to define a pact with parliamentarians Crema and Cremona. A program with precise timing and methods of verification. A sort of "yard" politically useful to define the future of our country.
E 'clear, in fact, that the presence of two MPs in Parliament of the Democratic Party and two of the Northern League are likely to see our representatives opposed. And 'our job as administrators come up with Pizzetti, Fontana, and Comaroli Torrazza, the joints for a joint commitment. Each municipal council has a duty now to be promoted with their political groups belonging to this path.
Among the priorities of the pact should be put first raised the issue roadway, doubling the Paullese, the strengthening of the railway line, the question Metro. Secondly, "the vocation of the territory. The Cremasco lost in the years after the crisis Olivetti, its specificity: no exhibition space, an investment in a sector on which to lay the foundations for the future. Finally, the theme of "citadel of culture: we want to do Cream and the territory a" citadel of culture "by focusing on tourism outside the door. To do this is to build this path with our MPs so that they can identify opportunities and funds for this purpose.

There is no time to lose. Bruttomesso convene a first meeting with the leaders of the board's majority and opposition groups in each country. It starts here.

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Twenty right? The primaries only shelter

wind right on the country. If policies, you know, to make history itself, voting in Rome on the left weighs a ton, or about what her remains. Because it weighs in, and the perverse mechanisms by which it is expressed, there is hidden the punishment of the electorate against a model of doing politics that do not like, does not attract, not passionate: and that is the pattern of applications declined from , politics reduced to cinematic artifice, a mere numerical opposed to the hopes of the people. Do not like it, left, detachment, arrogance, the sense of the presumption of a part of the ruling class perceived as old and always equal to itself. Twenty right, we said. Even in the area. A Crema and Cremona, the Democratic Party shall, no doubt, but as the village falls, splashing over the voting right (PDL League or alternately). The more the community is smaller, the left will disappear. Useful data, this, for those eager to make policy on the territory and, above all, for people wishing to report to the Provincial in 2009, in a Province, to be precise, where out of 115 municipalities, only three exceed 10 thousand inhabitants and the majority does not go beyond 5 thousand.
The "old wolf" Democrat Beppe Torchio (wishes for a speedy recovery) seems to be uncomfortable in the current majority, but not willing to step aside. Indeed, it has already got their hands on launching an unusual coalition with Socialists and UDC. The votes, you know, are the votes from wherever they come from. He knows that among the fields and farmers of Casalasco has built a "honorable" political career. As if to say, I go where it takes me ... the right proportion. And the Democratic Party, who will? Will follow in this steep and bumpy road toward a center indefinitely, or riesumerĂ  a modicum of pride at the cost of putting an end to a tandem (one with Crema Alloni) lasted less than a mandate? Yeah, Alloni. The one on the left, unable to compete and parry the wind right, not because it is a f'oss'altro that right is appreciated and, most importantly, why is clear, simple, both the workers and commuters, as entrepreneurs. In short, one who could stop the rise of right simply because (really) on the left. Alloni is certainly known in Crema, perhaps less in Cremona. Besides, what will the radical left? And the Democratic Party against him? Splitting the current majority province into two, three worse, stumps and opening the way for the center, regardless of the candidate. Unless, by rubbing Lamp does not come out as primary, praised in words how much scuppered by the facts. Those already sent in the attic once, not so long ago: the municipal Cream in 2007, where, incidentally, the center lost city in the first round. After ten years.

Monday, April 14, 2008

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"Beautiful, infidels and lost ..." The new novel

Above, Michele Cucuzza presentation with the Art Cafe and Francesca Ferrando, author of "Belle Anime Porche" to review "Eat as Type" to Montechiarugolo (Parma).

Following the review by Ennio Rossignoli to "The Last Cuba Libre" at the presentation of the novel in Cortina D'Ampezzo

"Beautiful, infidels and lost ..."
Ennio Rossignoli

White Rum, Coca-Cola, lemon ice is the drink that took its name from the cry of the Cuban rebels to the English domination in the last nineteenth century. It 's the Cuba libre, which is the title of this book in despair, in which you drink with method and with the culture of a member dell'Aibes (which would be the greatest fraternity of barmen in circulation) and in whom you have sex, Indeed we do girls, with the same method and with the culture of a kamasutra without much imagination. Sex
as serial jobs, a variation of the identical, in fact Andy Warhol moved to bedroom. But behind the exercises of love horizontally, snorted cocaine, booze to rock rhythms, there is a vacuum, they move groping the intertwined lives of a group of young people in the affluent province of Emilia. An empty soul, that hellish crowd of dancing, their bodies stuck to the bodies and searched by hand indifferent, can not fill, and even the accessories are, of course trendy, of which these young people are armed well, then not so well are: cell super, super car, the strips of Armani or Versace or D & G, which for the uninitiated is the magical figure of Dolce and Gabbana. Screw
reckless, by Vasco Rossi on an Easy Rider ours, which the chopper - the bike lying of '60 - has replaced the Porsche Cayenne, and travel on the road on the endless roads of America in search of freedom, the small stage race of a generation - or at least a sample - that lost sight of the goal and does not know or do not want to know that his freedom is - false - the anarchy of feelings, deception induced by the laws of each consumer.
A story as it were open, that does not begin and end according to the traditional: it is first started and out of this book, and out and then it will continue, but with "The Last Cuba libre" has left a impression that the apparent form of an essay on transgression and sexual cannibalism has many reasons to reflect on how and why young people come to squander vast resources, mental and psychological and refuse to plan a future in excess of a around the clock - of course Rolex.
Pier Francesco Grasselli - a fierce vocation for writing, and soon discovered since then doggedly pursued - let the 'Autogrill' diary of his first trip to the toughest test of the novel itself: a kind of old, from time of the Greeks and Romans through the centuries to establish itself in the modern age. E 'il was chivalrous adventure, historical and social, realistic, intimate, and has removed the man's world, abolishing the subject to lay eyes on the "totality of things", was political and entertainment, action and training, but whatever was the habit has forced on its pages for generations of men in search of truth, or substitutes for those truths which are stories of literature.
For "The Last Cuba libre" - which is inconvenient or Kierkegaard Watson - you can think of a novel definition of "behavioral," or maybe "existentialist" but I especially felt a sort of cold dossier on frantic, foolish, cortical hedonism in the name of which a rich burn their youth to embrace her life believing. They fight the boredom and the fear of boredom running at 200 per hour in the darkness of nights, or slipping in some sex-party in which they are trying to kill the loneliness. As in "Reigen" the circle of Arthur Schnitzler, what happens is closed in a circle in which the actions are repeated, but change the points of view from which the players and watch them live.
Leo, Jessica, Tony, Gretchen, Claudio, Max: beautiful, unfaithful, sexually insatiable, even capable of feeling, but never to make it a core of the soul. Students failed, who are satisfied with the 18 "garden" - that is put on test booklet thrown out the window in disgust from the professor - but connoisseurs of exotic drinks and every musical slang. A procession without happiness, which moves in a world painted in black, screaming as the last CD, which is where it leads the inertia of a pleasure that repeats the usual rites in the usual places: the "Disco Labirinto", a circle of hell where they lose their minds, and Cortina D'Ampezzo, where you need to be confirmed members of the community happy few, the privileged few, or those who have the air of being so. A Curtain of yesteryear in the snow, visited the places where they make jokes sex portable toilet eroticism for women. Scandal? Cortina in high politics, the big business of big sports, everything takes place: even the unsavory habits of the young lions in vacation travel. Chips transgression that once fucked in a hurry under the carpet of respectability, and now hover in the air bracing of the Dolomites free, and if found, as in our case, someone able to collect and deposit them in the pages of a book, remain nothing more than trivial details of a story far more important.
On the other hand, is it not true that even the obscene literature offers the opportunity, the means of a purchase, transferring it as a document of costume in the space of art, or its vicinity? The list would be long, from Henry Miller to Lawrence, and from Bukovski Houellebecq, so it is in good company the young Grasselli, but does not accuse relatives, because he is the son of the civilization in which everything can be hard - from sex to music, cinema, language, in which time all lie on the speed of the mill, where the only perceptible dimension of this is that in a moment has already passed, and the place where the feelings are feelings, and drives the place of thoughts . So his book was bound to be a faithful witness: I first talked about the novel, but perhaps I should speak of a compilation of lives torn, a collection of clips and allusions, however, explicit, such as advertising a youth wrong. George Bataille wrote that eroticism is the deepening of life even into death, but the protagonists of this book, these last trincatori Cuba libre, glide over the life without questioning, and death - when they encounter - is nothing more than a setback, a hitch in the operation of habits.
And so, instead of eroticism, here is the copulatory bulimia, secreting the mood, but leaves the soul dry. You can even kill and immediately turn up the volume of the stereo, trying to maneuver it into something happy and carefree, and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, and start again. Stendhal said that a novel is a mirror that goes in the street, sometimes reflects the blue of the sky, sometimes the mud puddles. Today, instead of the mirror is perhaps the phone, but the landscape does not change: read this book, and I'll agree.